Pimp My Gun: Show your Creations [Image Posting tips in the First post]


New member
Jan 2, 2010
GruntOwner said:
LordMalachi said:
GruntOwner said:

I was kinda aiming for a Mass Effect rifle thing... It dodn't go as badly as it could have gone, looking at some of the pistols in that game.
It looks nice but should I ask where the bullets go in and out? Or is it related to the game in some way *hasnt played ME* >.> It kinda looks like a target rifle otherwise
ME weapons have metalic slugs in the weapon which they take slices off of for ammo, then fire it as a railgun. I assume that the slug for this thing is either in the stock or you... It's at this point where my total lack of knowledge of firearms kicks in, so we'll go with the gamer's way of putting it: "You fold the gun like a really old shotgun or the sniper in Gears of War, then stick the slug into the chamber directly."
XD good answer. I thought it was game related. Another option for where you put the slug is slide it in in the bottom infront of the trigger. Kinda like an old lever action rifle, only in the bottom not the side >.>

The Jono said:
Alright, how the deuce d'you get pictures off the new version into here?
Same way as the old one actually >.>


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Steampunk WIN

I like the clip idea but um... the scope is scary lol.

The Jono said:
The Jono said:
Alright, how the deuce d'you get pictures off the new version into here?
LordMalachi said:
Same way as the old one actually >.>
Erm, how's that?
save the jpg to your computer, go to www.photobucket.com , make an account, upload jpg, copy and past the link to the pic that it gives you. make sure the link is surrounded in [ img] [ /img] without the spaces. surround that whole part in [ spoiler] [ /spoiler] to put the pic in a spoiler box so it doesnt take up as much room. If you get confused just pretend you're gonna quote someone that has a pic shown and look at the BBcode they used.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
LordMalachi said:
Well the order for the ACOG idea could be because of the mmulti lens stuff so I could be very wrong. We might not know which works better with out trying it lol. Till then it still looks good so if anyone else brings it up just say its being tested lol
I can agree to that.

LordMalachi said:
Wasder said:

I must say steampunk guns are beggining to bore me a tad. It's just make normal gun, change the colours and add as many damn tubes as possible.
Well it's meant to be more than random tubes... I tried to convince people of this, but oh well. I'm still thinking of what the next fad should be lol
I agree with Malachi on this one. Wasder, you have missed the point of steampunk.

Steampunk is not just over-complicated, it is complex. It is intricate. Steampunk machines have lots of little parts, many of which serve minor and hidden purposes, but every little gear and level is to be given an agenda. This really is hard to express by using PMG, but the idea is brought home, methinks.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
sooperman said:
...This really is hard to express by using PMG...
Soo true, but yeah, it is possible to show in PMG, just takes alot of work to do it right I guess. ... *GASP* Dr Noob should do a steampunk add on or version or something!! with actual gears and levers and whatnot!!


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
LordMalachi said:
sooperman said:
...This really is hard to express by using PMG...
Soo true, but yeah, it is possible to show in PMG, just takes alot of work to do it right I guess. ... *GASP* Dr Noob should do a steampunk add on or version or something!! with actual gears and levers and whatnot!!
Themed add-ons would be refreshing, though I don't know how many themes you can put to weaponry.

But yes, the current parts in PMG do not have the finesse of steampunk creations.


New member
May 10, 2008

My attempt at the M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle from Mass Effect 2.



New member
Jan 2, 2010
Sentinel10 said:

My attempt at the M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle from Mass Effect 2.

Hmm, you wouldnt happen to have the code for this still would you?

sooperman said:
LordMalachi said:
sooperman said:
...This really is hard to express by using PMG...
Soo true, but yeah, it is possible to show in PMG, just takes alot of work to do it right I guess. ... *GASP* Dr Noob should do a steampunk add on or version or something!! with actual gears and levers and whatnot!!
Themed add-ons would be refreshing, though I don't know how many themes you can put to weaponry.

But yes, the current parts in PMG do not have the finesse of steampunk creations.
Well there could Steampunk, Sci Fi, Alien/Bioorganic lookin, WWI and II, and maybe others...


New member
May 10, 2008
LordMalachi said:
Sentinel10 said:

My attempt at the M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle from Mass Effect 2.

Hmm, you wouldnt happen to have the code for this still would you?
I do, but it is my understanding that the Escapists BB code fucks up the import/export code.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
mcpop9 said:
i call it the CQAR-Close Quarters Assault Rifle
magazines don't go that way.
the shape of the cartridge means that the tips clump together and make a group of them curve forwards. also, the magazine needs to be moved back a bit, no room for the thumb. other than that, I like it.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Stickyreiss said:
mcpop9 said:
i call it the CQAR-Close Quarters Assault Rifle
magazines don't go that way.
the shape of the cartridge means that the tips clump together and make a group of them curve forwards. also, the magazine needs to be moved back a bit, no room for the thumb. other than that, I like it.
for shits and giggles


New member
Jul 2, 2008

I was inspired by the guy who made a Mass Effect Inspired rifle a page or so back. This is based off of the M8 Avenger [http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/File:M8avenger.png]. That contraption on top is basically a computer. It functions as a scope and it also dictates how big the rounds are and how fast the weapon fires. Completly forgot to implement a 'thermal clip' heat sink though. 1000 round and 10,000 magazines are pictured underneath the rifle. These are inserted into a 'slot' just above the stock.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Atvomat_Nikonov said:

I was inspired by the guy who made a Mass Effect Inspired rifle a page or so back. This is based off of the M8 Avenger [http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/File:M8avenger.png]. That contraption on top is basically a computer. It functions as a scope and it also dictates how big the rounds are and how fast the weapon fires. Completly forgot to implement a 'thermal clip' heat sink though. 1000 round and 10,000 magazines are pictured underneath the rifle. These are inserted into a 'slot' just above the stock.
The height of it seems more similar to a geth pulse rifle, though that's because the height is the only thing I notice about the pulse rifle. I suppose any shorter and there'd be no where to put the clip/slug. Nice job, makes me almost proud by inspiration proxy.