Our Covid Response


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
It's not one you've demonstrated, your sources made up their data.

I have several times. The CDC.

No you don't.
The source for that has their sources on the bottom. Statistia doesn't cite their source.

A source that lockdowns do more benefit than harm? No one has posted that one.

Show me an equation of adjust for age or whatever that doesn't weigh numbers. Also, post a scientist or researcher saying weighing numbers is stupid, which you claimed and of course, no professional agrees with you.

Lmao, damn near every medical and government health site with internet was messaging about it. Sorry it didn't break into your social media, which is apparently just CNN's YouTube channel.

Bet if you searched something easy that didn't cross over with an important piece of medical kit or a specific person, you'd get a lot more hits. Try "covid indoors"
Link to me any point in the probably thousands of hours of Fauci being on news networks or White House press briefings (that were daily for a month or two early on) saying that ventilation is important. Fauci was easily the main communicator for the covid pandemic. Yet how many times did he harp on masks in comparison? Also, if the fact that ventilation is key and that the outside is safe and that was communicated to the public and media as well, why is this line in the following news article OVER A YEAR INTO THE PANDEMIC? Why is it being communicated that masking outside is even a thing?
The Memorial Holiday weekend marks the unofficial start of summer in the US, and for the at least 50% of the adult population that is fully vaccinated, it could usher in a season of maskless barbecues and trips to the beach.

Tell me you don't know how to research without telling me you don't know how to research.
If ventilation was so messaged to the public, then shouldn't I find tons of videos about it? If you search for the same thing but put in masks instead, tons and tons and tons of videos.

Who would have thought that, after all the MSM banging on about ventilation being a good way to help with COVID from about June 2020 would be seen as 'not getting the message across'?

What an incredible claim. Next, you going to tell us no one us that 9/11 happened

EDIT: Follow up question: Did you never watch MSM during the Pandemic?
I did not find a single article from MSN about ventilation between Mar-Nov 2020. I never said ventilation was never mentioned, I said it wasn't communicated effectively. Something being mentioned occasionally here and there does not equal being communicated effectively. It's like you can find articles about the hospitalization rates for covid but if you poll people on that question, they have no idea what those rates are and have no idea what the actual risk is.

Also, the first search result for finding a MSN article about ventilation is from 2 months back and the opening line is:
The Biden administration will announce new building ventilation standards for schools and businesses on Thursday -- a welcome step for experts who feel the U.S. has long been behind the curve on using air filtration as a valuable tool to fight COVID-19.

"The thing I think that is most important about this is the White House is using its pulpit to drive home the message that clean air and buildings matter. That sounds simple, but it's actually long overdue," said Allen, who advised the White House on the policy and has publicly pushed for greater focus on ventilation since early in the pandemic.

No, you're not.

Do you know why not? Because you do things like advocate mass ingestion of drugs with no identified efficacy for covid but a welter of side effects. You have, multiple times, pointed out to us how you have happily ignored safety protocols from a position of ignorance. You have constantly underweighed or lied about the efficacy of infection control measures such as masking.

I stated that outside masking is reasonable in certain situations where you may be at unusually high risk: such as situations where you are unlikely to have decent social distancing (e.g. densely packed crowds), as is entirely consistent and obvious if you think about how droplet spreading works.

Telling us that you are shit at searching for information does not prove to anyone that information isn't out there.
I have not done any of those things. You completely overblow side effects of drugs. If you look up aspirin, the side effects look bad but they don't tell you the percentage chance of having them and tons of people take aspirin daily for pain and heart issues. I ignore things that are safety theater and not things that actually do something.

Where's any evidence of significant spread at an outdoor packed event?

Show me articles and officials like Fauci saying how important ventilation is?

And how many flights were cancelled on Dec 21 in comparison to May? Let's see right here...

How were all those flights being cancelled with masking in place because masks are a significant way to reduce spread?

I'm being criticized for not being able to research things and the vast majority of people here use Twitter as a news source...


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
The source for that has their sources on the bottom. Statistia doesn't cite their source.
One of them used the CDC as a source, and made up numbers. The other is also wildly incorrect. There's no reason to believe your sources.

A source that lockdowns do more benefit than harm? No one has posted that one.
They have, you just don't like them.

Show me an equation of adjust for age or whatever that doesn't weigh numbers. Also, post a scientist or researcher saying weighing numbers is stupid, which you claimed and of course, no professional agrees with you.
l2math. I already told you several times how to adjust for age without weighing numbers, it's really easy.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Link to me any point in the probably thousands of hours of Fauci being on news networks or White House press briefings (that were daily for a month or two early on) saying that ventilation is important. Fauci was easily the main communicator for the covid pandemic. Yet how many times did he harp on masks in comparison?
Have you considered that you're terrible at research and your preferred sources have an agenda?

Also, if the fact that ventilation is key and that the outside is safe and that was communicated to the public and media as well, why is this line in the following news article OVER A YEAR INTO THE PANDEMIC? Why is it being communicated that masking outside is even a thing?
The Memorial Holiday weekend marks the unofficial start of summer in the US, and for the at least 50% of the adult population that is fully vaccinated, it could usher in a season of maskless barbecues and trips to the beach.
Safer doesn't mean safe, and licking each other's eyeballs isn't safe just because you're outdoors. Sunlight takes time to kill the virus so if you're breathing each other's air you're still fucked
If ventilation was so messaged to the public, then shouldn't I find tons of videos about it? If you search for the same thing but put in masks instead, tons and tons and tons of videos.
Told you how my dude. Gave you the search terms
I did not find a single article from MSN about ventilation between Mar-Nov 2020. I never said ventilation was never mentioned, I said it wasn't communicated effectively. Something being mentioned occasionally here and there does not equal being communicated effectively. It's like you can find articles about the hospitalization rates for covid but if you poll people on that question, they have no idea what those rates are and have no idea what the actual risk is.
We weren't sure it was aerosolized before Nov 2020. Unlike you, pros don't tend to shoot from the hip
I'm being criticized for not being able to research things and the vast majority of people here use Twitter as a news source...
Yeah, and they're better at finding sources than you


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
If ventilation was so messaged to the public, then shouldn't I find tons of videos about it? If you search for the same thing but put in masks instead, tons and tons and tons of videos.
Here's one that earlier than I thought. I recalled it being in June but apparently they had articles in April. Not MSM, just correcting my stance
Ventilation Is Key to Battling Covid. Here’s Why (wsj.com)

Very first search result (not from the CDC etc)
Researchers design ventilation hoods for hospital beds to help contain COVID-19 spread (unimelb.edu.au)

Alright. I gotta ask. Do you know what a Google is and how to use it? Because it's all there, plain to see

Anyway, yes there was less videos about ventilation. Ventilation is pretty pointless without masks and they couldn't even convince people on masks. Why would they waste time on talking about ventilation on people who will deliberately not listen?
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I have not done any of those things. You completely overblow side effects of drugs.
Look dude, I've told you before and I tell you again. I teach pharmacology to medical students, which gives me a much better than average knowledge of the principles involved in medical drug prescribing. There is a fundamental pillar of medicine which is to not harm your patient: all those adverse effects you arbitrarily don't seem to think matter are, in fact, harm. They don't magically cease to be harm because they don't generally hospitalise or kill people. Why the fuck would you give millions of people a drug which will cause tens-hundreds of thousands of people skin rashes and diarrhoea for nothing? (Which may then also require additional care, lost work days, etc.)

If you look up aspirin, the side effects look bad but they don't tell you the percentage chance of having them and tons of people take aspirin daily for pain and heart issues.
Aspirin is for thromboembolism, not "heart issues" (although there is of course some overlap). Few people use it as an analgesic or anti-inflammatory these days, it's been superceded by ibuprofen. Of course, it's funny you mention aspirin: it's long had a significant warning for children, and NSAID-induced gastric ulcers are the most common iatrogenic illness, costing the US quite a lot of billions of dollars a year to treat.

Where's any evidence of significant spread at an outdoor packed event?

Show me articles and officials like Fauci saying how important ventilation is?
How many do you need?

And a random splurge of articles from greater and lesser sources:

So there's plenty out there. This leaves us the question: are you incompetent, or dishonest?

If you spent even half the time checking your facts properly that you did splurging shit in an internet debate, you wouldn't need to splurge anything like so much shit.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Oh, this is like the Ivermectin thing. There were heaps studies but they didn't say what Phoenixmgs wanted them to say so they are non-existent


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
One of them used the CDC as a source, and made up numbers. The other is also wildly incorrect. There's no reason to believe your sources.

They have, you just don't like them.

l2math. I already told you several times how to adjust for age without weighing numbers, it's really easy.
The age-adjusted site tells you their source for everything. Statista does not.


No, you didn't. You adjust for things by weighing numbers.

Have you considered that you're terrible at research and your preferred sources have an agenda?

Safer doesn't mean safe, and licking each other's eyeballs isn't safe just because you're outdoors. Sunlight takes time to kill the virus so if you're breathing each other's air you're still fucked

Told you how my dude. Gave you the search terms

We weren't sure it was aerosolized before Nov 2020. Unlike you, pros don't tend to shoot from the hip

Yeah, and they're better at finding sources than you
That's your smoking gun proof that Fauci communicated ventilation?!?! Fauci literally is quoted as saying wearing masks outside is important. “We need to pay a little bit more attention now to the recirculation of air indoors" Just A LITTLE BIT MORE, not massively more because it's the most important factor in covid spread?!?!

Who's licking people outside? Doing stuff that normal people do outside is completely safe like talking, playing sports, playing at the beach, picnicking, BBQing, etc. Sure, sucking someone's blood out of a cut isn't any safer outside than inside, but who the fuck is arguing that?

Taiwan knew it was. You're always one to err on the side of safety, right? Why wouldn't you assume an extremely contagious respiratory virus isn't airborne and then work to find out it's not vs the other way around?

No they ain't. Some virtue signalling douche posting that Delta didn't want masks and then posting there was cancellations after the mask mandate was lifted is completely ridiculous logic. Might as well post how the US initiated more and more restrictions while covid infections kept increasing and use dumbass logic to claim said restrictions increased infections. I'm still waiting for a single study saying lockdowns provide more benefit than harm but not a single one in sight.

Here's one that earlier than I thought. I recalled it being in June but apparently they had articles in April. Not MSM, just correcting my stance
Ventilation Is Key to Battling Covid. Here’s Why (wsj.com)

Very first search result (not from the CDC etc)
Researchers design ventilation hoods for hospital beds to help contain COVID-19 spread (unimelb.edu.au)

Alright. I gotta ask. Do you know what a Google is and how to use it? Because it's all there, plain to see

Anyway, yes there was less videos about ventilation. Ventilation is pretty pointless without masks and they couldn't even convince people on masks. Why would they waste time on talking about ventilation on people who will deliberately not listen?
The guy in the WSJ video LITERALLY PROVES MY POINT. He says people are aware of stuff like hand washing (that does nothing mind you), masking (that does very little if anything), but not as aware of ventilation (which is literally the most important thing). Putting a ventilation hood on a hospital bed is how you communicate to the public to just OPEN THE FUCKING WINDOWS?!?!

We have wash your hands covid songs, where's a open your window covid song?


But I'm the one that doesn't know anything and can't research and you go and make the most ridiculous statement I think I've seen (outside of like microchips in vaccines).

Look dude, I've told you before and I tell you again. I teach pharmacology to medical students, which gives me a much better than average knowledge of the principles involved in medical drug prescribing. There is a fundamental pillar of medicine which is to not harm your patient: all those adverse effects you arbitrarily don't seem to think matter are, in fact, harm. They don't magically cease to be harm because they don't generally hospitalise or kill people. Why the fuck would you give millions of people a drug which will cause tens-hundreds of thousands of people skin rashes and diarrhoea for nothing? (Which may then also require additional care, lost work days, etc.)

Aspirin is for thromboembolism, not "heart issues" (although there is of course some overlap). Few people use it as an analgesic or anti-inflammatory these days, it's been superceded by ibuprofen. Of course, it's funny you mention aspirin: it's long had a significant warning for children, and NSAID-induced gastric ulcers are the most common iatrogenic illness, costing the US quite a lot of billions of dollars a year to treat.


How many do you need?

And a random splurge of articles from greater and lesser sources:

So there's plenty out there. This leaves us the question: are you incompetent, or dishonest?

If you spent even half the time checking your facts properly that you did splurging shit in an internet debate, you wouldn't need to splurge anything like so much shit.
Yet Ivermectin has likely caused more benefits than harm...

I was referencing taking baby aspirin to help avoid heart attacks, which is commonly known. There's a difference between taking a drug for a few days to a week and taking continuously. If we gave aspirin to covid patients for a week because we thought it worked, I doubt anyone is getting an ulcer from that. The placebo effect will most likely provide more benefit than harm in that scenario anyway.

Funny you eyeroll the fact that you have no evidence to support your claim. I have evidence to support my claim.

The CDC links, you have no idea when those pages were put online because it only says when it was last updated. The NPR article is from Sept 21 when everyone has already been vaxxed, that would've been great to have posted that a year and a half earlier. CNBC article May 21. NYT article June 21. BestLife article October 21. Conversation article December 20 (at least not a year late). Fauci's Bronx News notes (since video isn't available) August 20 says if you can't keep 6 feet apart (arbitrary rule with no basis in science), then ventilate. And, of course, it's mentioned with classrooms and kids who are the least vulnerable group. Again, when was ventilation communicated to the public effectively? It doesn't mean that it's merely up on the CDC website but was communicated over and over again by the voices of the pandemic; whether Fauci, the president, governors of states, the main doctors on a CNN or FOX that are on over and over again, etc.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
That's your smoking gun proof that Fauci communicated ventilation?!?! Fauci literally is quoted as saying wearing masks outside is important. “We need to pay a little bit more attention now to the recirculation of air indoors" Just A LITTLE BIT MORE, not massively more because it's the most important factor in covid spread?!?!
Didn't know that at the time. Besides, this was the time of superspreafing pool parties
Who's licking people outside? Doing stuff that normal people do outside is completely safe like talking, playing sports, playing at the beach, picnicking, BBQing, etc. Sure, sucking someone's blood out of a cut isn't any safer outside than inside, but who the fuck is arguing that?
Had a coworker get covid from talking to someone outdoors, so yeah. Shouldn't be shocked you don't get hyperbole
Taiwan knew it was. You're always one to err on the side of safety, right? Why wouldn't you assume an extremely contagious respiratory virus isn't airborne and then work to find out it's not vs the other way around?
I live in the United States, where it's normal practice to have people like you try to sacrifice people like me to keep the stock price up. Taiwan didn't have to try and convince 300 million people that wearing a mask wouldn't give them an embolism.



Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
How would you know? Your eyes seem to just skip right over any posts or links to contradictory evidence, like what happens when a muggle looks at Sirius Black's House.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Yet Ivermectin has likely caused more benefits than harm...
Firstly, you do realise I pointed out that research myself on this forum many months ago? And yes, ivermectin does indeed treat parasite infections. Congratulations on noticing.

I was referencing taking baby aspirin to help avoid heart attacks, which is commonly known.
No, you weren't, because you said to treat "pain and heart issues". The two uses are quite distinct.

Funny you eyeroll the fact that you have no evidence to support your claim. I have evidence to support my claim.
There's just too much wrong with this claim to make it worth unpacking again for what must be the third or fourth time, not least the fact you are just wrong because there have been outdoor events associated with significant covid spread where people have been close-packed.

The CDC links, you have no idea when...
Dude, just have the good fucking grace to admit you were completely wrong. No-one thinks your empty bluster and goalpost moving is worth a damn.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The guy in the WSJ video LITERALLY PROVES MY POINT. He says people are aware of stuff like hand washing (that does nothing mind you), masking (that does very little if anything), but not as aware of ventilation (which is literally the most important thing).
Just to be clear. You ask for an video or article from MSM about ventilation because you 'couldnt find one'. You pretended they didnt know any of this stuff. They did and they wrote articles about it

Now you've made up a different goal post and say that was your point. If you're going to say 'the public didnt follow the advice of CDC and MSM about ventilation' I would totally agree. The public didn't follow the advice on hand washing. BUT that wasnt your point. You're point was 'MSM BAD'
Putting a ventilation hood on a hospital bed is how you communicate to the public to just OPEN THE FUCKING WINDOWS?!?!
Do you know how air works?

If you get air flow through a room, you better not put a single person between you and that window (via the path of the air flow) or you're gonna give them COVID. When the MSM talked about ventilation, they talk about A/C units pushing air across retreatants. You would have this direct path between the infected person and the window and anyone in the air flow would get infected but tables right next door wouldn't.

If you 'just open a window', you can cause way more problems then leaving it closed if you are not thinking about

Get some in who knows a bit about fluid dynamics to help understand what to do. As far as I understand, its best to have some fan to force you germs straight out the window. Waiting for some random air to do the job is not enough and let's it linger around. Meeting up in a big stadium is precarious because there are multiple air flows mixing everything up. Outdoor events have wind that changes directions regularly. Even a gust of wind from outside can blows that germs back inside onto you or others. If you dont have masks on, that means you are spreading germs everywhere (unless you are fan forcing them straight out a window). If you demand not to have masks, you should be reducing the amount of people per square metre dramatically. Otherwise the ventilation will be utterly pointless. The less germs that are pumped into the air, the less likely the air flow will do unintentional things.

Now, apart from knowing how you're air flow works in a room, understand that this strategy is a percentage game. The droplets are LIKELY to follow the air flow path. It's not definite. Some might fall off the flow half way to the window and float to the side and drop on people. So it is not 100%. But the more germ you put into the air flow will increase how many divert into unwanted territory. Masks do not reduce the infected person from spreading to 0% of their germs but they reduce them a lot. So you START with less in the air flow, thus that percentage of particles diverting into unwanted areas is lessen dramatically.

None of this is 100% fool proof. Neither is washing your hands, social distancing, taking the vaccine or being outside. If you try one of these strategies, you might reduce your risk by, say 80%. Do two of them might reduce it by 90%. Three 95% etc. It will never reach 100% but your goal is to get as close as you can.

Teaching how air flows works is hard. You know what's not hard to teach...

We have wash your hands covid songs, where's a open your window covid song?
I have never seen this song in my life before now. Does that mean I could not learn about washing my hands because I didn't see this song?

But I'm the one that doesn't know anything and can't research and you go and make the most ridiculous statement I think I've seen (outside of like microchips in vaccines).
You only think it's ridiculous because you don't want to wear a mask and made stuff up to pretend to be scientific

All this above is just stuff that was well know 2 years ago. I can't help if you just found out about it recently and are pretending no one told you just to score brownie points
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Firstly, you do realise I pointed out that research myself on this forum many months ago? And yes, ivermectin does indeed treat parasite infections. Congratulations on noticing.
I would say it Ivermectin is dangerous in a cocktail and should only be used when necessary . So if someone wants to get test on the specific parasite (I recall it being only one) that overwhelms your system during COVID infection to get Ivermectin, I'm all for it. Randomly handing out Ivermectin in the hope that it does something when in 99% of cases it doesn't do anything is stupid and far more likely to damage people

Just wanting to make sure your statement is detailing the falseness of Pheonexings argument