Poll: 60fps vs 30fps? opinions?


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
Zipa said:
In defence of the whole intel HD4000 thing though we don't know if Steam counts them simply because they are there rather than if they are used or not, a lot of laptops have one in as well as some sort of dedicated GPU as well. Add that to some laptops will switch between the dedicated GPU and the intel chipset when in certain low power modes and we really don't know how accurate it is.
That's true, some systems do have a dedicated GPU along side there little Intel thingie. The HD 4000 was probably not the best example to give... That said, it is kind of funny how common it is, and like I mentioned later: lots of GPUs on the list with a similar amount of power (or lack thereof) :)


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Mm, while I definitely like the look of 60, I don't really mind all that much.
I've got a few remastered games on my PS4 and my PC can run most of my games at 60, but really, I don't mind.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
60 FPS is strictly speaking better but not better enough for me to really care. Although I still play a lot of RPGs, if I played more fighting games I might care more.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Don't care. Does it look good? Does it run smoothIs it responsive enough? Then I'm all for it.
you say you dont care yet your third sentence deals precisely with you caring about framerate? what?
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
MysticSlayer said:
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Don't care. Does it look good? Does it run smoothIs it responsive enough? Then I'm all for it.
you say you dont care yet your third sentence deals precisely with you caring about framerate? what?
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.
with higher framerate game runs more smoothly and is much more responsive to input. In fact input response time is the number one factor why people prefer higher framerate.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Don't care. Does it look good? Does it run smoothIs it responsive enough? Then I'm all for it.
you say you dont care yet your third sentence deals precisely with you caring about framerate? what?
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.
with higher framerate game runs more smoothly and is much more responsive to input. In fact input response time is the number one factor why people prefer higher framerate.
But, as I also mentioned in my original post, I find 30 FPS smooth and responsive. And unless a developer ties game speed to framerate (which, from what I've read, is a horrible practice), then I can't even tell the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS.

In other words, I don't care because both 60 FPS and 30 FPS offer what I'm looking for.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
MysticSlayer said:
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Don't care. Does it look good? Does it run smoothIs it responsive enough? Then I'm all for it.
you say you dont care yet your third sentence deals precisely with you caring about framerate? what?
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.
with higher framerate game runs more smoothly and is much more responsive to input. In fact input response time is the number one factor why people prefer higher framerate.
But, as I also mentioned in my original post, I find 30 FPS smooth and responsive. And unless a developer ties game speed to framerate (which, from what I've read, is a horrible practice), then I can't even tell the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS.

In other words, I don't care because both 60 FPS and 30 FPS offer what I'm looking for.
This is not possible. 30 FPS is neither smooth nor responsive. that is a fact that cannot be avoided without breaking laws of physics. Now it is possible that your standards are so low as to find 30 FPS acceptable responsiveness. But that one is on you. If you genuinely cannot tell the difference then i highly suggest contacting a phisician, because there is a medical condition that prevents some people from telling a difference.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
Don't care. Does it look good? Does it run smoothIs it responsive enough? Then I'm all for it.
you say you dont care yet your third sentence deals precisely with you caring about framerate? what?
Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're talking about.
with higher framerate game runs more smoothly and is much more responsive to input. In fact input response time is the number one factor why people prefer higher framerate.
But, as I also mentioned in my original post, I find 30 FPS smooth and responsive. And unless a developer ties game speed to framerate (which, from what I've read, is a horrible practice), then I can't even tell the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS.

In other words, I don't care because both 60 FPS and 30 FPS offer what I'm looking for.
This is not possible. 30 FPS is neither smooth nor responsive.
So you're telling me that all those enjoyable gaming sessions at 30 FPS never actually happened? I'm guessing that you'll also claim that movies, which generally run around 24 FPS, are like watching a slideshow?

that is a fact that cannot be avoided without breaking laws of physics.
What laws of physics?

Now it is possible that your standards are so low as to find 30 FPS acceptable responsiveness. But that one is on you.
Or you could be suffering a placebo.

If you genuinely cannot tell the difference then i highly suggest contacting a phisician, because there is a medical condition that prevents some people from telling a difference.
And what possible medical condition would that be?

But really, all I'm reading here is a bunch of hyperbole. I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish, but between the unspecified laws of physics and the unspecified medical condition, it feels more like you're trying to get me to waste my money on a physician than proving a point about the superiority of 60 FPS.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
MysticSlayer said:
So you're telling me that all those enjoyable gaming sessions at 30 FPS never actually happened? I'm guessing that you'll also claim that movies, which generally run around 24 FPS, are like watching a slideshow?
No, im telling you that those gaming sessions were not running the game smoothly and response time was higher than it should have been. I never used the term slideshow nor were we talking about movies. there is no response time in movies for one thing. Secondly, movies have real motion blur, which alievates the effort somewhat. but yes, i would like movies to have higher framerate as well.

What laws of physics?
The ones that determine motion and human perception of it.

Or you could be suffering a placebo.
No, all scientific evidence points to the contrary, that you are the one suffering placebo thinking 30 FPS is smooth.

And what possible medical condition would that be?
It may be a form of Akinetopsia

But really, all I'm reading here is a bunch of hyperbole. I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish, but between the unspecified laws of physics and the unspecified medical condition, it feels more like you're trying to get me to waste my money on a physician than proving a point about the superiority of 60 FPS.
There is nothing hyperbolic about 60 fps being objectively better than 30 fps. Nor that increased framerate results in smoother game experience (both visual and gameplay) and reduces input lag. What i am trying to acomplish is to show that the thing you claim to care so much about are in fact governed by the thing you claim you do not care about, so you would better understand what causes the things you enjoy (and presumably find enjoyable things easier). I dont have to prove superiority of 60 fps. it is a self evident fact. Yes, some people are stubborn disbelievers, just like there are people that think the sun rotates around the earth or that the earth is 3000 years old, but that does not change the actual fact.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
Movies have motion blur, which makes for a somewhat different experience from games. There's also input lag to consider when it comes to action oriented games.

However, there's a reason many developers aim for 30fps: it might not be perfect, but it's good enough.I'm sure some people can notice the difference well enough to be somewhat bothered by it, but the ones who claim it's making them nauseous or giving them headaches are probably the ones with the medical condition.

(Said medical condition may be something as harmless as a fragile ego, which makes them feel the need to defend their choices - such as spending money on a high-end gaming machine - to the bitter end.)


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
As long as its stable and somewhere over 24 (what most movies are filmed at) I couldn't care less. I'd rather have 24 fps that stays locked at 24 rather than 60 that sometimes drops to 30 and back up if the cpu is chugging. Framerate is only noticeable when its jumping around and changing fps. As long as it's stable and the game is running smoothly the rate itself doesn't matter in the slightest.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Strazdas said:
MysticSlayer said:
So you're telling me that all those enjoyable gaming sessions at 30 FPS never actually happened? I'm guessing that you'll also claim that movies, which generally run around 24 FPS, are like watching a slideshow?
I never used the term slideshow nor were we talking about movies. there is no response time in movies for one thing.
It was a joke comment based on the idea that 30 FPS can't be smooth.

What laws of physics?
The ones that determine motion and human perception of it.
Glad we're moving on from not being specific to being specific. /sarcasm

Or you could be suffering a placebo.
No, all scientific evidence points to the contrary, that you are the one suffering placebo thinking 30 FPS is smooth.
Apparently, not overwhelming enough, because I can't find whatever source you're using anywhere.

And what possible medical condition would that be?
It may be a form of Akinetopsia
Did you just do a quick Google search for an inability to perceive motion? Because my understanding of Akinetopsia is that it is extreme enough that anyone with it would be able to tell something is wrong without needing video games to tell them something is wrong.

But really, all I'm reading here is a bunch of hyperbole. I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish, but between the unspecified laws of physics and the unspecified medical condition, it feels more like you're trying to get me to waste my money on a physician than proving a point about the superiority of 60 FPS.
There is nothing hyperbolic about 60 fps being objectively better than 30 fps.
No, but when you start citing science you can't explain and medical conditions that you clearly have little to no understanding of, it does become severely hyperbolic.

What i am trying to acomplish is to show that the thing you claim to care so much about are in fact governed by the thing you claim you do not care about,
I've cared enough about it to read on the subject, which is one reason I'm seriously doubting your claims to science and medicine. I've heard plenty of people make similar claims, but all my reading indicates that any perceptible differences are nowhere near as extreme as you're claiming them to be. In that regard, I do care, because I'm wondering where in the world you and others are getting your information from.

I just don't care when it comes to what my games are running at the time of playing. Because at the time of playing, 30 FPS offers just as enjoyable an experience as 60 FPS.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
MysticSlayer said:
Apparently, not overwhelming enough, because I can't find whatever source you're using anywhere.
All the way back in 2002 this was already over and done with http://amo.net/NT/02-21-01FPS.html
Humans can and do see the difference in framerate and the ONLY way to not do so is if there is something wrong with your perception.

Did you just do a quick Google search for an inability to perceive motion? Because my understanding of Akinetopsia is that it is extreme enough that anyone with it would be able to tell something is wrong without needing video games to tell them something is wrong.
Actually i learnt about Akinetopsia last year. What you descibe is acute cases, however there are also less acute cases that often goes undiagnozed for years because people think that is normal way things look and if the case is as mild as to only become visible when needing to see objects change position over 30 times per second one could easily live his life fully without realizing he has a problem. Its like most nearsighted people dont actually know they are nearsighted because they never saw the difference and just think this is how it normally looks. We are getting better with nearsighted people thanks to mandatory vision tests, testing movement perception is much harder though. To add to that we dont really know what exactly causes that so no known cure exists.

No, but when you start citing science you can't explain and medical conditions that you clearly have little to no understanding of, it does become severely hyperbolic.
I can explain the science, but i didnt think writing a thesis on human vision is necessary for you to understand my point.

I've cared enough about it to read on the subject, which is one reason I'm seriously doubting your claims to science and medicine. I've heard plenty of people make similar claims, but all my reading indicates that any perceptible differences are nowhere near as extreme as you're claiming them to be. In that regard, I do care, because I'm wondering where in the world you and others are getting your information from.
Have you ever though that if everyone but you sees the difference maybe you are not seeing it because of a problem rather than the entire world is lieing?

I just don't care when it comes to what my games are running at the time of playing. Because at the time of playing, 30 FPS offers just as enjoyable an experience as 60 FPS.
Only if your standards are very low or you are physically unable to see the difference or feel the input lag.


Don't mind me, I'm just a NPC
Aug 23, 2010
Hey, Strazdas, how about this: I can see/feel the difference, but I honestly don't care, because the difference isn't significant (atleast not in the genres I like). I can easily shift my concentration to something else, like the actual game I'm trying to play. You might call that having low standards, I consider it having my priorities in order.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Affordablequote said:
Strazdas said:
smoother and more responsive experience makes people enjoy games more.
I agree.

The thing I have a problem with is this:

Strazdas said:
[...] Now it is possible that your standards are so low as to find 30 FPS acceptable responsiveness.[...]
So that implies that you don't play 30 fps games because they don't meet your frankly elitist standards. It's funny to see someone being this autistic about fucking video games.
You are correct that i do not play games if they are locked at 30 FPS. 60 FPS should be the bare minimum standard for videogames. I can understand when a person plays at lower framerate due to his hardware, but not out of choice. If that makes me autistic so be it.


New member
Jul 20, 2015
All the major consoles (even the Wii U!) are capable of visually stunning games at 60 FPS. At this point the marginal improvement in graphics you gain from going 30 FPS is not worth it in almost any game.

But 30 FPS is by no means crippling or really bad. It is perfectly acceptable. But any lower and things get crappy.