

New member
Feb 26, 2008
Hey, you said a system where you control the pokemon so no randome misses and yada yada yada. Wouldn't it seem better, with the impending relese of Tom Clancy's End War and a reliable voice system to make it voice commended like in the shows? I would get that, and be proud too. I would were a shirt saying "I have -pokemon game name- and LOVE IT" and some pikachu picture. Or make both games, Nintendo. I know your reading. Do it now or I'll, still buy the games, or I'll , um, not recommend the Wii as much! How 'bout that?


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Rob Sharona post=9.71633.734035 said:
Have you actually played a pokemon game? They represent well balanced, challenging RPG games.

As for the combat system, the depth and complexity of it is staggering. Visit to www.serebii.net to see what I mean. There is practically infinite scope for competitive battling, especially at the highest, professional levels.

The fact is, the Pokemnon games are too hard for most kids, but are drawn to them because of the cartoon, and the colourful nature of the characters. The Pokemon series deserves an environment like that which the OP describes.

People who dismiss the Pokemon series as 'just a kids game' are simply ignorant.
**agrees** Kids get drawn into getting the game and they play it for a bit, but soon go back to the TV series or one of their many films. Pokemon isn't "mash this button and only this button" enough for the kids today.

Rob Sharona

New member
May 29, 2008
ThePlasmatizer post=9.71633.734058 said:
How could you write the first sentence and then contradict it with the next?
Pokemon is not well balanced for the exact reason you say it is, I think the metagame ruins the competitive battling because all people need to do is slap together a couple of over used Pokemon and movelists, and they're good to go.

The sad fact is you can't battle with your favourites and win online unless your favourites are ubers or over used or the opponent agrees to limit themself.

I don't think Pokemon is too hard for kids, the metagame you described isn't way the game's meant to be played.
Agreed, the point I attempted to make was that the single player RPG game is well balanced, and I honestly feel it is.

I know the kids in my family asked for the Pokemon game for Christmas, then stuck to their Pokemon videos because they didnt want to sit through and comprehend all the text and complexities of your typical RPG game.

And yes the metagame does run into the problems you describe, but you can solve them buy simply looking for games that don't use those pokemon, which is a common practice.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
The Iron Ninja post=9.71633.733652 said:
TheGhostOfSin post=9.71633.732812 said:
The Iron Ninja post=9.71633.731899 said:
I was hoping that this was a thread about pokemon in general.
So I would just like to say that I still get the original theme song stuck in my head.
And it is awesome.
<url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOX3OmUhQoo>Linky Linky
That is both awesome and terrifying at the same time.

Where on this great green Earth could I get one of those hats!


New member
Jun 15, 2008
dannydamage post=9.71633.734107 said:
Rob Sharona post=9.71633.734035 said:
Have you actually played a pokemon game? They represent well balanced, challenging RPG games.

As for the combat system, the depth and complexity of it is staggering. Visit to www.serebii.net to see what I mean. There is practically infinite scope for competitive battling, especially at the highest, professional levels.

The fact is, the Pokemnon games are too hard for most kids, but are drawn to them because of the cartoon, and the colourful nature of the characters. The Pokemon series deserves an environment like that which the OP describes.

People who dismiss the Pokemon series as 'just a kids game' are simply ignorant.
**agrees** Kids get drawn into getting the game and they play it for a bit, but soon go back to the TV series or one of their many films. Pokemon isn't "mash this button and only this button" enough for the kids today.
Sure it is. I battled the Elite Four by mashing A with occasional d-pad input. With Diamond it got even easier with the stylus; the battles do get really buttonmashy. Hell, I play Pokemon while reading.

The Lyre

New member
Jul 2, 2008
Shivari post=9.71633.733957 said:
I mean, no one's paying me anything. Silly.
I'm going to need a holy relic from every obscure religion in the world, a copy of Hey You! Pikachu!, a deep body of water, and a vat of consecrated Hydrochloric Acid to undo these DAR(rrrr)K MAGICKx!

Don't worry, Shivari, the Japanese Pun Demons shall not hound you for long!

Meanwhile, just, play some Team Fortress 2.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
If anyone saw the thread I started on this subject, you'll know how mad I am at Gamefreak and Nintendo. I don't see any point in talking about my perfect game since it'll never happen...


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Id love to see a mmorpg version of Pokemon were you can actually run around in a physical world and team up with fellow players in double battles. It would also make the whole Champion thing better because players could compete to be the real champ and it would give you a much bigger sense of satisfaction. I would also love to have some real tournaments like on the tv show were you're fighting real players in stead of the NCP's. Cause lets face it, the NPC's are aren't exactly hard, inc the E4.

Oh and bring back Team Rocket, as lame as they are, we all love em really and Team Aqua and the other clones just don't quite fit in.

I have no problem with them making new pokemon, just not pissing around giving Rotom 6 different forms in the style of different household appliances (platinum).
LOL i cringed when i saw that. It just doesn't have the original pokemon feel at all. They need to nip this forme thing in the bud and make some new fire and ghost types... or even better, a fire AND ghost type. Preferably something that doesn't look like a transformer lol. Someone needs to give Ken a good whipping :D

Beowulf DW

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I like Pokemon, always have, really. I'm playing Diamond at the moment.

If there was a Pokemon MMO, I'd be on it like Yahtzee on Too Human. A game where you could join/create gyms, have actual tournaments (you could even have an actual Pokemon league tournament once a year). There could even be a ranking system in which the top sixteen trainers gain the authority to establish gyms, and the Elite Four and Champion would of course be the top five trainers. This would ensure that every year, only the best hold those positions. Also, it would be cool if using FLY actually let you fly instead of warping you to a location (sort of like flying steads in WoW).


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Rampage911 post=9.71633.731859 said:
Don't be hater, you know you love it. I do. Give me your ultimate pokemon game.

Mine would be a RPG/action/adventure. First off there would be a huge world with a thousand places to explore each one different than the one before it. And the story would be something epic and emotional. The gameplay would consist of the old battle system as well as a new live action where you control your pokemon, so dodges and misses aren't random. The game would be polished to a shine, no glitches or errors, the graphics would make MGS4 shudder. And the game would be in no way repetitive, boring, or unatractive.
That gme would be impossible to make - thousands of worlds with beter graphcs than MGS4 with hundreds of AI pokemon and a new intresting battle system that never gets old...

Im all for your "dream" game, but at least make it slightly realistic.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I'd also like to see another Colosseum type game where you can actually level (unlike fecking Battle Revolution).

Takes so much of the grind away (is catching up on a little levelling - lol)


New member
Jun 4, 2008
i do love pokémon but i didn't know why its the exact same thing every single time gather the gym badges and defeat the evil orginization and i,d like to see a well made pokemon mmo


New member
Jun 7, 2008
A Pokemon MMO sounds like a good idea, so long as you did not have to deal with the everyday crap that the main cast does in the TV series. Plus it would be awsome to beat the region champion, and have your pokemon party copied and that party becomes the next champion team as well as a copied version of your character.


New member
Jun 13, 2008
You know those big game hunting games? Where you hunt dear and bears and stuff with a 12 gauge shotgun? I want to see one of those with pokemon.....

And also, why has team rocket never thought to just punch the player? The players like 10!


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Rampage911 said:
Don't be hater, you know you love it. I do. Give me your ultimate pokemon game.

Mine would be a RPG/action/adventure. First off there would be a huge world with a thousand places to explore each one different than the one before it. And the story would be something epic and emotional. The gameplay would consist of the old battle system as well as a new live action where you control your pokemon, so dodges and misses aren't random. The game would be polished to a shine, no glitches or errors, the graphics would make MGS4 shudder. And the game would be in no way repetitive, boring, or unatractive.
I was just linked this thread Josh797 on my own interpretation of it. xD;

Didn't mean to double topic. 8/


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Arionis said:
Yea......I've never enjoyed the pokemon games. And truth be told, I don't even enjoy the series anymore.

But I'd still play a game if I felt they did it right, and THIS is my formula for doing so.

Have you as your trainer (charecter editor, thank you)walk around in a full 3d realm, sand box style kind of.

Okay, now, say you come to a battle. Instead of throwing up a menu selection, instead have you take DIRECT control of your pokemon.

Your shoulder buttons (yes, this be on a console) activate on of your four preset attacks,control stick controls direction, a face button controls jump, *double tap to toggle flight for certain pokemon/ raising up when swimming*, another face button makes crouch, *double tap for burrowing / diving down when swimming* and then pause menu for items like potions or pokeballs.

My theory is with this, you could actually use the enviroment like in the show and have a bit more strategy to battles instead of hoping your Pokemons outlasts the others attacks. For instance, saying your fighting an Onyx and your Pikachu WASNT just introduced to a million volts of eletricity to raise its power. However, you encountered in a mountain area with a lake. You could run to the side, jump, and use tackle on it's neck to bounce it into the water, and then use thunderbolt to zap, thereby getting around the resistance of minor electicity.

Other examples would be for like, Scyther or something, fighting in a cave, you could cut at the stalactites and let them fall onto your enemy (though, that might be considered rude xD)
, using Arbok in a grove of trees to wrap up a bunch of them and let them go, smacking the enemy in the face when it charged at you.

RPG elements would still fit in as you raised the speed and accuracy and others things of your pokemon as they leveled up.

What do you guys think? >.>;
i love this idea. its awesome. its similar to whats on here, but its more fleshed out. very creative!


New member
Jul 29, 2008
I'd like to see a pokemon game done in "real life" pokemon hunting people, you controlling charizard as he chomps through bulbasaurs and people alike, then switching and being the people who're catching the animals in vicious battles, blood everywhere from the multiple wounds in both man and beast


New member
Apr 8, 2008
The_Logician19 said:
...An epic sort of Pokemon game might work, but you have to ask yourself a few questions.

1) How is it that Pokemon can do the things they do?
Magic or Clarke's third Law
2) Why isn't there a police force to control certain things?
There is but they are lazy and incompentent, like in Red
3) Why is it that there are only one of certain Pokemon in the world?
A wizard said so
4) If there is only one, why isn't it illegal to catch and train it?
because it's more of a rental, you give it back as soon as you get older and realize that being a pokemon master doesn't pay the bills, lose your childhood ambition and get a desk job.
5) If some of these Pokemon are so awesomely powerful, then why is it that they don't go on a rampage and destroy entire countries?
because a wizard told them not to, and they are not probably not trained
6) How big is Kanto, really?
Not big enough to have proper cities or a militia
7) Why don't wild Pokemon attack people? If they do, then how was the planet domesticated as well as it is?
Because they are pure of heart and other cheesy 90's bullshit, (answers both)
8) How does a Pokeball work? How is it that you can make one out of an acorn shell?
Because the inventors of the Pokeballs are Timelords
9) If pokemon can do all these fantastic things, why can't people?
Because they are people
10) How would having extraordinarally powerful animals at your disposal change a general society?
No, see Q#7