Peter Jackson Writes Legolas Into The Hobbit


New member
Apr 21, 2009
keideki said:
This confirms my fears that the whole Hobbit movie will be a sad sad sham. Damn you Peter Jackson, DAMN YOU STRAIT TO HELL!

On the other side of the coin, it might not be too bad, but I have a serious problem when movie makers take big liberties with the source materials like this. What they did with LoTR was acceptable but I really can't get behind this kind of change.
People like Orlando Bloom = More people watch the movie.
More people watch the movie = Profit.
And profit is all that counts for big shot moive producers.

Its simple, money i what is most importanbt here so why go round making the hardcore fans happy when he can open up the audience and get more people to watch the movie + make more money as a result.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
I know this is pointless because barely anyone seems to be reading the books or the comments, but lets try asking a different question regarding canon, shall we?

Wouldn't it be more innaccurate to have one of the King of Mirkwood's sons mysteriously absent, purely to calm the ragings of pseudo-quasi-hardcore-self entitled fanbois who think they know the books without reading them; and who, for some ridiculous reason think their hatred of Orlando Bloom is relevant to the story or the canon or anything, when it clearly isn't?


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Meh, I read both books before they were cool, so allow me to say:

Why the hell shouldn't Legolas be there?
Yes, it is not mentioned in the book that he is there.
But it is resonable to assume that he hangs around in that forest with his folks. Where else is he going to be? Wall-Mart?

This is simply a matter of difference between the medium book and the medium film. When you discribe a scene in a book, like Bilbo walking past a crowd of elves, you don't need to mention that one of the annonymous crowd is actually Legolas, the prince-guy, even though it very well might be.

However, in a film, where everyone needs to have a face, it only makes sense to include Legolas, especially when you can bring another talented actor in on the gig.

Let me phrase it this way: Why exactly is it a bad thing to include him in the movie? Because it is not in the book? Why is that even an argument? Peter Jackson is not going to rewrite the book, the book is fine and will not change. He is not debating the book.

He is making a movie, his movie, and as with the Lord of the Rings Movies he is going to take some liberty in it. And as with the former movies, he will deliver a great movie, not just a screenplay of something you can read.

Seriously. I don't get why these selfproclaimed knights of literacy always are so determinate on the film being word for word like the book. If I want to get these words, I will read the book. If I watch a film, I want an enjoyable film. And frankly, stuff like Tom Bombadill just doesn't work the big screen.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Well, is that really a problem? Jackson proved with the Extended Editions of LotR that he knows how to handle a story. At least for me, everything important was in there and I was really glad Bombadil's gotten the boot. It's one, if not the only, person in books I can say I truly hated. Seeing Radagast would have been nice, but I see why he was left out.

Making Legolas appear emphasises a stronger connection between the two epics. That's allright with me, don't think he'll be in there for long anyway.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Frodo wasn't in it either, tough shit.

I can't imagine he's going to have a major role.

William MacKay

New member
Oct 26, 2010
SvenBTB said:
Huh... well, guess we'll see. Hope he knows what he's doing. In theory he could be alive then probably, but still. We'll see.
well Aragorn was alive then, so Legolas would be. i dont think this will ruin the whole film, but might piss people off.


New member
May 20, 2009
Just proves that movie will be shit. I hoped I saw the last of this idiot in the return of the king, Jesus..


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Mackinator said:
keideki said:
This confirms my fears that the whole Hobbit movie will be a sad sad sham. Damn you Peter Jackson, DAMN YOU STRAIT TO HELL!

On the other side of the coin, it might not be too bad, but I have a serious problem when movie makers take big liberties with the source materials like this. What they did with LoTR was acceptable but I really can't get behind this kind of change.
People like Orlando Bloom = More people watch the movie.
More people watch the movie = Profit.
And profit is all that counts for big shot moive producers.

Its simple, money i what is most importanbt here so why go round making the hardcore fans happy when he can open up the audience and get more people to watch the movie + make more money as a result.
It is all well and dandy to make things profit based like this, but I personally can't stand it when a creatively bankrupt director decides to "spice up" the wonderful story of a classic like the Hobbit by adding things that did not occur in the book. While I did not mind most of the added things in LoTR because for the most part it was just expansion on what was there in the subtext or taking away parts that while awesome in the book, might not have translated to the screen too well or did little to nothing in advancing the plot (The house of Tom Bombadil perhaps?) I can't approve of this kind of alteration. By your own logic Orlando Bloom should be in every movie, to increase profit of course.


New member
May 4, 2009
Fasckira said:
"Wtf, Legolas wasn't in the Hobbit"
Yes he was. Read previous posts. Legolas was one of the princes of Mirkwood, and is mentioned several times in the book. Not by name, of course, but constantly present as the son of Thranduil. I even know this, and I haven't actually read all of the Hobbit. I just know those scenes.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Kinda super ultra mega pissed about this.
But kinda not.
I dunno where I stand on this one..


New member
Jul 3, 2009
thahat said:
RivFader86 said:
Wonder if he will have pimples and braces...guess he was a rather young elf in lotr? so 60 years ago he should be teenagerish? ;P
arent elves imortalish, or at least verry long lived XD? he could he been the same as lotro...but technicly younger.
Yeah they are but they still are born at some point and have to mature (which is at 50 apparently) just thought it would be a cool idea ;P


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Hmm now there is one to ponder ... how are Pete and Fran going to get around the fact that in the Hobbit the Wood Elves are actually gits. No more Laa dee Daaing how wonderful are we .. these Elves were nasty Xenophobic pieces of work . ( not up to regular Drow standard but not pleasant none the less).

From memory and it is a loooong time since I read the book ( about 15 yrs) I think Legolas is the son of the Wood Elf ruler in the Hobbit, so maybe there is some reason for his inclusion .. But he would be a young elf ( Orlando in a Nappy ??? ... maybe not quite that young but an amusing thought anyway).

Lets just hope that the big Elven Love in that LOTR films turned out to be is not carried over. Sure Elves are cool, but this movie is about oh lemme see a HOBBIT ( with a few wee dorfs thrown in for good measure).

Anyways I am looking forward to it .. Cast so far seems awesome ;0)


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Im quite sure Legolas will be incoorporated in a side-line backroundstory that influences the main story but never meets it at a crossroads.

Or atleast thats what I hope.


New member
May 8, 2011
From what I've heard from other sites and such, The Hobbit is supposed to be Bilbo having a flashback or something along the lines of that so I guess if they go with that and only show Legolas before the flashback, then it should follow pretty closely with the book. Also I love Legolas so I don't really care if Peter Jackson writes him into the movie.


New member
May 21, 2008
Wouldnt be to bad if they had him show up as a fighter in the 5 armies battle, or even in the wood elf fortress as his fathers Lt or similar


New member
Jan 8, 2009
A cameo I can deal with but if he's putting Legolas as a supporting/main character I won't bother going to see the movie.