PC Gaming is Cool And All... But...

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
Gorilla Gunk said:
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.
Wow, I have just about everything you have and didn't spend near that much. I probably spent LESS then you did for your PC.

Well I guess that's what you get for being impulsive and buying shit the day it comes out instead of waiting and shopping around for the best prices. A lot of wasted money there.
Most of that cost came from my 3 monitors.
The PC itself, probably cost no more than 700.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I prefer mouse and keyboard over controllers. In fact I actually can't stand controllers, I feel much more free moving my entire hand and sometimes arm than twiddling thumbs, and having the large number of keys on the keyboard is also a great bonus. I have to say, too, that I don't have to constantly upgrade my hardware if I don't want to, there are generally graphics options in the rare case my computer won't run the game on the highest graphics settings. It's not as if every week theres a new game which can't run on the top PCs, most PC games are made to be able to be played on a wide range of setups.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
The Lawn said:
Gorilla Gunk said:
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.
Wow, I have just about everything you have and didn't spend near that much. I probably spent LESS then you did for your PC.

Well I guess that's what you get for being impulsive and buying shit the day it comes out instead of waiting and shopping around for the best prices. A lot of wasted money there.
Most of that cost came from my 3 monitors.
The PC itself, probably cost no more than 700.
All three of my consoles still cost less then that.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
Azure-Supernova said:
Alade said:
Is the small advantage that the keyboard+mouse provide worth diabetees, heart disease, spinal problems and even cancer?
Are you suggesting that if I was lying my fat ass down instead of sitting on it I'd be at less risk from diabetes, heart disease and cancer? Science please?
Well, first of, your blood pressure is higher while sitting than while lying down, which can lead to heart disease. (this is common knowledge)

Secondly, long time sitting obviously leads to colon cancer.

Sitting and spinal injuries are linked a lot, this is also common knowledge.

The link with diabeetes.

Can I get a touche? (I actually had to spend some time finding these links)


New member
Dec 24, 2008
bringer of illumination said:
Jazoni89 said:
The Lawn said:
Jazoni89 said:
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.

I've bought for my PC: A new Motherboard, a quad core processor, and 16 gigs of ram, and a 750 watt powersuppy.
Cost of all those, about 350 dollars.
Bringing my total to about $1550.

If I include the TVs he had to purchase over the generation as well the cost would be nearing $2500 for the consoles.
That's in America, in England, Computer parts are so expensive, most people have to buy them overseas.

I know someone who went on a holiday to Canada, mainly to get a new processor, because it ended up cheaper to go on a holiday, and get the processor, then buying the processor in the UK.
I forgot about that. I remember the last time I was over there the hardware seemed to be the same price but with a pound sign instead of a dollar one.
The games were cheaper though, I picked up 2 DS games for the same price as one over here.
Yeah, we pay nearly double what you pay.
And we pay nearly double for consoles too, the argument still doesn't hold water.
It's does when you can't personally afford it, at this moment in time. Money is an important factor, when it comes to these sort of things.

Jazoni89 said:
jason27131 said:
lol I'm not missing out on anything without playing J-RPGs. All the latest ones suck anyways (cough FF).

1 word why PC > Consoles: Minecraft.

GG sir. GG.
Oh, did you know...

Minecraft is coming out for the Xbox 360!

... I've always wanted to use this pic. :p
Except that Minecraft is going to be garbage on the 360, because it won't have mods, and minecraft without mods is like a book with only vowels in it.
What!, mods make a game? I thought it was a optional thing.

It is also coming out when the final version comes out, so fans will have a lot to do, with or without the mods.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
DarkRyter said:
Console, PC.

Ain't nothin but forks and spoons. There are things eaten with a fork, things eaten with a spoon, some things can be eaten with either, but no real conflict amongst silverware.
Wow,I love that analogy.I don't see any point to this thread but that caught my eye and pretty much sums up how I feel as well,whatever I need to use to eat er I mean play the game I want to play.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I've always treated PC gaming like console gaming. A PC excels at some aspects of gaming just like the Wii does, and the PS3 does. They're all gaming platforms, and each have some advantages to the others.

That said, I very much favor PC gaming in the last 3 years simply due to Steam's game sales. I can't justify the cost of new console games so long as I have a capable computer.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
loc978 said:
JacobShaftoe said:
I want the fuck out of this hellhole. If mods won't fucking delete my fucking cunted account, then maybe gunning for a ban by acting like a complete **** for days and weeks and making this site even less enjoyable than it already is MIGHT JUST CLUE THEM IN TO WHY MY REQUEST IS FUCKING REASONABLE. I HAVE A SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS THAT DOES NOT COPE WELL WITH FUCKHEADED MODS, AND THIS PLACE HAS FUCKHEADS FOR MODS. SO FUCKING DELETE MY ACCOUNT ALREADY YOU STUPID CUNTS!!!

wow... why not just delete any bookmarks you have to this site and simply stop visiting, then?

Isn't the internet a wonderful place?

Truly, you be hard pressed to find another place with such tranquility and a group of interesting people with dynamic minds and even tempers who are always looking to make a better place for everybody.

[sub]I may be laying on the sarcasm a little thick right now...[/sub]

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
Gorilla Gunk said:
The Lawn said:
Gorilla Gunk said:
The Lawn said:
Consoles are not cheaper.
I've spent probably... $1200 total on PC parts for my setup near the beginning of this console generation, including my monitors, all 3 of them. It's not amazing, but it far exceeds the recommended specs for new games today even though the hardware that matters is a couple years old now.

My console gamer friend has purchased a Wii, when it was new. $250.
Purchased an extra Wiimote and nunchuck thing. About 40 bucks.
Purchased an Xbox 360 at launch. $400.
Purchased extra controllers. 50 bucks at the time I believe, so 100 bucks total.
Purchased a PS3, the 60gig backwards compatable one, at launch. $600.
Purchased extra controller. Again, about 50 bucks.

A couple years later, due to the power supply on the ps3 failing and it no longer being under warranty.
New Ps3, 40 gig version. $400.

That's already a total of 1840 dollars, over the course of the last generation alone.
Wow, I have just about everything you have and didn't spend near that much. I probably spent LESS then you did for your PC.

Well I guess that's what you get for being impulsive and buying shit the day it comes out instead of waiting and shopping around for the best prices. A lot of wasted money there.
Most of that cost came from my 3 monitors.
The PC itself, probably cost no more than 700.
All three of my consoles still cost less then that.
Yes, but my PC should still be usable in 5+ years, where as those consoles.... not so much for the new games.
My build still has what could be called, untapped power, as there is only one game so far that has come close to causing my system trouble, which was the highly unoptimized Crysis 2 beta, which my computer ran on absolute max settings at 60+ fps in 5700x1200 resolution.
If future games give me trouble, I can just tone settings down, play them on just one monitor.

Games these days are pushing the limits of consoles, whereas they are barely scratching the top of the iceberg PCs with higher end GPUs from the last couple years.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
$12,000 dollars on Xbox 360's, $60 - $90 for each game.

PC, slightly more expensive than the two xboxes combined, $2 - $40 for each game.
In the long run, I've found the PC to be much, much better. The games play better and are generally cheaper. I also don't have to worry about my game discs getting broken and having to get another copy full price lest I have 60% of the game locked off.
Downside: DRM.
Edit: Here, I changed all internal components of my computer + got a new OS for about $200.
A new current generation console will cost at least $800.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
PCs are technologically superior, but they can be a bit more troublesome than consoles; fiddling with graphics, more framerate problems, problems installing (I find having to install third party software like Gamespy just irritating), whereas with a console it's just pop the disk in and play. No installations, no framerate issues (mostly) and everything is just simplified. Generally, if the game has a good modding community (see Elder Scrolls and Fallout games) I will generally get it for my pc because they mods can really liven up the vanilla game. However, I prefer consoles for my multiplayer fix because a) I have more friends on XBL and b) I'm better with a controller than a mouse and keyboard.
Jun 11, 2008
Alade said:
Azure-Supernova said:
Alade said:
Is the small advantage that the keyboard+mouse provide worth diabetees, heart disease, spinal problems and even cancer?
Are you suggesting that if I was lying my fat ass down instead of sitting on it I'd be at less risk from diabetes, heart disease and cancer? Science please?
Well, first of, your blood pressure is higher while sitting than while lying down, which can lead to heart disease. (this is common knowledge)

Secondly, long time sitting obviously leads to colon cancer.

Sitting and spinal injuries are linked a lot, this is also common knowledge.

The link with diabeetes.

Can I get a touche? (I actually had to spend some time finding these links)
You do know you can set up a PC to run on a TV and play on your sofa even with a keyboard and mouse. If you are too lazy or not bothered to use the arm of the chair or make something better just get a TV tray or something.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Mad Stalin said:
sravankb said:
Mad Stalin said:
sravankb said:
See, if PC gamers want to claim that PCs > Consoles, then fine.

My problem is when they shout it in your face or when they start whole threads about how they are somehow "superior" to the rest of the gaming community.

You chose to play a video game on your PC rather than play it on a video game system. Good God, you're a shining beacon of human achievement.
What's with making yourself a victim, it's not like any of the sides are without their share of retarded arguements for which is better.
Never said I was a "victim" of something. It just so happens that I've experienced more PC gamers who've used the superiority stance, and I find that childish.
Indirectly you did :) it is childish, gaming over all is turning to shit anyway.
I agree, whatever happened to the peaceful times when PC gamers, and Console gamers, set aside their differences, and learned to love, and cherish one another. PC gamers would talk about their great experiences to their console friends in playing Lan matches of Quake 3 where violence, and many a laugh were to be had, whilst the console gamers would discuss to their PC gaming friends about the joy's of playing Mario 64, and being whisked away to a magical land.

I personally think whatever platform you prefer, you are a gamer, therefore you are a winner. Unless you use drugs then you are not a winner (winners don't use drugs) Cookie for reference!


New member
Dec 20, 2008
I really like my XBOX and my Wii, but some games were just meant for PCs and some were meant for consoles. Deal.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
DarkRyter said:
Console, PC.

Ain't nothin but forks and spoons. There are things eaten with a fork, things eaten with a spoon, some things can be eaten with either, but no real conflict amongst silverware.
Except for sporks ;)

They would probably be the wii, a crime against nature.