This is an interesting move by PETA, but lets break it down a little shall we?
PETA has expressed support for a fictional alien species that has outright slaughtered humans in their fictional universe for quite a long time, of which the zerglings and related zerg-specie are bred, if not ~evolved~ for slaughter on a mass scale by their own hive mind.
I wonder if PETA knows that if we consider their support of the swarm to be equal support for the actions of the swarm in their own universe, it appears that what PETA supports is genocide, mass consumption, assimilation and foul defile of the human species?
Is PETA also aware that there are terrans (Humans, ~us~ I remind) out there being eaten by Zerglings right now? Indeed, are they aware that the Zerg is also in your nearest Terran Command Center, defiling some tasty humans and turning them against their will into toxic suicide bombers for use against some more tasty humans?
My my, if you think for a moment that PETA's strange acts doesn't include this seemly cute gesture, maybe you need to take a close look at what they are conceptually supporting.
Hur-Hur, well done PETA. *slow clap*