Over Hyped game that you played and didn't like it

Heroes and Cons

New member
Mar 23, 2011
SpaceBat said:
Uncharted 1 & 2. They're not bad games when you're in the mood for just some exploring and shooting, but nearly every site kept repeating how it was some kind of godsend. It isn't.

Red Dead Redemption. It had ridiculously bad pacing, average gameplay, average story, decent characters and a decent score. It was a decent game, but in no way did it deserve so many GOTY awards and in no way is Gamespot even remotely credible anymore after having sucked Rockstar's/RDR's cock off that year (They never were a credible gaming site [just like IGN], but I personally stopped taking their reviews seriously after that).

Oblivion, which I don't hate and can see why others would like it, but I simply find it to be average and incredibly overrated. Nearly non-existent story, boring (although huge, beautiful and colorful) world, mostly boring sidequests, decent gameplay and good score, but flat-out boring overall. I really tried to like this game, I really did.

Fallout 3. You know those good things about oblivion and the incredibly awesome stuff of Fallout 2? Take all of those away and you get this piece of shit.

And GTA IV for the same reasons Woodsey dislikes it. Boring game, weak characters, bad pacing, badly written story, pretty much bad fucking everything. I bought it simply due to the sheer 10's it was getting everywhere. It was the game that made me stop caring about gaming reviews.
I agree with ALMOST everything you said - I liked UC2 more than you (though still not deserving of a 10/10), and Red Dead even less (boring as shit), but Fallout 3 is one of my favourite games of all time! :D But I can understand how fans of FO 1+2 may not like it, but I just felt it was a brilliant and truly unique RPG experience!

Oh, and I hate GTA IV more than anyone else I think, 90 mins I played before trading it in - I never liked the series but I had really hoped that IV would change my mind. It didn't.

The MOST OVERRATED GAME EVER, though? World Of Warcraft. That game is a wank stain on the trousers of the gaming industry.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
i would not say that my pick is over-hyped or even bad, but i would pick demon souls.

there is a lot of great aspects about the game. i dont mind dying all the time (i raided in wow for years. my guild spent 1.5 months just trying to down lady vashj. thats probably about 80 hours right there), but i need to feel like im progressing forward, or at the very least not BACKWARDS.

imagine in a mmo if you died on a hard boss and now you have to do something tedious and notably NOT fun for the next few hours before you are allowed to try again. thats demon souls in a nutshell.

but like i said, the game did a lot of things right. its just that huge insurmountable boredom hurdle that i could not get past.

Captain Booyah

New member
Apr 19, 2010
Ragsnstitches said:
Jesus. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who enjoys gaming anymore. Every game named thus far I have enjoyed and I start to question what it is that people are/n't seeing that I am/am not seeing. 20~ years gaming and I have no more gripes within the industry then I had as a child... guess I'm not taking it seriously enough.

It's gotten to the point that I feel like I'm playing a completely different universes version of the games people bemoan about. "Different strokes for different folks" ain't helping either.

A mystery of life I guess.
I'm kind of in the same position, but I wouldn't get too hung up over it. I think that one of the things here in this thread is that perhaps some people prefer general, good all-rounders than to games that are fantastic in some areas, but utterly fail in others, and I think the reoccuring answer of BioShock is a good example of that. The mediocre gameplay and *terrible* pacing are gamebreakers to some, but others are willing to overlook it because of its art design, characters, narrative, etc. Just depends on what you focus on and what you personally like.

OT: Red Dead Redemption, for it holds the cursed trademark of a Rockstar game -- clunktastic controls. The shooting and even just riding your horse was an utter pain in the ass. All things considered, it was all right, but I didn't love it. For whatever reason (and controls aside), it just didn't engage me. Shame, really.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I don't get why those games are so attached to each other by the fanboys. They are equally awful.
What I think of the fanbase:


New member
Dec 2, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
Ragsnstitches said:
Jesus. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who enjoys gaming anymore. Every game named thus far I have enjoyed and I start to question what it is that people are/n't seeing that I am/am not seeing. 20~ years gaming and I have no more gripes within the industry then I had as a child... guess I'm not taking it seriously enough.

It's gotten to the point that I feel like I'm playing a completely different universes version of the games people bemoan about. "Different strokes for different folks" ain't helping either.

A mystery of life I guess.
Name a couple of games that you don't like, then, so we can compare. And you're not the only one who enjoys gaming, just one of the people who enjoys these games, which are loved by many and hated by some, who show up in this thread because that's the point in the thread.
Chill. I'm not taking a dig at peoples opinions or personal tastes. I'm just set aback by the first 20 posters naming all (not all, but a lot of major ones) the games in the last 3-5 years that I particularly enjoyed. Also I don't actually think I'm the only one, that's a figure of speech.

My point is, when I see someone trash a game I enjoyed I start to wonder what it was that I missed. I know games have flaws, I'm not immune to glitches and bugs, nor am I tolerant to shoddy story telling/gameplay... but generally all the games mentioned thus far, for me, have some redeeming feature that, for me, kept it entertaining.

As for games I didn't enjoy? I can't say, I haven't bought a game that I couldn't get some fun out of. And I don't judge games I haven't played, even if I avoided it due to suspicions. For example: after CoD: World at War I never purchased another CoD game myself mainly due to the games not satisfying my SP needs, though it made up for it in MP. But I played both MW2 and Blops through a friend who owned them and I enjoyed what I did thoroughly, but never fancied purchasing it for my own leisure as it was still more of the same.

It was still fun, but being on a limited budget I will always try to get something relatively fresh... which CoD isn't at this stage.

Hype just isn't an issue for me. I have never got into a game and said "this isn't what I expected" in a negative way. I HAVE played games that I eventually grew board of. GTA IV for example. I got 20-25 hours out of it, I enjoyed the overall package despite flaws, but I got to a point where I wasn't interested in progressing the story and fun from dicking about was thinning. This happens in all games and 20+ hours is a good run for 20 euro (got it 2nd hand).

I suppose for a fair comparison we can talk about games I deliberately avoided.

*Assassin Creed sequels. The first one was very enjoyable and the story had some shining moments... but the future plot aspect was not doing it any favours and just the idea that I'm not the character I like but some other character I don't like sort of tarnished my interest in the plot... and consequently my desire to see the story through.

*Rage. The last game I owned made by iD was Quake 4, which I played through to the end and found a fun shooter game with a respectable if somewhat straightforward plot. Quake 4 had some flaws that, after playing Doom 3, made me suspect that iD weren't trying hard at changing things up. When I saw Rage I thought, looks like Doom3/Quake4 with shiny new graphics... turns out it is, which isn't bad, so I decided not to get it because I have had my fill with FPS's as of late and was saving for Arkham City.

*Resistance 1-3. I simply didn't like the aesthetics from the early previews. Though I have played the game/s and it is fun, I doubt I will get into the series this late into it as there are other games of the same nature that come out every so often.

*Super/Street Fighter 4. I love beat em' ups and I considered this one but I have preferences in Tekken and the Mortal Kombat series. I didn't look into it, didn't check reviews... eventually played it but because of my aforementioned preferences I could never get into it.

*Mortal Kombat (2011). I was skeptical after the critical fiasco that was MK vs DC. It was being released too close to Deus Ex HR's release so I didn't even consider it. Critically it seems worth the purchase and I did play the demo, but since then every 2nd month something worthwhile has been released since, so waiting for a bargain bin purchase if at all.

I'm aware what the subject of this thread is. I'm also aware I've seen it's sort before, this just so happens to be the one I decided to vocalise in. I respect differences in tastes and I'm more intrigued by such varied opinions then anything.

But just to give you an idea of what kind of person your dealing with:

I actually liked Deus Ex: Invisible War.

I didn't mean offence, this is just the one topic of many that garnered a response from me.

Hype does not affect me as it does to others here. I never experienced a situation where a game completely disappointed me, aspects maybe but the overall package would be good. That said I usually only play 1 new game every 2-3 months so most purchases are well scrutinised before hand, meaning I go in with relatively reasonable expectations.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Alice, Madness returns. The story was just so badly told. I managed to get through to the end, for the sake of learning what happenned to Alice's Family, but it made almost no sense, especially in the underwater level!
"Sure, I'll take time out of solving the mystery of my murdered family and saving my sanity to get your play back on track. Oh, now you're eating the audience. That's cool. Anything else you need?"

It was one of the only games I bought before the price was lowered. You've emotionally scarred me, Madness Returns! It may be years before I can trsut a new release again!


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Any Call of Duty game for starters. But I never buy those anyway, just play at friend's houses when over. Prototype was the last overhyped game I bought and did not enjoy.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
I didn't like CoD Blops.

I didn't like Red Dead Redemption enough to finish it in a year. I'll eventually finish it, though. It has a good story, other than "Yes, I shot the bad guys. Get off my case already."

I was a pinch below satisfied for Super Mario Galaxy 2. It could have been so much more, yet was a fair amount more.

I am perfectly satisfied with Portal 2. It has the big spaces and interesting chambers I expected.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Assassins Creed I spent most my time just riding to the cities and every single mission felt exactly the same.


New member
May 24, 2011
I must admit, I was very disappointing in infamous.
Infamous 2 is one of my favorite games, the first just bored the hell out of me.

I played daggerfall... it bored me
I played morrowind... It bored me
I played Oblivion and couldn't even be bothered getting out of the first dungeon

Still Pre-ordered skyrim as it looks it'll be the game that finally gets me into the elder scrolls.
Didn't like fallout 3 either, or new vegas.

Ok, this is the one I'm terrified to admit and am currently barring up my doors, setting mines on my front lawn and mounting mini guns on my roof for the coming war.

Ocarina. Of. Time

I said it

No ones going to take me alive
This gamer will not go down without a fight!


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Halo Reach. I still play it but it was so disappointing and had so much promise. An epic guerilla campaign against absurdly superior forces to prevent the nuclear MAC generators from being destroyed?


New member
Oct 15, 2011
What do you mean? Nothing changes, the only things you lose are Souls. The only tedious thing I remember was on 1-4 where I had to get through these clown fuckers while dodging the dragon's breath. Well, that, and the poison swamp.

You aren't forced to face any additional obstacles though.
1. the amount of consumables used (that can take literally hours just for one failed boss attempt, especially when 1 hit = 2 consumables which takes 15 minutes apiece of grinding to get)

2. going through all the enemies again.

yea, you can argue consumables are used in wow (although in reality if you are just starting attempts on a known hard boss you can get away with not using them), but 1 hour of grinding gets you enough money/materials to buy/make all the consumables you could possibly need for the next few weeks.

your character is not punished for dying, at the very least he is not made significantly WEAKER (and im not talking about soul mode here). Rather than dying being a challenge that must constantly be overcome with zeal, it becomes a boring annoyance. that is not good game design.