Shadowstar38 said:
Seanchaidh said:
Well, Hitler said you can go to Madagascar
Fucking what now?
Why have I never heard of this?
Because History books prefer not to mention the fact the main plan of the Nazis was to get jews out rather than de-facto killing them. Because once you get into that chapter you also come across the one which shows the Allies did as little as they could to help Jews immigrate to their country because they didn't want them either.
But that's off topic.
On topic, while I firmly believe what the Trump administration is doing to be wrong due to the conditions in which this is all happening immigration is probably one of the morally most difficult issues to handle. On one hand opening the borders entirely may appear to be the moral thing to do. But on the other hand it's just not that simple.
Regardless of one's opinion about it mass migration has a tendency to lead to conflicts and tensions with the natives in the host nation. And these conflicts can escalate.
But that is not the main issue, the main issue is that opening your borders tends to exacerbate the problem by inciting more people to try and cross it. And the question than becomes, how to properly integrate all those masses? Many come from nations with different cultures, they speak different languages, may not have skills required in the job market or even worse they may import local conflicts in the host nation.
Another issue is that allowing unhappy people out of one nation is also reducing the pressure in that nation against the governing bodies and may slow down the necessary evolution the country needs to go through. Very often people emigrating are those who have the financial means necessary to make the journey, the physical capabilities or have sufficient professional skills to hope for a much better future in the host nation. These profiles are typically the ones a country in turmoil needs to get through a crisis and recover afterwards.
But off course all of this doesn't justify detention in inhumane conditions.