JonnWood said:
Robert Ewing said:
PC exclusives may be dying out. But every PC exclusive I've known has sold rather well. Half-life 2. Starcraft 2. Both games sold horribly. Oh wait, no they didn't.
Yeah... Piracy is not the same as a lost sale I'm afraid. It just seems that they're using piracy as an excuse for THEIR poor sales and lack of creativity. And consoles have had a part to play to some extent...
Not an excuse. A reason. The article specifically describes a situation where a good game got screwed because of piracy. And not because people were pirating in lieu of buying; where a glitch in the leaked pirated version, and
only the pirated version, was assumed to be indicative of the final game.
Did you actually read the article?
What kind of logic is that?!?
Correlation =/= causation
All Ian Frazier described was "the amount that it was pirated was the difference between us staying in business and going out of business"
That doesn't "specifically describe" anything and it doesn't mean without piracy it would have been a huge success as that assumes with no piracy there would have been all the sales they needed, especially how it fails to factor for how steps to eliminate piracy might have actually reduced the sales they did have, i.e. unpleasant DRM or a console-only release missing target audience or lack of publicity.
There are a lot of people who have no money but a lot of time, they spend it downloading games compulsivity - they're free, just download anything - and possibly try them. They aren't going to buy anything, even if they had the money they're too lazy to go down the shops.
Look at a piracy-free example: 3D Dot Game Heroes. Released on PS3 back when piracy was all but impossible (still impractical today), it like Titan Quest people might say it was somewhat derivative of a fantasy game that came before it though it was in fact quite good on its own, though not a great score. Yet it sold only 430k, which for a third-party boxed game, that's very bad.
No piracy.
Good game.
And there are a dozen other examples of obscure Console-exclusive titles with absolutely no influence of piracy that still fail miserably, very similarly to PC exclusive titles. Even relatively big titles like Enslaved. The only reason they don't blame piracy here is because they can't.
You know what hurts games sales are things like obstructive DRM, unfocused development and delayed PC releases or no PC-releases at all!
The problem with piracy is the "cure" is worse than the disease. And it doesn't cure anything, people will buy good games if enough people know they are good. I am addicted to buying in steam sales, and I know I'm not alone in being more lured by "-40%" than "free". And of course that's not to say about the free-to-play model.
I am against piracy but mainly I am against over-reaction to piracy.
The music industry didn't lick piracy by releasing their songs only on Vinyl. The movie industry can't beat piracy by only ever giving their films cinema releases. Video gaming can't beat piracy by releasing games only on console, especially after it's been shown how Steam and GoG, the itunes of gaming, can change everything.