PETA Unleashes Super Tofu Boy


New member
Sep 27, 2010
The sad thing is that PETA had the opportunity to just make a Super Meat Boy parody which just outlines the good parts of tofu and how it could improve your health. I enjoy my beef eye-fillets on the BBQ, but I also enjoyed a tofu miso soup last night which was also good. So I honestly don't

They could've just stuck to the positive aspects of tofu, made no childish remarks about lasting longer in bed, or that Meat Boy smells and it would've been more respectable and more people would go to the PETA website for more info.

BUT, they went for some cheap, childish tactics and no one is responding well to it. Congrats PETA, you've succeeded in what you set out to do, make fools of yourself.

Also, ANYONE BAD-MOUTHING MEAT BOY IS ASKING FOR A BEAT DOWN! It's the same as if some bible-thumpers labelled Yoshi as Pro-Evolution Theory and tried to get him banned.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Bloodstain said:
Arachon said:
And now, this thread will be filled with people calling fire and brimstone upon PETA, whilst to me, this looks more like a rather humorous parody, sure, it's got a motive, but hell, it's not like they've just initialized a campaign to kill all meat eaters on the planet...
PeTA are people who create campaigns like "Your mommy kills animals!", aimed towards children. And this is just an example. Seriously, anything they do needs to be crucified!

Is that really any worse than showing kids this garbage?

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a kid who wasn't exposed to this kind of image. It presents a false impression of how farms work. This doesn't represent the link between the living, feeling animals and the meat on one's plate.

Where I live, we have constant advertisements on TV and cinema on behalf of our dairy farmers. Many of these advertisements are cartoons aimed towards kids. Who's indoctrinating messages should we be more wary of our kids being exposed to: A non-profit group that advocates for the non-exploitation of animals, or a group that's interested in making profit via the exploitation of cows? Cui bono?


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Why do I suspect that the PETA site will be the target of the next 4chan DDOS attack?

Not that I would be against the DDOS effort...


New member
Sep 27, 2010
stormtrooper9091 said:
What I DO mind is the total lack of support for veggie people, you see, places with food that is not meaty are few and far between, especially in big events, like festivals and shit, that is a bad thing.
Vegetarians are an untapped market for the food industry. I live in Melbourne and I have seen places that do both vegetarian and vegan stuff exclusively. And those places are FULL of people eating. People are waking up to things like this nowadays, normalising things like gays, vegetarians, the elderly, all sections of the public that aren't usually fully catered for. But when they DO, those businesses succeed marvelously simply from demand.

Don't worry, your vegetarian fast-food outlet is coming.


New member
May 3, 2010
Hey PETA, I have an acronym too! It's GFY. Want to guess what it means? See, acronyms are fun!

These folks are so busy training for the troll Olympics that they've long since lost any sense of their own cause.

Cobalt Lion

New member
Nov 4, 2010
"Super Tofu Boy" eh? Well, I know one game that won't be on my list of games to be excited over. That's good. I was seriously worried about having too much fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my dinner of grilled "sea kitten."


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Uhg, I swear, the only people more self rigteous than PETA are religious fundamentalists, and being up there is quite an achievement.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Why are we even paying attention to these hippcrits?

They've killed more animals thn they've saved... And they've taken drugs developed at animal testing labs to save their own lives... wtf? o_O

We're just giving them more shit to go on... *facepalm*


New member
Jul 7, 2009
"Tasty and satisfying"? Really? Somehow flavorless protein sponge just isn't appetizing to me. I say this having actually eaten that stuff at one point.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
fozzy360 said:
Treat PETA the way you treat all trolls.

Ignore them. They're empowered by whatever responses you give them, so it's best to let them wallow in their own sad pit.
You are the voice of reason!

OT: I found this hilarious, it made my day, I find the parody games peta makes funny and pathetic, but they're almost unplayable, if you're gonna make a parody game peta at least make it good! Also I'm hungry for some chicken now.. this is making me wanna play super meat boy too so peta failed once again.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Eh. PETA can take their self-righteous, plant estrogen-infused, edible tampons and choke for all I care. While I see potential for good parody, all I see is the usual PETA agenda of self-aggrandizing and sorry attempts to guilt the rest of the world for not feeling guilty for eating animal products. A lot of plants actually make me sick, physically, so I'll stick with my bloodsucking ways.

What is particularly infuriating is that here is an organization that really contributes little besides hyperbole, lies, and blame towards those who do not think like them. PETA launches its little dietary-Jihad, but how much good could they accomplish that both vegans/vegetarians and meat-eaters could appreciate? If PETA spent half as much time towards helping animal conditions in a feasible compromise with people who OMG do not live like they do!!! than trolling about, some actual good potentially could arise.

For every ounce of energy PETA puts towards propaganda professing their own hateful biases, an animal somewhere that could have been saved from a painful death is crying out asking "Where the hell are the guys who are supposed to be advocating for me again?!?"


New member
Nov 11, 2010
Canid117 said:

Man the fuck up and eat some.
alright *nom*
but seriously, that game was BAD, too easy, too repetitive, and downright BORING!
I seriously committed an act of self-harm by playing that putrid pile of tofu.
P.S. my girlfriend eats red meat, whatcha gonna do now PETA?


New member
Nov 10, 2009
While I disagree with their message, I do admit that this is a neat way to deliver it. But I take issue with the statement that tofu is "tasty and satisfying." Regardless of any other qualities tofu may have, it hardly has a taste to speak of.


New member
Jun 16, 2004
I always figure Meatboy was human meat, kind of fits in with the whole bandage and fetus thing... Maybe someone should tell PETA that humans have meat too, they probably wouldn't care in that case.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Stupid motive (as in it would never work), desperate attempt and just plain idiocy.
Nothing more to be said, idiots be there.


New member
Aug 11, 2010
Arachon said:
And now, this thread will be filled with people calling fire and brimstone upon PETA, whilst to me, this looks more like a rather humorous parody, sure, it's got a motive, but hell, it's not like they've just initialized a campaign to kill all meat eaters on the planet...
Just wait, I fucking guarantee you they will.