

New member
Jun 22, 2009
okay here is wat i think i do believe that is osme area in the world there are animals that look this i do believe that there probalbly is some fox that has nine tails i mean hell when you think about we already have cats that glow in the drak so i really dont find it all hard to believe that the japanes or the american goverment isnt already or have already tested this.i do think though that soon we may actually find animals or fish that look like this.

mad benji89

New member
May 4, 2009
aww i dont want a new pokemon game coming out i wish they stopped at pokemon yellow i ust to love the old pokemon red if they would have left them at the three first games then i would be able to remeber pokemon what it ust to a good peace of childhood memorys collecting cards and going aganst my brother on my gameboy but when they brought out new pokemon that look like inbread vission of the orignal it screwed it up for me.

i rather have a game that died early and i had good memorys with than a game that lived for a very long time and started to really make me cringe for ever liking it


New member
Sep 5, 2008
A couple thoughts on this:

First, the Pokémon haters should probably leave, because complaining about stuff you don't like is just a target on your face for people who do like it. Second, I really wish Nintendo would do something like this; rather than continually targetting the little kids who will look back on it one day and act like it was a lame kid's game they played before discovering gore, they should make something more mature and complex for the true fanbase who had to go undercover for fear of being hung as a five-year-old trapped in an adult's body by the general populace.[/overlong sentence] I'd play a game like that. Finally, I actually did come up with a concept for something like this- an RTS where you play as the daimyo (the master of a samurai, for those who don't know) of an army of pokémon in feudal Kanto.

PauL o_O

New member
Feb 15, 2009
Something interesting? As a child I remember sitting on my couch, with my small blue gameboy in my hands thinking "What the hell am I doing? I've been forcing my cocoon to fight worms for 2 and a half hours so it will hatch and become a rather *gay* butterfly.."

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
I never understood why Pokemon got so big. I mean it's basically a game about animal fights with a very VERY overused storyline.


Pointy Object Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2008
Digimon owns Pokemon.

I kid, though Digimon does cause me to elate.

As far as an ultimate Pokemon game... 3D game play, real time combat with your Pokemon, a more original storyline, not necessarily darker, but more original.

Yeah, that'd be sick.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
You know... i think a pokemon game would be much better with 8-way move (i don't count either ranger OR the GC games, i wanna see a 8 way move on the original style of pokemon game.)... or it could suck.... depends on how nintendo pulls it off.... soo odds are... fairly badly