Pokemon Gets Gritty in Live Action Pokemon Apokelypse


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Hey, this article looks kinda familiar. Did I ninja the news room?

By the way, if this would have counted as a news story, and by the looks of it it would, this would count as a tip to submit to the escapist, right?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Didn't the escapist do an article in the last couple of months about how this sort of thing would be a bad idea? The 'gritting' up of childhood shows and such? They even used Pokemon as the example. This is a terrible actual idea, but it's good as parody.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Cxizent said:
"Man, I love the gritty/dark redisign of something I loved as a child! Pikachu looks different though, that's retarded."

This was sublime. The chessy lines from the show just made it shine.

Better than Saturday Morning Watchmen.
Nothing is better than Saturday Morning Watchmen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDDHHrt6l4w


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Exactly! Death in pokemon would be awesome, and I would love to see this movie.
I mean seriously, A fireblast used against bellsprout? Burned to cinders...
A magikarp hit with thunderbolt in the water? Fish fry tonight! It would make pokemon breeders invaluable, and people would think twice about pokemon battle if their little pals might not make it out alive.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
gyarados uses HYPER BEAM.... Enemy Man faints... i think it may be a little more fatal than just a fainting...


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Asehujiko said:
You missed the voltorb carbombing.
Yeah that was pretty dark too. Unfortunately, if Pokémon were real this is probably the first use they'd be put to... =/


New member
May 24, 2010
Ariene said:
I REALLLY don't understand what are in American's head
do you all really think this crap is cool?!
it's an insult to pokemon!
and you all think it's awsome? that Pikachu look like a FROG! what is Pikachu? it's an electric mouse, ?d?C?l! not a frog!
and who IS that old men? why are all the characters look SOO old in the trailer?
this thread really make me disappointed, when I first watched this trailer, I laughed, and thinking everyone will think it's ridiculous. but what I actually saw is people saying 'GOD DAMN THIS IS SO COOLL!'
now, I understanded one thing, that is ********************!
If you look at the Mortal Kombat Rebirth threads, it's the exact same thing. The trailer had no substance, and yet, people loved it. This is the kind of thing that should be in a Punisher movie, not a Pokemon one.

ssgt splatter said:
Was I the only one who found this to be a terrible attempt at a gritty joke? I didn't like this at all. :mad:
You weren't the only one. I did not find this funny or amusing in any way either, and my fandom of Pokemon died years ago. That said, if I tried to describe how much I hated this trailer and the inspiration/concept of it, I'd probably get banned from the Escapist.

Fan-made or not, this thing sucks.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
My first reaction? OH. MY. GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! That trailer was freakin' awesome!! I wish they'd make a full movie, I'd definitely go see it. Finally, someone has taken pokémon movies to the next level. And team rocket did look intimidating, for once. If they made a movie like that (with better actors and a less weird-looking pikachu), it would be epic.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
I'll stay away from this, like a lot of other live-action adaptions.


New member
Jun 10, 2008
I'm not a Pokemon fan at all and I was even impressed. I am kinda waiting for the lawsuit from Nintendo but I would actually like to see this exist as an actual movie.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
It's shit. Also I can't believe how many people are saying they like this.
Care to elaborate? I personally enjoyed it; it was well made from not only a technical standpoint, but also from a writer's perspective. These guys have taken a world which originally starred an eleven year old child and aged it rather well. Think about it for a second: What kind of eleven year old kid has the time to travel the world and battle to become the "master", while eschewing school, home, and other essentials to life. Even with the suspension of disbelief, it took some getting used to. This is a straight slap to the face to break that disbelief and at the same time stays true to the intentions of the source. Gary is still a pragmatist ass, Team Rocket is still evil, and Ash is still blind to most of whats actually going on around him. It's just all been dialed up a bit.

I for one, welcome this trailer. What makes me sad is that we're never going to see this in production past this point: Nintendo is far too overprotective of their little IP that any non-licensed sort of work, from Pokemon Online to even the use of images from already released games on websites, isn't going to see the light of day. Which is a shame: From what it looks like, one could easily create an entire series of games from this sort of setting alone, albeit with a more "Pokemon Colosseum" feeling to it.

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
HK_01 said:
You know, that's exactly what I always imagined the trips to the Pokécenter to be like:

Trainer comes in, releases a bunch of half-dead pokemon from the pokeballs and looks at the floor in shame. The nurse is horrified and gives him a "What-the-Hell-have-you-done"-look. And then she tells the police and your carreer is over.
In one of the early episodes, a nurse rides Ash's ass because his Pokemon are so tired.

It involved Pikachu helping start a backup generator.

I've never seen it brought up since...