Pakistan Bans Facebook Over "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day"


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
So it all started with the cencorship of the South Park episode, did it? So it didn't have anything to do with the Danish journalist that painted a picture of Muhammed with a bomb in his hat? How typical, no one cares what happens in Scandinavia.

As for the draw Muhammad thing being a protest against Islamic extremism, I think they are missing the point. That drawing Muhammad is illegal is a part of their holy law. It's like burning a bible or peeing on the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Of course there are some out of the 1.2 billion muslims that finds that offensive enough to threaten to kill someone. I bet if someone burned a bible on television, there'd be some Christian "extremists" doing the same thing. Although that didn't happen when a commedian did that in Norway... Well, I guess it is a small country. And besides, Christians in Norway are used to just taking it when comedians take a dump on them. I almost admire muslims for standing up against it. Almost...

That said, the government banning facebook is messed up. And facebook acted hypocritically. I don't think the difference between Pakistan and India is so big they should be treated differently on this matter.

Margrave Rinstock

New member
Jul 17, 2009
I find both sides of this argument annoying. While in my Faith we Venerate the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) any Respectable Muslim, Baha'i, Or any Honorable man would not support the Lynching of People on such Grounds.

While the radicals certainly do give every Honest Believer a bad name, the Reactionary Bloggers are also rather Embarrassing. Honestly, Who will drawing Muhammad Help? What on earth is the Point? In my mind, freedom of speech goes to far when we reduce it to simple contest to see just how much you can anger People. Our freedom was Created to avoid oppressive governments by giving All the right to speak their reasonable complaints against the way in which things are run. We, in the Modern age, take this Freedom for granted and forget that with our rights comes the responsibility to not abuse them for merely making a scene.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
You may try to convince a Fanatic, but you'll never make him change his standing ground, unless he's inside a coffin... but that's another story.

i say that what they did with the 115000 fans it's a good initiative to fight against all kinds of RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL FANATISM.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Grinnbarr said:
Also: Facebook do take down groups if they think it's going to cause them loads of trouble (read: lawsuit). My friends made a group called 'Fuck Shia LaBoeuf' and it got taken down for inflammatory attacks against a person. I would have thought this group would count as an inflammatory attack against a notoriously touchy faith. Weird they're sitting on their high horse about it.
Exactly. There's you're whole world of hypocrisy right there. Interesting how in the episode of South Park that partially helped spark a lot of this drama, the celebrities (Tom Cruise in particular) were trying to use Mohammed to gain immunity from being made fun of.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
JaredXE said:
As one of those 115,000 fans who actually drew a picture of Mohammed, I say bring it on Pakistan and you other bitchy muslims. Here in the western world, and America especially, we have Freedom of Speach and Expression. Now, unless my expression causes you PHYSICAL HARM, you can ***** all you want but I don't have to do shit to accomodate you. Go ahead and threaten death, I support the rights of any person to say what they want to whomever they want. However, if you act on it, as you crazy extremist muslims tend to do, well then you are commiting an actual crime against an actual person, not a mythic figure that can take care of himself. And that is a big no no, which means you are going to burn in hell, if it actually exists.
This pretty much sums up my opinion on the whole thing, but I do feel quite bad at how evil I made him look (shamelessly promotes that video But someone else here said that if I wasn't anonymous I'd be to scared to do it which is probably true. But isn't that the point, the fact that I would be scared telling the Muslim extremists (I'm aware that a majority of Muslims are okay) that they can do whatever they want at no cost. No group should be above freedom of speech.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
SteelStallion said:
People are so quick to jump on the "freedom of speech" gimmick while completely neglecting the perspectives of anyone who might take offense from it.

So out of all of the different limitations and violations of your freedoms of speech, the only one you want to protest is this specific example? People aren't "protesting free speech", they're just doing it for the sake of doing it, childishly poking to get a reaction.

I won't go into details though, since I'll be opposed by everyone here, seeing as gaming communities are the most aggressive anti-religious zealots out there.
Except this isn't about being anti-religious, it's about being anti-extremist. Everybody Draw Muhammad day wasn't about trolling Muslims. Regular ole Muslims that take comfort in their religion and don't fuck with other people are cool. The assholes that, yanno, shoot and bomb the non-believers are the ones that need to be fucked with. By bending to their will, their terrorism and extremism wins. Everytime they do something, everyone else reacts badly and does whatever they want and that needs to stop. EDM is a great way to help people get over that and to learn to just start telling the extremists to go fuck themselves.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
but all i cant take away from this is that retard with the message 'free speech can go to hell' IRONY
how can you not love that. this hole thing is worth it for comedy.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
SteelStallion said:
People are so quick to jump on the "freedom of speech" gimmick while completely neglecting the perspectives of anyone who might take offense from it.

So out of all of the different limitations and violations of your freedoms of speech, the only one you want to protest is this specific example? People aren't "protesting free speech", they're just doing it for the sake of doing it, childishly poking to get a reaction.

I won't go into details though, since I'll be opposed by everyone here, seeing as gaming communities are the most aggressive anti-religious zealots out there.
I completely agree.


Derp Master
Aug 11, 2009
JaredXE said:
Here in the western world, and America especially, we have Freedom of Speach and Expression.
What do you mean by "America especially"? Don't we have complete freedom of speech in most countrys in the West? I've seen more shockingly offensive things on Norwegian television than I have on American television. At least I've never seen anyone burn a bible on American television. Nor have I seen an American show which is an animated show featuring celebrities - including politicians - not wearing pants (seriously, you see the animated penis of the prime minister, would Obama be on American television with an animated penis?).


Lord of Midnless DPS
Mar 17, 2009
Basically all governments want to control their citizens, one of the all time favorite is the censorship. So if they want to censor something (everything)they just need to find excuse for it, so it will be accepted by the general public. I am personally surprised the pakistanian government didn't find a suitable reason earlyer with all the crap going on in face fail book. Good riddance! Censoring stuff is bad, but a trend followed mindlessly can lead to a lot of trouble (yahtzee). I'm eager to find out what their next step will be, when they find out that you can find anything on the internet, probably restricting internet access all together. Then another riddance in this world of ignorant people on this world. Sometimes I think that all Muslims who do NOT want to live in our world, should just leave. Break all connections with other parts of the world and live in their own fantasy. That would be a relief for both sides. As for the human rights stuff, they apply to people who want to comply to the law, not to selective parts of it.



New member
Apr 20, 2010
Facebook can fuck off and die in a fire when it comes to issues like this. So pictures of vaginas or erect penises are "obscene" and therefore deserve censure, but drawings that 1.5 billion people find offensive are fair game? Way to arbitralily draw your lines.


Lord of Midnless DPS
Mar 17, 2009
SaintWaldo said:
What if it was "Everybody Draw a Swastika Day"?
Good point, but while terrorists are incapable of tracking every single person on earth who drew something unacceptable, do not underestimate the german government :D. They will eliminate everyone and censor everything. A great example is the Wolfenstein (2009) video game, that got pulled off market for having a Na-zi related symbol somewhere unchanged.


New member
Sep 28, 2008
I really don't like people who just go out of their way to offend, but it seems to be the in thing these days; the makers of south park weren't trying to make a point they were just after viewing figures.
it annoys me as well that people are pretty hypocritical, if I went and burned the American flag on live TV half of America would want me dead is it really that different?

I mean cmon how often do you normally draw Mohamed? It would save us all a lot of fuss if these idiots live and let live. Free speech sounds great on paper but doesn't work in practice.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
WaderiAAA said:
As for the draw Muhammad thing being a protest against Islamic extremism, I think they are missing the point. That drawing Muhammad is illegal is a part of their holy law.
Actually, they do get that, and it's the entire point of this whole operation. To protest against religious censorship and the iron ballgrip that religion has on the middle east in particular. Noble, but unfortunately most of them are just doing it because they're bored teens who went way overboard.
It's like burning a bible or peeing on the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Of course there are some out of the 1.2 billion muslims that finds that offensive enough to threaten to kill someone. I bet if someone burned a bible on television, there'd be some Christian "extremists" doing the same thing.
Still, does that give them any right to kill someone for it? Or threaten that the action be stopped immediately upon pain of death?


New member
Jan 25, 2009
joytex said:
I really don't like people who just go out of their way to offend, but it seems to be the in thing these days; the makers of south park weren't trying to make a point they were just after viewing figures.
Ofcourse they were trying to make a point, and make one they did.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
WaderiAAA said:
JaredXE said:
Here in the western world, and America especially, we have Freedom of Speach and Expression.
What do you mean by "America especially"? Don't we have complete freedom of speech in most countrys in the West? I've seen more shockingly offensive things on Norwegian television than I have on American television. At least I've never seen anyone burn a bible on American television. Nor have I seen an American show which is an animated show featuring celebrities - including politicians - not wearing pants (seriously, you see the animated penis of the prime minister, would Obama be on American television with an animated penis?).
Penn and Teller's BULLSHIT showed the two illusionists drilling into a Bible with an electric drill and then shooting the Bible.

America is still really afraid of nudity though, so I doubt that we'll see presidential willy any time soon.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
uhm.. i dont see the hypocrisy... blocking India is an act of collaboration and respect for the nation performed knowingly, Pakistan blocking facebook is an act of aggression and elitist attitude on their behalf. Pakistan is forcing censorship on facebook, while facebook is collaborating with India to perform consenting, limited censorship in accordance with their cultural beliefs. These are completely different things, Pakistan acting the way it is is the reason stuff like everybody draw muhammed day exist, india is taking a step in the right direction by approaching the situation with a cool and in a level headed manner (well apparently anyway). I'm just talking outta my ass tho so feel free to call me on it if this is just bullshit.