Pokémon X and Y Add a Z-Axis


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Falterfire said:
X & Y? Was Marketing on holiday and they forgot to ask them for real names when they got back?
To be fair pokemon games have never been terribly inventive when it came to names (being it has been mostly colours and precious metals) and this one at least has a bit of a thought process to it when you make the Z joke, and especially if they make a pokemon Z all on the 3DS

OT: I dont know. I think its cool its getting universal release, evens the field against those japanese bastards who got used to ruling the competitive battle scene with early releases. and gives less chance for spoilers towards the story and stuff. TO be honest I was kinda hoping for a 3rd gen remake, though I can see why they dont need to (since the other remakes were just to make pokemon from those games easier to get to the newer gens (through the pal park and stuff).

I'll probably start with the fire one. I like the design best. THough I cant wait for this to be out for a week, hell, a day, no, and hour, and youtube videos to pop up saying "What pokemon can do to make the next gen better," "Top ten dumbest new pokemon designs," "Why these games arent as good as the last ones, despite none of them being greatly fundamentally different story wise and and only the mechanics changing for the better (but of course I wont say that and I'll hide it behind some clever title so no one can say Im just nostalgic".

KeyMaster45 said:
OT: Hmm, the starters look alright. We've already got the Vulpix->Ninetails line so the fire starter feels redundant, out of the three the grass starter piques my interest the most. ...
TO each his own, but if thats the case we have more of the water type already than the fire starter. What with Tympole's line, and even before that Politoad.

<spoiler=the only original (original being in quotes) design starter wise is the grass, but it reminds me far too much of the second guy here>http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/72/FFCCbox.jpg

and his hat reminds me of the R/S/E male character.


New member
May 22, 2009
The "jump" to fully 3D isn't really that. It still seems to use a fixed camera style which defaults to overhead along with the square by square movement system. Oh well, one can dream.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Eclipse Dragon said:
Man people work fast...

Daaaaaaaaw, this kind of makes me wanna start with him, but i'll wait to see his later evolutions.
KeyMaster45 said:
PunkRex said:
Im liking the aesthetics, still maintaining the old look. All im worried about is the new monz, Black and White was a serious mixed bag of good (Gavantula, Serperior, Scolipede), bad (Trubbish, Vanillish, Pansear) and down right UGLY (Sawk and Throh, Sawk and Throh, Sawk and Throh).
To each their own I suppose, the only one that I thought was downright silly was the Vanillish line, the rest felt like a refreshing return to Gen 1&2's simpler designs; Sawk, Throh, and Trubbish were easily in my top five. Heck, I only picked up Gen 5 because the roster of monsters didn't look like a zoo had collided with a Final Fantasy game.

OT: Hmm, the starters look alright. We've already got the Vulpix->Ninetails line so the fire starter feels redundant, out of the three the grass starter piques my interest the most. Still it took them quite a while to make the transition to a three dimensional overworld, but by the looks of it though it's going to pay off in 3D battles that aren't near as boring as the ones from the stadium series. Provided the roster of monsters doesn't look stupid (Gen 4 stupid) I may have to pick this up when it comes out. Unfortunately I can probably already assume any multiplayer/global trading function that's built in is going to suck. (If they'd just let you search for monsters that you don't already have in your pokedex it would be a huge improvement)
I will admit, although kind of a silly idea, I do have a soft spot for Trubbish. I like the sentient'object-monz even if it mostly suits Ghost types. Sawk and Throh though... I just see Bert and Ernie...

But I think Gen 4 was actually the strongest set alongside the first. Most of its monz were stand alone and fairly unique (apart from the end of dex unlocks like Mamoswine), even though alot of peeps big up Gold and Silver when most of there guys were based off Gen 1... but I guess it doesn't matter, I have love for all the pocket sized monsters.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Z of the Na said:
Why, oh why does this have to be on the 3DS...?
So you'll buy one?

Pretty much what's going to happen with me anyway. This is pretty much the only thing that could do that, as I've never bought a handheld initially for anything other than pokémon.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I already mention my thoughts on the annoucement already so I will be brief-

1. I orginally whought X and Y was refer to Equation but as the axis in 3D make more sense (Z would be the third game like it is to Yellow, Cystel and Platinum).

2. Finally they changed the graphic properly!

3. New Pokemon seen so far look ok but I guess it's now a waiting game to see any more new Pokemon unviel especially when someone leak the images out for all of them.

4. Look like I got a good reason to get an 3DS now however I haven't been playing Black 2 alot due to having a few games to play but little time to do so at the moment


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Honestly, I'm hoping that the starters are dual-type, preferably Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic, and Water/Fighting. I'm not pulling this out of my ass, either; Fennikin appears to use a Psychic move, given the colour scheme and the wavy animation of the attack, and Chespin seems to use some kind of slashing move, which resembles the move Night Slash. The only one I'm really iffy on is Froakie; it's attack is obviously physical, but doesn't have an discernible type. However, given a Psychic-type and a Dark-type, the third starter would be Fighting-type, as they form a trio similar to the trio formed by Grass, Fire and Water. In addition, due to the way that it's set up, there is NOT another Fire/Fighting-type starter (thankfully) and each starter's secondary type is strong against the one whose primary type is strong against it, thus forming, not just one cycle between them, but a second in the opposite direction of the first.

Now, this is all still just speculation, but I don't think it's entirely unfounded. Well, one way or another, I'm SUPER excited for the sixth generation!


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I don't think that X and Y refer to the dimension axis.
It's more logical that they refer to the X and Y chromosome. At least that makes sense considering the double helix in the Japanese logo.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
Darn, I can't use my big, fat, clunky, old-school DS to play this one.

I have to say, though, I'm worried about these games. Full 3D may sound like a good idea, but the way it looks in the trailers is just odd, and unnatural. And then there are the pokemon. Some people thought the pokemon design in the last generation looked bad - if the starters are any indication than this generation's pokemon are seriously going to flop. Chespin is essentially just a green and brown Oshawott/Desott, and Froakie is just one ugly thing... The only one that looks remotely good is Fennekin, but that's mainly because it's just the best of a bad bunch.

Something has to be said for the legendary pokemon, though. The ones in the last gen were somewhat bland and clunky in their design, but these ones just look awesome! With all that being said, though, I'm most likely going to wait for the inevitable third game, Pokemon Z. Maybe Goku will make a cameo.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Eclipse Dragon said:
There's already fanart of Fennekin?
Fanart? I've already seen rule34 pics of the new starters...

Like I said in the other thread, I'm going to buy. It just looks really interesting even though we don't have much information. Also, I love the fire starter. I've heard rumors that it could be Fire/Psychic, which would be awesome.
I wonder if it's set in Paris. In the scene where the main character uses his rollerblades, the building behind him looks kinda like the Eiffel Tower. Pokemon B/W was set in America, so maybe they're going with a European country like France this time.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Froakie? Thats the first time I said no to the water starter. Usually I want them but now I will probably pick fire (Unless Grass turns out to be awesome)


Also that fanart came out way too quick....


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Eclipse Dragon said:
Bolt-206 said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
There's already fanart of Fennekin?
I'm pretty sure there was a metric ton of Zorua fan art the moment THAT was revealed.
Heck, I even saw a short (loop) animation of Fennekin a while ago too (the internet works faster than you think).
Man people work fast...

I can't shake the thought that it looks like it has old man hair coming out of it's ears. That doesn't go away.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Well, they've officially run out of color and gem names! Here's a couple you still could have used, though:


I can also see a Pokemon Z...WITH OVER 9000 POKEMON!
[sub]At this rate, we might end up having that many Pokemon someday...[/sub]

Ok, ok, I'm done.

OT: If the games are as good as they sound, you know, like a faster version of Pokemon Stadium, then it sounds interesting. We'll see.

BehattedWanderer said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
Bolt-206 said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
There's already fanart of Fennekin?
I'm pretty sure there was a metric ton of Zorua fan art the moment THAT was revealed.
Heck, I even saw a short (loop) animation of Fennekin a while ago too (the internet works faster than you think).
Man people work fast...

I can't shake the thought that it looks like it has old man hair coming out of it's ears. That doesn't go away.
have you seen its last evolution? I don't know if it was the official art of not but it seemed like the fur coming out of its ears turn into a braid/beard.

Man, I hope that was just some fanart.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Cognimancer said:
... In the meantime, you can start thinking about which starter to choose. Just a heads up, though: if you don't pick Froakie, you're wrong.
sorry, what was that? I can't hear you over the sound of awesome the Fennekin is cranking out :D


New member
Nov 8, 2010
First thought:
Damn it! Who let Pikachu climb the Eiffel Tower?! Now we're going to have to get someone up there to fetch him back down again!

Second thought:
Didn't they already do this with Gale of Darkness?

Third thought:
MORE new Pokemon? I'm still replaying Silver! How many are there now? And how many Ultimate Pokemon who pretty much own the Universe are there now?

Fourth thought: Okay, the new Fire-starter looks cute. If I pick this up (and that's a huge 'if') I'm going with that one.

Fifth and final thought: so basically it's Pokemon, as you know it, but in 3D. I'm worried that'll make the combat animations feel even more repetitive now that they are more visually complex (if that makes sense).

PS thought: (I lied about the fifth being final) I still don't have a DS, let alone a 3DS...


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Beautiful End said:
Well, they've officially run out of color and gem names!
In all fairness, I think the naming convention changed to became much more representative of the plot at Black and White, as it's storyline (or what passes for it) has a Tao theme. There could still be games called Brown and Grey though, they could be the first Pokemon shooters.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
nasteypenguin said:
There could still be games called Brown and Grey though, they could be the first Pokemon shooters.

Okay, you got me there. That was pretty awesome. You win the internet for a day. 8]