dochmbi said:
Akalabeth said:
Your grasp of the human being is about onpar with that of communism. That is, completely flawed.
I'm speaking hypothetically, I don't actually believe it could happen just like that, but it will happen gradually, perhaps.
Communism is not enforcable, you can't deny people the right to own physical goods, but cultural freedom surely is self-enforcing, because the moment you try to sell something people will just get it and post it on the internet for everyone to get for free.
No, it will never happen.
Who wants to work for free? Who wants to volunteer 120 hour work weeks so everyone else can flip burgers at mcdonalds and download their new game or new movie for nothing? No one's going to do that. And yes, some people in the games industry do work at times those sort of work weeks. Movies, television, games, none of these are 9 - 5 jobs. They're a hell of a lot of work. Any good game you've ever played is probably good because the people have basically spent 2 years of their life making the thing with little to no personal time outside of work.
And then some wanker who works at McDonalds or some other minimum wage job steals their game or their movie or whatever off the internet and thinks its justified because the 60 bucks it costs would be better spent on pot.
Point being, NO ONE is going to live that sort of lifestyle without monetary reward. Volunteer my whole life making a game? No thankyou. People have kids to feed, a wife or husband to support, car and house payments to make because even if there were some screwed up world where anything downloadable was free, nothing else in the world would be, so why would anyone spend their time making that crap when in turn they couldn't feed themselves?