mcnally86 said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
mcnally86 said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
No I know that, it's just I don't understand why they have to look like that because in the game they didn't. It just irritates me when I see that and there's no explanation to why they did that, maybe they will this time. Some of them did have guns, and the others had pipes, so you are right.
And I agree with you about the movie, so it looks like I'm not gonna be the only one going in with a hope of it not sucking.
Because its a movie now things are different. I liked the first movie and barely played the games, did not like them. Not my type of game. The story changes for movies because you can't press x to dodge.
They look different because they are actors not clusters of polygons. As it is they have something easy for hot girls to cos-play as and that is good for advertizing. They have to hope the movie has bigger audience just then the people who played the games.
But I'm sick of movies with terrible endings I might be giving the first movie too much credit because it I liked the ending.
I give them credit for using actors for those parts, but, for me anyways, I'd rather them use CG since there were a few scenes in the first one where I thought they were trying way too hard to not use it. And, to me, the whole nurse thing is a bit of a cop out to get more people interested in the movie.
If they wanted to make a Silent Hill movie I wish they did the Resident Evil approach and not use any of the plots from the games so that it could appeal to more people other than the fans. Otherwise you start to alienate people and piss off fans, myself included, but I will have to wait and see what they did with this one before I can make any sort of judgement calls about the decisions they've made with this movie.
This might be how we differ. I hate CG. Simply because its looks more real each year. Watching movies that used cg from not too long ago they look terrible to me and it really ruins it. I like Dr. Who because they have silly puppity monsters but they still can be terrifying as heck. The best CG I have seen was in the movie They because they never really show the monster full on.
I didn't realize they were using the same plot I thought they had rewrote it. It did they Matrix one approach where things were left ambiguous so you really don't know what the truth is. Resident evil is not a good example for a movie though. Those are movies that get more terrible the further they go.
I'm not a big CG fan, and I agree it doesn't age well at all, and can completely ruin a movie if done terribly. If a movie relies heavily on it, then I don't think the movie benefits from it, but if it uses a little then I think it makes the movie slightly better. The first SH used very little CG and I think it helped the movie, but not much, in my opinion. I agree with you on They, that was done brilliantly.
Yeah, the first movie first game's plot, and for the sequel they are using the plot from the third game, and it's all loosely based, the key term is 'loosely'. The games were written in such a way that you don't really know what the real ending is since it had multiple endings, and some characters you never really know what happened to them. In the movie, you know exactly what happened to Cybil, in the game all you know is that she's missing, but you don't know exactly what happened, and to me that's a great twist.
I personally don't think it was well written, and I'm gonna wait until I see the sequel before I can say anything about that movie, and that might have been the biggest problem for me. Yeah Resident Evil might not be the best example since those movies are not that great, but I will say in terms of RE's story, I think that's a good thing. I say that because if the movies were relying heavily on the previous stories in the games then I think the movie would've been a lot worse because all they are doing is pleasing the fans and trying to bring in new audiences, and possibly failing both. If that makes any sort of sense.