Parents call cops, worried their son forgot to take his medicine. Cops shoot him to death.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Double A said:
Wait, instead of shooting the tires of a slow car, they pulled a maneuver that could have killed him, and then one of them shot him for no reason?

What the fuck?
And you believe a cheap looking website you have never heard of before? What the fuck?


New member
Mar 10, 2010
After reading the second two links, this makes more sense, although I still do not see why lethal force was needed.

Chunga the Great

New member
Sep 12, 2010
My father is a cop, and if I hear one for "TEH COPZ ARE EEEVIL CUZ THEY SHOT A DUDE" story one more time.....

Cops don't just fucking shoot people for no reason, news services take advantage of stories like this to get attention by making the police look evil and the suspect look completely innocent.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Krion_Vark said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Why does America give it's morons guns again?
Because if you actually do research into it like I did in my earlier post you will find out a lot more about it and that the Courthouse News Service is retarded and should not be read seriously.
sill english cops dont carry guns just tazers(unless they have been ordered to)and it works fine


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Connor2224 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Why does America give it's morons guns again?
Because if you actually do research into it like I did in my earlier post you will find out a lot more about it and that the Courthouse News Service is retarded and should not be read seriously.
sill english cops dont carry guns just tazers(unless they have been ordered to)and it works fine
Is a tazer going to work on someone trying to run you over?


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Double A said:
Wait, instead of shooting the tires of a slow car, they pulled a maneuver that could have killed him, and then one of them shot him for no reason?

What the fuck?
Shooting the tires mean possibly missing and causing a ricochet and possibly hurting someone else not involved.
Using spikes to blow out the tires at a high speed would cause the car to lose control and flip causing more damage.
The pit maneuver is one of the safest stops for a high speed chase.

Generic Gamer said:
Krion_Vark said:
First off took place almost 2 years ago.
Second the guy was suicidal.
Third WTF is that site you gave
Here is 2 other articles:
Thank you for that, it's nice to see we're getting better. A fishy story shows up and someone thinks about it critically on the first page.

I mean we'll still have people not reading it and just commenting but hey, you can't win them all!
My dad's a cop so I always look shit up when it doesn't look right and it definitely did not look right to me too many holes in the OPs article.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Well after reading all of the sources all I can say is that it sucks that they killed him and they should have tried to stop him some other way.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
brandon237 said:
After reading the second two links, this makes more sense, although I still do not see why lethal force was needed.
You not understand self-defense? You know vehicles are considered lethal weapons when trying to run over a person on foot.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
natster43 said:
Well after reading all of the sources all I can say is that it sucks that they killed him and they should have tried to stop him some other way.
They did, they tried running him off the road, and then he tried to run them over, they shot in self defense.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Connor2224 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Why does America give it's morons guns again?
Because if you actually do research into it like I did in my earlier post you will find out a lot more about it and that the Courthouse News Service is retarded and should not be read seriously.
sill english cops dont carry guns just tazers(unless they have been ordered to)and it works fine
They also have one of the highest death rates due to gun related offenses since they have literally no way to defend themselves if someone were to pull a gun on them or try and run them down with a car.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
bdcjacko said:
Connor2224 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Why does America give it's morons guns again?
Because if you actually do research into it like I did in my earlier post you will find out a lot more about it and that the Courthouse News Service is retarded and should not be read seriously.
sill english cops dont carry guns just tazers(unless they have been ordered to)and it works fine
Is a tazer going to work on someone trying to run you over?
10,000 volts yea that'd be enough to stop ya


New member
Apr 22, 2010
I feel a little bad for laughing when I read the title. It is the sort of thing that you see in comedy skits, not real life.

Either way, the American police and legal systems have always been stereotypically bad. Normally it doesn't bother me, I don't really buy into stereotypes, but I might have to bookmark this for the next time an American person starts lecturing people from other countries about "respect for life and civil rights".

Poor sod. Had he the different fortune of this happening somewhere else, where they don't have third world gun laws, this could have all ended peacefully.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Krion_Vark said:
Connor2224 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Why does America give it's morons guns again?
Because if you actually do research into it like I did in my earlier post you will find out a lot more about it and that the Courthouse News Service is retarded and should not be read seriously.
sill english cops dont carry guns just tazers(unless they have been ordered to)and it works fine
They also have one of the highest death rates due to gun related offenses since they have literally no way to defend themselves if someone were to pull a gun on them or try and run them down with a car.
well they now wear bullet proof vests as regulation and they send armed responses to crimes that involve guns


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Krion_Vark said:
Connor2224 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Why does America give it's morons guns again?
Because if you actually do research into it like I did in my earlier post you will find out a lot more about it and that the Courthouse News Service is retarded and should not be read seriously.
sill english cops dont carry guns just tazers(unless they have been ordered to)and it works fine
They also have one of the highest death rates due to gun related offenses since they have literally no way to defend themselves if someone were to pull a gun on them or try and run them down with a car.
And, kind sir, do you have a source for that? Because I don't believe that one single bit. Our police, once world famous for being the best in the world, still aren't shabby.
Mar 9, 2010
bdcjacko said:
1) Is courthouse news service a reputable new source? Looks kind of low budget and fake.
2) Who call the cops to make sure their adult son may have forgotten his medicine?
3) Why didn't the cops just pull him over? It sounds like they immediately tried to run him off the road. That sounds fishy to me.
4) Then completely unprovoked the cops all open fire? Again sounds fishy.
5) Why would an officer who had used "unreasonable and excessive deadly force" not be reprimanded or terminated?
6) Why would the family not demand that the officers be reprimanded and/or terminated
7) Why is there no source?
8) Why is there no other website covering this story? A quick Google search of 'Joey Tucker shot' turns up nothing other than this site and other unrelated ones.

I call shenanigans on this.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I wish the title of this could be changed to 'sensationalist news sources and how they skew data'. Or 'Parents call cops worried that their son is suicidal, son tries to kill cops and is killed in self defense'.

Really. That is awful reporting, and any sort of search about the situation would turn up legit news sources that tell at least a better picture of the story.

Also, the reason this is even an issue is that the family is filing the suit now, TWO YEARS LATER.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I was immediately reminded of this -- or rather the ending, because I am a bit sick in the head.
In other words: cops being trigger happy and stupid.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Yeah, and people wonder why the general population is not fond of the police.

Seriously, what the fuck, was the cop on meth or something, that story makes literally 0 sense. You have no reason to perform a pit maneuver on a car driving at normal speed, much less so when there's vehicles coming in the opposite direction. You certainly have no reason to pull out a weapon on an unarmed civilian and you have no reason to do either of those things when you're pursuing a car/person because it's a kid who hasn't taken it's meds, not a fucking criminal.

I'm sorry, but I'll just summarize again - what the fuck?