[Politics] Nazis Attack LGBT Pride Parade

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Dreiko said:
You're approaching this from an ethical perspective. You're saying "this ideology prescribes the elimination of people, so it's by default worse".
I don't think I'm approaching this from an ethical perspective at all. To be honest, think the question of what is "worse" isn't a very productive line of reasoning. But the question isn't "which long-dead historical figure is the worst", it's how we should politically respond to the ideological climate of the present.

If anything, attempting to shift it to a question of "who is worse" or "who historically killed the greatest number of people by any means" is intentional derailment from the serious question of what it is reasonable to tolerate..

Dreiko said:
If anything, having deathcounts that rival the nazis without TRYING to kill people is actually an order of magnitude worse for the ideology.
..and I think this is a good example, and also a misunderstanding of the basic concept of ideology.

If we assume that any society which operates under the vague umbrella of liberal capitalism is "ideologically" liberal and capitalist, and that any deaths caused by the political, economic or justice system within that society can be attributed seamlessly to the governing "ideology", then liberal capitalism as an ideology does not just rival the Nazis, it overwhelmingly exceeds it in every possible metric of human evil. It is the greatest atrocity ever inflicted upon this planet. This is, of course, also leaving aside the very real real environmental disaster we are currently facing, which is itself primarily the result of action by liberal capitalist societies, and which may permanently destroy this Earth as we know it.

If we followed this way of thinking, then we would be forced to conclude that the very idea of freedom, including such rights as free speech, were in and of themselves responsible for impossible numbers of human deaths and an incredible quantity of suffering, thus, that they were fundamentally evil and should be held as equal to demands for intentional genocide. But if we were to look at this on the level of political response, you can presumably see how foolish it would be to respond as if calls for free speech were an ideological threat to human life. The idea of freedom is not the problem, the idea of freedom is not what kills people, the political and economic realities of a society organised around the principles of freedom can be incredibly destructive, but that's not a function of "ideology".

You know, in historical terms, radical islamist states (or pseudo-states) haven't actually killed many people. Certainly far, far fewer people than liberalism or capitalism. Maybe it's time to hear IS out. It seems like we have a lot to learn from them about how to be a peaceful and non-authoritarian society.
Sep 24, 2008
Gotta be honest. I'm a little sad that the Lunatic was banned.

I hate almost everything he said with a universal disdain, but it was quite nice to have him as a reference point as how far gone the extremes go. He complained about us trying to take away Neo-Nazis' right to free speech, ignored from their own website that their plan was to take rights away from everyone who wasn't germanic blood, and then used their website that talked about kicking out foreigners as a peaceful organization.

Troll or not, you don't get any more of a salient example as that.

Schadrach said:
ObsidianJones said:
We can hide behind formality, but when Detriot Cops say that via their intelligence sources, that MSN came with the express desire to incite violence [https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/detroit-chief-neo-nazis-sought-gay-pride-event-63614966], logical people realize that they are playing a child's game akin to a little child goading his older sibling on into a physical altercation. Hoping to get one good shot in before welling up with tears so Mom will punish the older sibling later.
If the goal was just to provoke lefties into attacking them, wouldn't it have been simpler to just go to Berkeley, CA and just speak their minds?
It's a Martyr Maneuver (I hope I am the first one to come up with that term).

You take an issue you're willing to die on the hill for, as it were. You show yourself to be upstanding and unwavering against whatever you consider tyranny. You act as borderline as possible, not actually breaking any laws but really goading the other party on and you wish for them to strike.

When they do, you unleash hell and hope for causalities on both sides. Any one is a martyr to your cause that you'll use to recruit more members and more action. "X gave his life for our cause! Do you believe in it any less?! CAN YOU DO ANY LESS?!"

It is the precursor to Zealotry.

And why not Berkeley, CA? Because it's a land mass. There's nothing going on other than vague everpresent assumptions of who lives there and what they believe.

This was an actual gathering of what these people hate. Not in theory, but actual people and numbers. Not everyone in Berkeley, CA is a ultra-liberal, interracial couple who adopted intergendered babies from other countries with different faiths. Some people in Berkeley, CA hates those types of people as much as the NSM.

But I assure you, no one attending the Pride Parade that weren't with the NSM were thinking "I hate these gays, but they put on a good show". Either you were LBGTQ, or you were a supporter. A clear, defined, unequivocal enemy to show force against.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
evilthecat said:
Dreiko said:
Oh and we both kinda forgot Mao's China and all the people who starved there too. You gotta add those to the deathcount as well.
Do you think that Maoist China and Stalinist Russia followed the same state ideology?
Yeah, till Stalin died.
CaitSeith said:
TheIronRuler said:
I sense hostility because I ask to treat these people as reasonable humans, that can be convinced to stop what they're doing... and understand their mistakes.
I treat them as humans. Humans that can be believe in lies and even can convince themselves that their terrible acts are no mistake. There is a reason that consumer protection laws exist: because it's easy to con reasonable people.
Pass a law that requires all promoters of nazi ideology to put a label on everything related to it, with pictures of people in concentration camps, saying "this ideology may lead to the wanton murder of millions of people".

It's a joke, though. Don't take this seriously, Saelune.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
TheIronRuler said:
Yeah, till Stalin died.
Who would win the 1935 Zunyi conference?

28 Bolsheviks, with the full backing of the comintern and a solid education in orthodox Marxist-Leninism

One peasant boi


Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
Lil devils x said:

You are correct, you do not see them here as I do. I have seen them marching through the streets and protesting at the court house here where I live. I have to listen to what people are saying standing in line at the market. I also have seen that many of those doing so live in these neighborhoods:


When this happens in your neighborhood, you tend to know a bit more about the people involved. The people involved here are more likely to suffer from "affluenza" than poverty. They also often send their children to " pray away the gay camps" and only allow their children to associate with people of their own race and culture. I don't think many are as bad off as you seem to think they are. If these organizations were made up of the poor, they would not be as well funded as they currently are.

EDIT: It isn't just here either:

Wealthy racists are not a new thing btw, the south was founded by wealthy racist landowners. Not much has changed in that regard.
I know a little about the plantation system in the south and how the land-owning, slave-owning elite perpetuated this racial divide to justify their exploitation of the slaves and simultaneously take care of the unrest of the poor whites by directing it towards blacks, and away from their real masters. I can understand how the same is happening, which is why I've said before and I'll stress again - those people who are pushed to these ideology by circumstance can be saved, they can be redeemed, as long as the ringleaders are addressed. Clumping them all together, without any nuance to their situation, writes off many people whose minds are not broken beyond repaid and can be rehabilitated. The same way prisoners can be rehabilitated from their negative behaviors, some of those people can be redeemed and given a second chance.

I believe you, and I often try to argue not against you, but argue that you do not see the entire picture from your angle.

I got called a nazi apologist, even a supporter, in a different thread. I always doubt whether or not the people who attack me understand who I am.
I apologize, I should have been more clear, I agree with you on the points you made about some of the reasons for this happening, and I also agree with you on that I do not see these people as "unredeemable". I was pointing out that many of which we also deal with in this current time do not fit into the category of "desperate people" being taken advantage of, but rather those who are pretty well off and insulated from reality. This is becoming popular in the suburbs and the well off rather than just the rural outliers. I do see the other angles, that is why I think we have to address the promotion and propaganda for what it is. If we can outlaw people inciting violence by screaming fire in a theater, we very well should be outlawing the promotion of hate fueled genocidal propaganda. There is no benefit to society by allowing Nazis to promote, recruit, organize and mobilize their efforts to control the government so they can inflict harm upon the citizens they do not deem " pure enough" for their tastes, only harm so it serves no purpose to allow something this harmful to continue. Considering we ban far less than Nazi Propaganda, I see no reason why it should be protected.

I do believe people can be redeemed, that is why we have to address this with the truth and prevent them from indoctrinating more into their terrorist organizations. For those that have already been indoctrinated, they need to be shown the truth and how and why things are the way they are rather than just allow the endless propaganda to continue. It really is no different than how you deal with anyone who has been indoctrinated into a cult or other extremism. When you have some of these kids growing up isolated in communities that promote these backwards ideas or even isolated further being homeschooled and only allowed to associated with others of the same mindset, many do not really even know anything else. In the south this is not that uncommon, even among those well off.

We have to start with how we address the topic to begin with. If we allow them to continue to indoctrinate people publicly and promote genocide without treating it the same as we treat inciting violence or making threats and other criminal behavior, we are validating it by showing that it is accepted as a relevant political belief when it should be treated no different than any other horrific crime. I see that is where they are currently making the mistake, they are treating it as if it is an actual political platform when it does not deserve such status, it should be treated as no different than promoting any other terrorism and with the same repulsion. The second you start treating this as an actual political platform, allowing actual politicians to court them, you legitimize them, and that should never be happening. That is why it is currently growing and has to be addressed to prevent it from gaining more traction than it already has.

Yea I have been called absurd things before as well, I wouldn't take it seriously. I think sometimes things can be misunderstood or taken wrong or people spend far too much time arguing with their own thoughts rather than trying to understand what someone else is trying to convey, or of course they could simply have their head up their arse. Even with some of the out there stuff you posted that I thought you were just pulling my chain over, I never once thought you to be a Nazi Sympathizer, that is one for the books. XD

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
Saelune said:
.I am personally attacked. Your opinion on them is a bad one.

I have learned to bite my tongue, even if you don't realize that. But I have far more warnings that I deserve to have.

It was a picture of a mass grave of Nazi victims. Nazis have lost any right to exist, due to their actions in the 1940's. They are terrorists, plain and simple.

Reason is thinking that the most villianous group in mdern history is villanous. They literally are the standard for 'evil fascist organization'. When people make fiction and want you to know who the bad guys are, they make them some form of Nazi.

Or are you unfamiliar with Star Wars?
Do you know who I am?

I do not attribute the actions of the Germans on my people and the peoples of the world to the detached neo-nazis that parrot their beliefs in your country. The comparisons are in bad taste, as I have repeatedly told you before. Treat them with respect to their beliefs and actions. They have done, plan to do, and dream of doing awful and horrible things. Some of them are the very same things they idolize the German Nazis for doing (that young white man, who decided to attack a synagogue during Passover dinner, killing a women and injuring 3 others). It should be attributed to the movement, not the actions of those they idolize, some 80 years ago.
Many of these promoting this now are directly linked to those who did these things during WW2. My neighbor growing up was a literal SS officer and everyone knew it. His son is just as racist as he was and idolizes his father. Look at the men in the OP, they are gray and balding and they knew what they were supporting here. We are still dealing with the descendants of the Nazis who fled to the US after WW2. They were able to pick up life in the US after the war because there were still plenty of communities within the US that supported them. My neighbor was not the only one here walking around in his SS uniform handing down his beliefs to his children. Beliefs and ideology like this are often handed down and indoctrinated into the communities, people are taught these things and they are frequently handed down like other religious beliefs. It is not always a separated movement.


Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
evilthecat said:
I'm not going to come out and question whether you're really gay or something
I will. I know he's banned now, but I know for a fact that members of far-right groups go on propaganda missions on the internet where, among other things, they pretend to be members of some minority group. Pretty obvious why, when you look at some of the stuff that The Lunatic said here and in the past. And we all know he's not the only one on this website.

And that is why we shouldn't discuss politics here.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
Saelune said:
.I am personally attacked. Your opinion on them is a bad one.

I have learned to bite my tongue, even if you don't realize that. But I have far more warnings that I deserve to have.

It was a picture of a mass grave of Nazi victims. Nazis have lost any right to exist, due to their actions in the 1940's. They are terrorists, plain and simple.

Reason is thinking that the most villianous group in mdern history is villanous. They literally are the standard for 'evil fascist organization'. When people make fiction and want you to know who the bad guys are, they make them some form of Nazi.

Or are you unfamiliar with Star Wars?
Do you know who I am?

I do not attribute the actions of the Germans on my people and the peoples of the world to the detached neo-nazis that parrot their beliefs in your country. The comparisons are in bad taste, as I have repeatedly told you before. Treat them with respect to their beliefs and actions. They have done, plan to do, and dream of doing awful and horrible things. Some of them are the very same things they idolize the German Nazis for doing (that young white man, who decided to attack a synagogue during Passover dinner, killing a women and injuring 3 others). It should be attributed to the movement, not the actions of those they idolize, some 80 years ago.
Do you know who -I- am?

You could be a gay black Jewish person for all I know, but if you defend Nazis, you defend Nazis. If you're a gay black Jewish person defending Nazis, then you're a suicidal defender of Nazis.

Evil wins when good does nothing. You advocate doing nothing.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Adam Jensen said:
evilthecat said:
I'm not going to come out and question whether you're really gay or something
I will. I know he's banned now, but I know for a fact that members of far-right groups go on propaganda missions on the internet where, among other things, they pretend to be members of some minority group. Pretty obvious why, when you look at some of the stuff that The Lunatic said here and in the past. And we all know he's not the only one on this website.

And that is why we shouldn't discuss politics here.
I do not doubt for one second that The Lunatic was not a legit full on White Supremacist. I don't know if they were really gay or not, but it is not an excuse. A gay white supremacist is still a white supremacist.

The Lunatic was also a troll, and a shining example of how unfair it is that calling out someone who was as blatant a troll as he was is more likely to be punished than the troll themselves. He lasted far too long, but I am glad he finally was dealt with. Better late than never.

I am glad to no longer have to dance around that.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Saelune said:
TheIronRuler said:
Saelune said:
.I am personally attacked. Your opinion on them is a bad one.

I have learned to bite my tongue, even if you don't realize that. But I have far more warnings that I deserve to have.

It was a picture of a mass grave of Nazi victims. Nazis have lost any right to exist, due to their actions in the 1940's. They are terrorists, plain and simple.

Reason is thinking that the most villianous group in mdern history is villanous. They literally are the standard for 'evil fascist organization'. When people make fiction and want you to know who the bad guys are, they make them some form of Nazi.

Or are you unfamiliar with Star Wars?
Do you know who I am?

I do not attribute the actions of the Germans on my people and the peoples of the world to the detached neo-nazis that parrot their beliefs in your country. The comparisons are in bad taste, as I have repeatedly told you before. Treat them with respect to their beliefs and actions. They have done, plan to do, and dream of doing awful and horrible things. Some of them are the very same things they idolize the German Nazis for doing (that young white man, who decided to attack a synagogue during Passover dinner, killing a women and injuring 3 others). It should be attributed to the movement, not the actions of those they idolize, some 80 years ago.
Do you know who -I- am?

You could be a gay black Jewish person for all I know, but if you defend Nazis, you defend Nazis. If you're a gay black Jewish person defending Nazis, then you're a suicidal defender of Nazis.

Evil wins when good does nothing. You advocate doing nothing.
I do not advocate doing nothing. You've clearly demonstrated you don't read my posts. I do not share your opinions, however I do not defend nazis. I defend people you love to demonize, some of which can be returned to normalcy. You can't distinguish the difference between opinions other than your own.
Saelune said:
The Lunatic was also a troll, and a shining example of how unfair it is that calling out someone who was as blatant a troll as he was is more likely to be punished than the troll themselves. He lasted far too long, but I am glad he finally was dealt with. Better late than never.

I am glad to no longer have to dance around that.
This stuff? A long time tradition here.
Lil devils x said:
TheIronRuler said:
Saelune said:
.I am personally attacked. Your opinion on them is a bad one.

I have learned to bite my tongue, even if you don't realize that. But I have far more warnings that I deserve to have.

It was a picture of a mass grave of Nazi victims. Nazis have lost any right to exist, due to their actions in the 1940's. They are terrorists, plain and simple.

Reason is thinking that the most villianous group in mdern history is villanous. They literally are the standard for 'evil fascist organization'. When people make fiction and want you to know who the bad guys are, they make them some form of Nazi.

Or are you unfamiliar with Star Wars?
Do you know who I am?

I do not attribute the actions of the Germans on my people and the peoples of the world to the detached neo-nazis that parrot their beliefs in your country. The comparisons are in bad taste, as I have repeatedly told you before. Treat them with respect to their beliefs and actions. They have done, plan to do, and dream of doing awful and horrible things. Some of them are the very same things they idolize the German Nazis for doing (that young white man, who decided to attack a synagogue during Passover dinner, killing a women and injuring 3 others). It should be attributed to the movement, not the actions of those they idolize, some 80 years ago.
Many of these promoting this now are directly linked to those who did these things during WW2. My neighbor growing up was a literal SS officer and everyone knew it. His son is just as racist as he was and idolizes his father. Look at the men in the OP, they are gray and balding and they knew what they were supporting here. We are still dealing with the descendants of the Nazis who fled to the US after WW2. They were able to pick up life in the US after the war because there were still plenty of communities within the US that supported them. My neighbor was not the only one here walking around in his SS uniform handing down his beliefs to his children. Beliefs and ideology like this are often handed down and indoctrinated into the communities, people are taught these things and they are frequently handed down like other religious beliefs. It is not always a separated movement.

You've mentioned that before...
Can you stop making me feel like shit for a little while? I only see glimpses into the images you see daily and my stomach turns.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
TheIronRuler said:
evilthecat said:
Dreiko said:
Oh and we both kinda forgot Mao's China and all the people who starved there too. You gotta add those to the deathcount as well.
Do you think that Maoist China and Stalinist Russia followed the same state ideology?
Yeah, till Stalin died.
CaitSeith said:
TheIronRuler said:
I sense hostility because I ask to treat these people as reasonable humans, that can be convinced to stop what they're doing... and understand their mistakes.
I treat them as humans. Humans that can be believe in lies and even can convince themselves that their terrible acts are no mistake. There is a reason that consumer protection laws exist: because it's easy to con reasonable people.
Pass a law that requires all promoters of nazi ideology to put a label on everything related to it, with pictures of people in concentration camps, saying "this ideology may lead to the wanton murder of millions of people".

It's a joke, though. Don't take this seriously, Saelune.
You may joke, but the senses that getting red-pilled gives them are as addictive as opium (metaphorically speaking).


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
TheIronRuler said:
Saelune said:
TheIronRuler said:
Saelune said:
.I am personally attacked. Your opinion on them is a bad one.

I have learned to bite my tongue, even if you don't realize that. But I have far more warnings that I deserve to have.

It was a picture of a mass grave of Nazi victims. Nazis have lost any right to exist, due to their actions in the 1940's. They are terrorists, plain and simple.

Reason is thinking that the most villianous group in mdern history is villanous. They literally are the standard for 'evil fascist organization'. When people make fiction and want you to know who the bad guys are, they make them some form of Nazi.

Or are you unfamiliar with Star Wars?
Do you know who I am?

I do not attribute the actions of the Germans on my people and the peoples of the world to the detached neo-nazis that parrot their beliefs in your country. The comparisons are in bad taste, as I have repeatedly told you before. Treat them with respect to their beliefs and actions. They have done, plan to do, and dream of doing awful and horrible things. Some of them are the very same things they idolize the German Nazis for doing (that young white man, who decided to attack a synagogue during Passover dinner, killing a women and injuring 3 others). It should be attributed to the movement, not the actions of those they idolize, some 80 years ago.
Do you know who -I- am?

You could be a gay black Jewish person for all I know, but if you defend Nazis, you defend Nazis. If you're a gay black Jewish person defending Nazis, then you're a suicidal defender of Nazis.

Evil wins when good does nothing. You advocate doing nothing.
I do not advocate doing nothing. You've clearly demonstrated you don't read my posts. I do not share your opinions, however I do not defend nazis. I defend people you love to demonize, some of which can be returned to normalcy. You can't distinguish the difference between opinions other than your own.
Saelune said:
The Lunatic was also a troll, and a shining example of how unfair it is that calling out someone who was as blatant a troll as he was is more likely to be punished than the troll themselves. He lasted far too long, but I am glad he finally was dealt with. Better late than never.

I am glad to no longer have to dance around that.
This stuff? A long time tradition here.
You are defending Nazis. That is a fact.

The people I 'demonize' are Nazis. I 'demonize' them because I am stating facts about them, and the facts are Nazis are like demons, evil, murderous bigoted monsters. If you cant understand that, that's your failing.

If you want me to not think you're just like all the others who try to condemn me, maybe stop repeating their tired lines. If opposing genocide is wrong, then I dont want to be right.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Saelune said:
.You are defending Nazis. That is a fact.

The people I 'demonize' are Nazis. I 'demonize' them because I am stating facts about them, and the facts are Nazis are like demons, evil, murderous bigoted monsters. If you cant understand that, that's your failing.

If you want me to not think you're just like all the others who try to condemn me, maybe stop repeating their tired lines. If opposing genocide is wrong, then I dont want to be right.
You are wrong. That is a fact.

You are abrasive. That is a fact.

You are flooding the forums with your nonsense. That is a fact.

See here, I can also make facts.

I don't repeat lines other than my own. I don't care if you clump me with 'all the others'. I'm trying to have a conversation with you and I'm failing miserably.
CaitSeith said:
You may joke, but the senses that getting red-pilled gives them are as addictive as opium (metaphorically speaking).
I made a mistake of visiting pol a few times. Woah. What an experience, it's like driving through a safari full of jackals and I'm a fresh piece of meat. You observe with curiosity their strange mating rituals and do not get out of your vehicle...


New member
Dec 17, 2012
CaitSeith said:
Abomination said:
Lil devils x said:
It isn't " get them first" to set an acceptable standard for society.
Sounds like conservative propaganda, but okay.
Oh, you didn't just play the p-card, did you?
I mean, if there are laws on the books allowing certain political ideologies to be ostracized, which party do you think would be the first to abuse said powers?

We need to curtail these evildoers to ensure our family values are upheld... etc. etc.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
lol, lunatic got banned. im gonna miss his gay furry alt right shenanigans.


New member
May 30, 2015
Marik2 said:
lol, lunatic got banned. im gonna miss his gay furry alt right shenanigans.
Without making commentary on how he got banned, I will just say that that's yet another very highly tenured and high post-count account that has been banned.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't noticed any actual new people joining in a very very long time. Say what you will of the ban, but all that's happened here is our small community has just gotten even smaller.
Sep 24, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
evilthecat said:
I'm not going to come out and question whether you're really gay or something
I will. I know he's banned now, but I know for a fact that members of far-right groups go on propaganda missions on the internet where, among other things, they pretend to be members of some minority group. Pretty obvious why, when you look at some of the stuff that The Lunatic said here and in the past. And we all know he's not the only one on this website.

And that is why we shouldn't discuss politics here.
I disagree. It is EXACTLY the reason we need to discuss politics here.

This is a gaming website's forum. We come together due to our love of pixels, Ai routines and Booleans, and voice acting so horrible we love it. And not even here are we free from those people and those mindsets. I first came into this place because I saw a random link to Zero Punctuation about Ninja Gaiden 2. I wanted to talk about that. And then I saw what people were talking about, and I had to respond.

Think about how many people cry out for an end of diversity being shoved down our throat. we know that Lunatic and, as you said, others here are interspersed with regular gamers. That leads to one questioning the response of "We just need stories, not representation". Are those fellow gamers bringing up a sentiment that bares exploring given we just might be 'too sensitive... or do they have an agenda to wipe segments of people out of conscious for whatever reason?

This is why the concept of "We need to free spaces from politics" doesn't hold water. There is no space like that. Even trying to devoid a situation of politics is a political move, one that holds its own restriction, mores, and minefields.

Lil devils x said:
Many of these promoting this now are directly linked to those who did these things during WW2. My neighbor growing up was a literal SS officer and everyone knew it. His son is just as racist as he was and idolizes his father. Look at the men in the OP, they are gray and balding and they knew what they were supporting here. We are still dealing with the descendants of the Nazis who fled to the US after WW2. They were able to pick up life in the US after the war because there were still plenty of communities within the US that supported them. My neighbor was not the only one here walking around in his SS uniform handing down his beliefs to his children. Beliefs and ideology like this are often handed down and indoctrinated into the communities, people are taught these things and they are frequently handed down like other religious beliefs. It is not always a separated movement.

Although the numbers will never be truly clear, there were a lot of Nazi sympathizers in the United States. Coupled with many Americans thinking that World War 2 and our allies falling were not our problem [https://exhibitions.ushmm.org/americans-and-the-holocaust/us-public-opinion-world-war-II-1939-1941], not to mention the strong anti-semitism movement in America, it was highly fertile ground.

"Hey, not only did your own government send millions of your sons, brothers, and husbands to die in a war that you had no business being in, but they did it to aid the Jew that has so much power over your country. We Germans are a small nation, but we took so much. Through our beliefs, our discipline. Match that with the raw power of the American People, and we can truly take our true place as Kings of this world!"

Nazis, the original Pitchmen...

Red Sentinel

New member
May 20, 2014
Wow. Of all the hills one might choose to die on, he chose to die on a hill defending literal Nazis.
Literal goose-stepping, swastika-wearing, Hitler-saluting Nazis.

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.