Optimus Gets Mad in New Transformers Trailer

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
You know what I love about this? The fact that despite all the complaining and wining that going on right now, the movie will still make millions upon millions of dollars and be a huge success.

And, of course, when it does, there will predictably be an outcry of people online asking why the movie was successful, along with the occasional comment about how anyone who liked the movie is an idiot, never once considering that the reason Michael Bay is a successful Hollywood director is because he makes movies that people like and the reason that he continues to get hired to make movies is because his movies make money, and Hollywood executives happen to like it when the directors they hire continue to make movies that make them lots of money.

So to all those who complain that the movie is going to be terrible, I say 'nyah!' to you, as I will be seeing this movie in theaters, I have little doubt I will enjoy it, and I offer a recommendation that you take a look at your backsides, because at least a few of you probably have sticks suck where they don't belong that you could stand to pull out.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
figday said:

no megan fox in sight..thank god!! does this mean the movie will focus on the Bots instead of Sam's love and sex life with an actress that is more suitable acting in porn?

and if this movie turns out to be as bad as the 2nd one then i sincerely hope this will be the last of the franchise.
they replaced her with something worse and blonder, really she was the only part of 2 that I liked and I didnt like her in the first one at all, but fuck sam hes such a boring char, they should have kicked shia (dont care enough to spell it right) out on his dumbass and replaced him with a box or something that had real character


New member
May 21, 2008
At first I figured, oh no, another Transformers film, coupled with the awful title (Dark of the Moon, really?) I was going to give it a miss.

Then I saw Optimus prime going to town on robots with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other.

Oh yes.

Captcha: Impervious Wargas, fear them!


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Space Jawa said:
You know what I love about this? The fact that despite all the complaining and wining that going on right now, the movie will still make millions upon millions of dollars and be a huge success.

And, of course, when it does, there will predictably be an outcry of people online asking why the movie was successful, along with the occasional comment about how anyone who liked the movie is an idiot, never once considering that the reason Michael Bay is a successful Hollywood director is because he makes movies that people like and the reason that he continues to get hired to make movies is because his movies make money, and Hollywood executives happen to like it when the directors they hire continue to make movies that make them lots of money.

So to all those who complain that the movie is going to be terrible, I say 'nyah!' to you, as I will be seeing this movie in theaters, I have little doubt I will enjoy it, and I offer a recommendation that you take a look at your backsides, because at least a few of you probably have sticks suck where they don't belong that you could stand to pull out.
Fact is nerds, no matter how smart they pretend to be, in my own personal experience, tend to be stupid on a lot of issues. Including how hollywood works! I also have little doubt that i'll enjoy this. That also means I don't expect some mind boggling art from TRANSFORMERS!


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Space Jawa said:
You know what I love about this? The fact that despite all the complaining and wining that going on right now, the movie will still make millions upon millions of dollars and be a huge success.

And, of course, when it does, there will predictably be an outcry of people online asking why the movie was successful, along with the occasional comment about how anyone who liked the movie is an idiot, never once considering that the reason Michael Bay is a successful Hollywood director is because he makes movies that people like and the reason that he continues to get hired to make movies is because his movies make money, and Hollywood executives happen to like it when the directors they hire continue to make movies that make them lots of money.

So to all those who complain that the movie is going to be terrible, I say 'nyah!' to you, as I will be seeing this movie in theaters, I have little doubt I will enjoy it, and I offer a recommendation that you take a look at your backsides, because at least a few of you probably have sticks suck where they don't belong that you could stand to pull out.
Thing is, no matter how smart people pretend to be, we're stupid on a lot of issues, LIKE HOW HOLLYWOOD WORKS, for example. I also highly doubt I won't enjoy this movie, and I've been a fan since before bay's movies!

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Keybladeking57 said:
That also means I don't expect some mind boggling art from TRANSFORMERS!
Yeah, Transformers is not a movie you see for "art". And Michael Bay is not what I'd call an "artist" type director. But it doesn't matter, because he's still arguably one of the best directors in the business right now. Certainly not from an award-winning Oscar perspective, but from the perspective that he knows what people want and what kind of movies make big $$$. He makes fun movies with $#*^ blowing up and big action sequences. And what's not to love about $#*^ blowing up and big action sequences?

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm just going to make a prediction. This movie will suck tremendously, continuing Micheal Bay's tradition of ass-raping everything he touches, but the people who like it will never be able to admit this and will continue to infuriate the rest of us by insisting that it's a good movie in the face of all logic and evidence.
And some people will ***** and moan about how the death of Optimus Prime in the original cartoon was the saddest thing they ever saw, despite his death making no sense considering he's a robot who can be repaired - a fact we see later when that other robot who took over the possession of the matrix gets blown to pieces and then put back together by the repeatedly cloned illegitimate child of Genghis Khan and Eric Idle.
There, I think I've officially pissed both sides of the debate.

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
RJ Dalton said:
I'm just going to make a prediction. This movie will suck tremendously, continuing Micheal Bay's tradition of ass-raping everything he touches, but the people who like it will never be able to admit this and will continue to infuriate the rest of us by insisting that it's a good movie in the face of all logic and evidence.
And some people will ***** and moan about how the death of Optimus Prime in the original cartoon was the saddest thing they ever saw, despite his death making no sense considering he's a robot who can be repaired - a fact we see later when that other robot who took over the possession of the matrix gets blown to pieces and then put back together by the repeatedly cloned illegitimate child of Genghis Khan and Eric Idle.
There, I think I've officially pissed both sides of the debate.
At least you're an equal-opportunity offender.


New member
May 19, 2008
Wow, is it a requirement that all the female leads in the Transformers movies look like complete idiots? What is with that big-lipped, open-mouth stare? And people thought Megan Fox was bad...


New member
Aug 28, 2009

in all seriousness, lose the love interest and make soundwave a cassette player; and then i will be appeased.

wait, my wishes won't be implemented? SONUVAGUN!


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Suskie said:
The only reason people like this trailer is because of the Inception-esque BAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWM score.
Sadly a lot of trailers seem to do that now. It worked for Inception that doesnt mean you should shamelessly copy it because they thought it sounded cool.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
It is in movies like the transformers series, that i love a certain talent i have:

I can ignore any flaws the plot has, and just enjoy the visuals. (this however does not go for WWII movies, school has made me bored of WWII.)

-V The Viking

EDIT: oh the horror! (i forgot to sign the post *gasp*)

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Space Jawa said:
At least you're an equal-opportunity offender.
Yep. It's one of the things I pride myself on that I don't just piss off one side. Nobody gets denied my hate in this world.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
What is funny to me is I see people that didn't grow up watching the Transformers cartoons saying they liked the movies because it had lots of robots and explosions and they don't have old memories to cloud their judgement.

Now, I admit I do suffer from a bit of nostalgia when it comes to the Transformers, but if there's one arguement that I don't buy is that there were lots of robots. The first movie spends too much time trying to be funny, such as the 10 minute long scene in Sam's bedroom where the parents make awkward jokes in front of his new girlfriend. No robots and no explosions.

Now I do admit that when the robots were on the screen there were usually explosions, but the robots never really interact that much (other than shooting each other) and you don't get any personality from them. I don't want to know how Sam feels about his girlfriend. I want to hear the Autobots chatting it up or the hear the Decepticons arguing more with each other. If you're going to stop the action to hear about Sam's feelings, I'd much rather hear the Autobots joking with each other or Starscream kissing butt in one sentence and scheming in the next.

Yes, I told you I suffer from a bit of nostalgia. But I don't think it's too much to ask for more robots than humans, even when there's less action going on. Give the robots some personality -- and not the stereotyped "I've got a gold tooth and I talk with ebonics" personality from the second movie.

But the bottom line is more humans = less CGI = lower cost. So unless James Cameron will be doing the next Transformers movie, we'll continue to see a whole lot of Sam crammed in between some robots and explosions.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
ryo02 said:
again with too much human stuff also the new female character looks nothing like the original (is see even playing the same character ... I dont really care).

dont like this and the same on transformer designs LOSE THE FLAMES PRIME
Pretty fucking much. WHEN WILL THEY LEARN I WATCH TRANSFORMERS TO WATCH ROBOTS PUNCHING EACH OTHER, NOT FUCKING HUMANS "DEVELOP"! Sigh... stupid hollywood and their obsession that nobody can relate without a white male frolicking around...


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Nothing in this trailer made me think that this movie will be any different then the last one.
Looks like optimus and bumblebee will be slaughtering lots of unnamed robots that look the same.

Its another Michael Baysplosion movie, and it would take something with the word -job in it from Jessica Alba to convince me to drop any cash on this pile of crap series.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Eh, it looks like a special effects spectacle, at least. I'll probably watch it a year or so after release, when it's available for streaming on Netflix.