Peter Jackson Writes Legolas Into The Hobbit


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I'm... I'm torn.

I love Middle Earth and have this burning urge for the movie-makers to make shit up and write in stuff that wasn't there. I begrudgingly accept them cutting stuff out and shuffling things round to make them reasonably-lengthed and properly-structured films. That was good with me. But there's that little Tolkien-loving boy inside me screaming right now because Legolas wasn't in 'The Hobbit' and who the fuck does Jackson think he is to fuck with Tolkien's masterpieces?

But on the other, more logical hand: I like Legolas. No, I'll go further. I love him, from his blonde hair to his pointy ears to his awesome clothes to his endless supply of arrows. He's a fantastic character and Orlando Bloom did an amazing job playing him pretty much to perfection in the Lord of the Rings movies. So I'm happy to welcome him back onto my screen with open arms and a selection of fine European cakes for him to nibble on as he entertains me with tales of Hobbit-based adventure and dragon-slaying.

So I'm going to go with the logical side here. He's an awesome character and he'll be awesome in this film, and my inner child can just go sit in the corner with his fingers in his ears humming to himself for 3 hours while I go and watch this.

thahat said:
RivFader86 said:
Wonder if he will have pimples and braces...guess he was a rather young elf in lotr? so 60 years ago he should be teenagerish? ;P
arent elves imortalish, or at least verry long lived XD? he could he been the same as lotro...but technicly younger.
To my memory, elves are pretty much immortal unless they're murdered. I mean, Elrond was around when Isildur acted a **** and looked exactly the same as he did when the trilogy was playing out.

I think Elves live forever unless they're actually physically killed. Left to their own devices they'll outlive everything.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I see Legolas as a pretty cool character. But he wasn't in The Hobbit - so don't bloody change what isn't meant to be. It's not worth it.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
This actually makes more sense than a lot of the other announcements ready. We know that Legolas, was alive and important in a place that is pretty central to the Hobbits journey. If they didn't mention him, they'd probably need to find an excuse why not even.

I agree with the guy who said that if Tolkien wrote the Hobbit after the trilogy, Legolas would have been there


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Veloxe said:
To_Sirius said:
Veloxe said:
If it's just Bloom coming back as a different elf, I can deal with that. If it's him coming back as Legolas, I think part of my childhood just died. But then again I'm a bit obsessed with The Hobbit.
As I said to someone else:

Step 1) Read above posts.

Step 2) Read Novels.

Step 3) Place your fingers together in an open palm position and apply to face.
Fair enough, point to the part in the books where it says Legolas was there during the events that Bilbo took part in. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Is it possible to write him in without destroying canon? Yes. You could do it reasonably from many different situations or possibilities. But on the other hand it just doesn't feel 100% right to me. But that's just a gut feeling, Jackson could probably pull it off fine, but it will still feel off to me seeing Legolas there.
As said in the MANY OTHER COMMENTS, Legolas is a prince of Mirkwood, and is son of the King of Mirkwood, who is named Thranduil.
The same Mirkwood that is featured heavily in the third act of the book.
The same kingdom visited by the party of Bilbo and the dwarves, and in fact spend quite some time in.
The same Thranduil that plays a major role in the third act of the book, the same Thranduil who mentions his sons specifically.

Just because Tolkien didn't write the letters "LEGOLAS!" in bold, shiny, golden print (because he hadn't actually written a name for him yet) doesn't mean he didn't exist within the canon.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I can imagine him but being an escort or something similar when they pass through Mirkwood. I'm pretty sure he's mentioned in the Hobbit, just not by name. Peter Jackson didn't mess around with LotR too much so I'm not worried by this.

[zonking great]

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Solstrana91 said:
To be honest, I love Legolas, I'm more than happy to let artistic licence rear it's head this time round. Having said that, I do know several people who are gonna be mighty pissed off at this.
It's not even that much of an artistic license they're taking. Legolas was never mentioned but the Elf King was his father Thrandruil, so it's not that much of a stretch.


Aug 25, 2008
Tbh i thought he did Legolas really well in the LOTR films, glad he is coming back

Also Brian Blessed and Stephen Fry are in it...Peter Jackson...I love you <3


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Ok ok, this i can accept if its a cameo seeing he was obviously around at the time, but wtf Frodo? he wasn't even born when the events of the Hobbit happened...


New member
Jul 23, 2009
If it hasn't been mentioned yet, it was pretty well established by Tolkien himself that Legolas (and his dad) were with the elves at the Battle of Five Armies, so I can easily see him being included. Just sayin'....


New member
Jul 23, 2009
To_Sirius said:
Veloxe said:
To_Sirius said:
Veloxe said:
If it's just Bloom coming back as a different elf, I can deal with that. If it's him coming back as Legolas, I think part of my childhood just died. But then again I'm a bit obsessed with The Hobbit.
As I said to someone else:

Step 1) Read above posts.

Step 2) Read Novels.

Step 3) Place your fingers together in an open palm position and apply to face.
Fair enough, point to the part in the books where it says Legolas was there during the events that Bilbo took part in. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Is it possible to write him in without destroying canon? Yes. You could do it reasonably from many different situations or possibilities. But on the other hand it just doesn't feel 100% right to me. But that's just a gut feeling, Jackson could probably pull it off fine, but it will still feel off to me seeing Legolas there.
As said in the MANY OTHER COMMENTS, Legolas is a prince of Mirkwood, and is son of the King of Mirkwood, who is named Thranduil.
The same Mirkwood that is featured heavily in the third act of the book.
The same kingdom visited by the party of Bilbo and the dwarves, and in fact spend quite some time in.
The same Thranduil that plays a major role in the third act of the book, the same Thranduil who mentions his sons specifically.

Just because Tolkien didn't write the letters "LEGOLAS!" in bold, shiny, golden print (because he hadn't actually written a name for him yet) doesn't mean he didn't exist within the canon.
Ah, whew...okay, someone else DID mention it.

Yeah, I have no problem with Legolas being included. It honestly makes sense.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
Hmm, might as well throw in Aragorn, Boromir... AND MY AXE! (gimli)


This space for rent
Jul 16, 2009
honestly, we still dont know how he will be incorporated into the story. I doubt that Peter Jackson will shoehorn him into the plot without care, same goes for Frodo. I'm content to just wait and see how he'll go about doing it and hey, its still gonna be a great movie


New member
Oct 3, 2010


Oh well, I guess it could be much much worse... Somehow...

I dont know... Maybe he could have wrote... No it cannot be worse.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Why would Jackson include Legolas into the Hobbit. Also, Frodo wasn't in the Hobbit last time I read it. I trust Jackson to deliver since he has done so in the past but at least stay partially true to the source material.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Your a bit late hear. We knew Orlando Bloom had been written into the script about a month ago. It was just about whether they could get Bloom's greedy ass on board to do it.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Oh crap. I surely hope this doesn't mean he'll get the lead in a movie again. I thought Bloom's disappearance from big budget films was a blessing.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
I think it all depends if Jackson is doing it because he thinks it will genuinely enhance the story or if hes doing it purely to generate more cash and interest.

My first thought on reading it was "Wtf, Legolas wasn't in the Hobbit" but after some reflection I guess it could be kind of cool for the non-hardcore LOTR fans; those who havent read the books or even heard of LOTR before the films came out but never the less enjoyed the film series. Its kind of like seeing the marvel characters cross over in each other's respective films.

John the Gamer

New member
May 2, 2010
As long as he makes the dragon look awesome I don't care how many bags of money he wants to toss out of the window.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
it will only be a cameo in mirkwood, like saud he can be party of elves that captures the dwarfs or can be have some cameo's besides his dad, but nothing more.