Fuck me that game was boring. I should have known it would suck because anything affilated in any way to that lazily written, badly acted, boring, unfunny, brain cell killingly awful fucking series Game Dogs sucks, but I played it anyway because I give everything a chance to surprise me. Fuck that was a dumb move. I know this is just a flash game but shit I've played so many other better flash games. Seriously it's not even funny how many flash games I can list made by less people with less money for free. Sure this was free as well but that doesn't give it an excuse to be so absurdly fucking awful. If I was so bored after killing just 50 dogs then why would I push to 666 just to get to hell, which I assume is the main point of the game. I'm ashamed I even bothered to kill 200 before quitting because I was so bored. If the game doesn't at least peak my interest at the beginning and is just filler before it gets good then it's NOT a good game. Oh and having to kill 666 dogs to go to hell isn't ironicly funny, it's just fucking stupid, and the same goes for that god damn music, and the lazy arse graphics, the bad dudes reference was okay but that was literally it. When the only thing that's not bad (not good either by the way) about your game is a reference. Then you know you're in the dog house.