Poll: Are you closer to your Mum or Dad


New member
Sep 11, 2007
If I could hollow out my father's skull into a fashionable Jell-O mold without having to face a lifetime of avoiding groups showers, I would.

Erm, Mom.

robot slipper

New member
Dec 29, 2010
I'm female. Even though my mother did most of the work raising me, and we didn't all properly live together until I was 8, I ended up closer to my father. We just get on together really well and have common interests. I don't know if it's got anything to do with gender, there are just aspects of my mum's personality that I don't like, and aspects of my dad's personality that I do like.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Hmmm, that's a tough one. I honestly think it differs from time to time. Right now I'm closer to my dad, probably because we work together. A few years ago I was a lot closer to my mom. I love them equally, probably because they're both equally screwed up. :D


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Female and closer to my mother.

The last time I saw my dad was almost two years ago now, for one day, then before that it was four years before that, for a weekend and so on. So you wouldn't exactly call us close.
He's an alright guy, he's a shitty father.
It's just awkward. He shows up every few years and we make uncomfortable elevator small-talk and then he goes away for another couple of years.

I think he's got some sort of personality disorder, myself. He constantly talks about himself, cant seem to empathise, and is always holding a pity party for himself.

That's why when I have kids I'm determined that the dad is either in it forever or not at all.
You can't just drift in and out of your kid's lives once every couple of years.

Also I thought this clip was relevant and adorable:


New member
Nov 29, 2009
My dad died when I was a kid, so by default my mother. I was closer to her before that too though. Being a dad, I hope my son and me can be really close though.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Both my parents are a big part of my life but overall I'm closer to my Dad. I can have an intellectual discussion with my dad, plus he's into video games (primarily call of duty) and I just feel I inherited a lot more of his traits than I did my mother, who I love equally of course!


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I can't say I'd really choose. I think I just have different loving relationships with each of them.

Yeah, that's a really hard choice. I guess that's also kind of a good thing I can't really choose between the two.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Male, and closer to me mam. Me dad's a bit of a right bellend, you see. Me and him disagree on almost everything, and it seems that the older he gets, the more he drinks and the more he purposefully tries to drive me away as much as he can. I mean, it's to be expected - he drove away both of my older brothers in much the same way as well, so... yeah.

Closer to me mam, for sure. We grumble at each other every now and then, but we're still friends.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I'm the daughter of a single mother, so I'm closer to her. I always really liked my dad though, even if he was a useless shit who rarely ever showed up to take me out for the day when he promised he would. Then, when I was fifteen, I found out he'd been abusive towards my mother and I didn't see him for a long time after that. I still speak to him occassionally, but I live in a different country now with my mother so... yeah. Definitely prefer my mother.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Definitely my mother. My parents got divorced when I was 11 and I end up spending 4 days of the week and my mother's and the other 3 with my father.

I don't dislike my dad at all, we are just vastly different people and it does so many illogical things, it just irritates me.

I love you them both, I just spend a lot more time with my mother and we are actually friends, not just two people who live together.

EDIT: I'm male.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I'm pretty close to and love both of my parents, so I'd kind of feel like a total bastard if I said I'd prefer one over the other. So I won't, I vote neither, I know that's not on the available options but your poll can suck it. :p


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
My mother. I love my mum to bits, she's the best mum in the world but my father is a complete bastard. I haven't seen him since I was 15 and as far as I'm concerned I have no father.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
I've always been closer to my mother, I guess. Mainly because she was more of a house wife so she spent more time with me, and was generally the softer parent.

I suppose I admire my dad more than I'd comfortably admit to him. But we've always had a somewhat gruff relationship. I don't like sports, aside from shooting and slightly cricket, and despite having binged Crash Bandicoot when we first got it all those years ago, he doesn't know why I like games so much.

The most emotionally intimate conversation was over a pint in the pub a few months ago.

"What happened to your girlfriend?"

"Broke up."


He did teach me to shoot, though. And despite not doing much together, I've ended up with a very similar sarcastic, blunt personality and sense of humor, though mine extends more into the ridiculous than his does. I look a lot like him, only with dark brown hair instead of his black, and with dark grey-green eyes instead of his pale grey ones.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
My mom for sure. My dad is hardly absent, but we just don't see eye to eye on anything.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
I feel that I'm closer to my mum, since I tell her pretty much everything, and we have a similar sense of humour (within reason..)

However, I won't deny that I'm a bit of a "daddy's girl" as well. I was the one that went to a football match with him, while my bro stayed at home. >.> He's probably a lot closer to our mum.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Growing up my parents didn't get along...so my dad started working the graveyard shift to avoid my mom...the end result is that most of my childhood he was just the guy who came home from work to kick my ass whenever mom called and I was in trouble...I saw him as a prick and resented him.

MANY years later, and after my parents finally divorced my views changed a lot. As I got older I learned that my mom suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and just how crazy she can be. I understood my dad's avoidance a lot better.

Currently I feel bad for my mom and tend to try and help where I can...though even I need to take breaks from her rantings...making me totally understand why dad needed to...and my dad and I mended a lot of fences to the point where he has helped me with my business.

Personality wise I took after my dad.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
A "neither" option would be nice. I don't really like it, but it's the truth; I'm sort of estranged to both my father and mother. We're just too different and at the same time too alike. Such a volatile combination at times.