Poll: Are you happy with your weight?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I'm working on it.
I'm 6' and 198 ish (That's 180 and 91 in a sensible metric system), 2 stone/ 14 kilos(?) lighter than I was at one point, but I still wouldn't mind losing a bit more.
Fortunately, taking up rowing means I have mandatory exercise to do, so that's good.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Tnekrtena said:
omega 616 said:
Makes sense to me.
Well you sound like you were there at one point. Could try it all again and get the proud topless days back? Then turn them into proud sleeveless top days haha!

Sounds fair enough! Do you know what some of the better protein shakes are? Those have always been something that have completely confused me.
It's boring as fuck working out and it's makes you sore, so for the next couple of days your muscles are aching and you feel awful.

Maximuscle is the one I used, mainly 'cos rugby players use it all the time and if they are taking it, it must do something. It is expensive and tastes like somebody put a handful of sand in your milkshake, so it is really up to you if you want to splash out.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
omega 616 said:
Ever tried working out to a soundtrack you've made yourself in the background? I find that helps pass the time faster when you've got that certain song blasting that just pumps you up. But yeah, agree with the aching and awful feeling. But, it's all for something great!

Ah right then, I'll see within time if it's something I wanna try out. Aside from it's apparent awful taste haha.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I'm a tall, lanky guy that can't put on weight even if my life depended on it. My thighs don't touch which is kind of cool!

kickassfrog said:
I'm working on it.
I'm 6' and 198 ish (That's 180 and 91 in a sensible metric system), 2 stone/ 14 kilos(?) lighter than I was at one point, but I still wouldn't mind losing a bit more.
Fortunately, taking up rowing means I have mandatory exercise to do, so that's good.
You're in for a world of agony and blistered hands! Rowing is an amazing sport that works every part of your body, especially if you row competitively. When I was a novice, I did maybe 2 hours of practice with my team a day (1 hour steady state, 1 hour stretch/core), but when I was doing competitive, it was 3 hours practice starting at 5am, and then 2 hours technical at 4pm. Your hands will be more blister than regular skin, you're going to be sore and you're going to love it for the rest of your life.

Being tall helps with the sport too!

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Tnekrtena said:
omega 616 said:
Ever tried working out to a soundtrack you've made yourself in the background? I find that helps pass the time faster when you've got that certain song blasting that just pumps you up. But yeah, agree with the aching and awful feeling. But, it's all for something great!

Ah right then, I'll see within time if it's something I wanna try out. Aside from it's apparent awful taste haha.
Yeah, I listen to music but it doesn't help ... I am still just counting in my head, so the music just kind of fades into back ground noise.

I even made a playlist on youtube that I could put on and it would just play the music in a loop.

Another thing is, since I don't do full blown workouts of like 15+ minutes, it is a bit worthless to even put 1 song on 'cos the average length of a song is like 3 minutes.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
omega 616 said:
Ah that's fair enough then. Well as long as you're happy with how you are then there's no need to think about it really, happiness is the most important. :)

Unless you're whale sized... Then might need to think about at least jogging haha.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
My weight is fine, if anything I'm probably a little low. I'm a 6'2 male and I my weight is usually in the low 70s. If I'm not eating well it can sometimes drop into the 60s. The men in my family tend to be pretty skinny.

That said, I'm terribly out of shape and I really need to start exercising again. Trying to find something I'll enjoy that isn't too expensive is surprisingly hard.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Tnekrtena said:
omega 616 said:
Ah that's fair enough then. Well as long as you're happy with how you are then there's no need to think about it really, happiness is the most important. :)

Unless you're whale sized... Then might need to think about at least jogging haha.
I'll take my advice from fatman from metal gear solid 2 ... "laugh and grow fat!".

Nah, what I need to do is cardio but that isn't pleasent, running around getting all sweaty and out of breath. I will just do it the incorrect way, eat much less and thanks to my new job, be on my feet all day.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
omega 616 said:
Haha, that's a good quote to live by!

Ah well, if you wanna take Fat Man closer to heart. Just roller skate everywhere with some boozy drink close at hand. I'm sure it'll make up a little cardio.
May 29, 2011
I'm satisfied with my weight since I have a BMI of 21,5 but my body still pretty much looks fat. My hips are bizarrely wide even though I'm a guy so I could be underweight and still look like I have a beer tummy.

I could try working out but I'd still have horrible skin, and tons of stretch marks from growing too fast so I wouldn't be satisfied anyway.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I'm perfect. Maybe not, by I'm really happy to be the way I am.
I'm 180 cm and 60 kgs. A lot of people say I'm skinny, but it's fine for me, because low body fat means all muscles became easily visible when I started training.
Drummodino said:
... Trying to find something I'll enjoy that isn't too expensive is surprisingly hard.
Excuses, son? I train for free in my, whaddaya call it, condo yard(?). Just doing pull ups and dips to failure point and sit ups right in my bedroom, each exercise once a week. Was almost offended by how easy it was to get my muscles into shape.
I tried going to the gym (again, for free with a gift card from my sister), but it was a terrible drag and one year membership is one and a half my monthly salary.
(Excuse my english)


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Im just under my weight average for my height but i would like to gain a little weight in muscle XD


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I'm 5'11, 299 pounds...and literally in the best shape of my life. You just don't feel fat when you've dropped 160 pounds and weigh less than when you were 13.

So yes, I could be loads thinner, but I couldn't be more happy with my weight than I am right now. I broke 300 lbs after 5 years of working my way slowly down in size.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Yeah, i'm pretty happy with my weight and i'm a fairly hefty guy. I've got enough muscle to move shit about and enough fat to stay warm. I'm not winning any bodybuilding contests, but who gives a shit.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Five pages in a day?

That's a bit surprising.

tippy2k2 said:
So tell me Escapist members, are you happy with your weight? Any good tips for your fellow fatties, skinnies, or supermodels? I swear we won't judge :D
I've been losing weight for the last year and a half, and exercising for the past six months, which I'm sure helped speed along the process a bit. As of today I'm down to 190 lbs, otherwise known as 86 kg or 13.5 stone, while back in July of 2012 I was probably up around 275, and throughout high school I coasted around an average of 230-250.

I sorely need to update my wardrobe, as most of my clothes are far too large for me now, but otherwise I'm quite pleased with what I've managed. I'm not so concerned about gaining muscle, but by virtue of my eating habits I'll probably need to continue rigorous exercise even after hitting my goal weight of 170 just to counteract the amount of fat in my diet.

As for tips, what started the whole process was that I had been drinking far too much soda on a daily basis and then one day cut it out cold turkey. We're talking excessive amounts here, though, so much that just dropping it made my daily calorie intake go down enough for me to start idly losing weight without increasing the amount of exercise I was doing. Otherwise, now I've been trying to maintain an intake of 1500-1700 calories a day and then combined it with a daily workout of lifting dumbbells, planking (and soon to move on to including push-ups I imagine), and squats. I'd walk/run, but it's winter and I've got a paranoia of slipping on ice ever since I did just that on a patch of black ice during my Sophomore year of high school and dislocated my right knee.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Eh... I could have less sugar from all the Snickers I eat... But, I still weight under 150 pounds in my overall weight division, so it not like I'm not too skinny or too fat in that regard...

I even accidentally pissed off my Grandmother last week by telling her I was probably going to eat only half of the box of pizza at once instead of the typical full box of pizza, on account of my doctor telling me to cut my overall fatty food intake... (Granted, compared to her, I'm TOO skinny...)

So overall... It's still an "eh" as far as my weight is concerned...


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
shrekfan246 said:
Five pages in a day?

That's a bit surprising.
I'm as shocked as you are :D

People are far more open to talk about this than I would have thought. A lot of great advice in here too which is very nice to hear.

My Calorie Counter App thingy says I get 1800 a day but that's to lose 1 pound per week (which I'm perfectly fine with). The problem I run into is not updating it since home-cooked meals are a pain in the ass to track :)


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
I wouldn't call myself perfect but I'm pretty happy with my weight. Though it's been a while since I last weighed myself, I'm usually between 120lbs and 130lbs which is pretty good. I don't have "model" physique, but I'm curvy in the right places.
I'm only 5 ft though so I have to be careful, I can only get wider at this point in my life and every little thing shows.

I wish I was more athletic, I'm very "out of shape" in that way.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
tippy2k2 said:
The problem I run into is not updating it since home-cooked meals are a pain in the ass to track :)
True dat.

This month was pretty bad for me, because with Christmas time my father and I baked a bunch of pies as Christmas presents for the rest of the family, and made some for ourselves as well. I've been dropping an average of 9-10 pounds a month, but so far this month I've only done about 6.

I'm a bit leery, though. I've still got quite the gut and thighs on me, and I have a hard time believing another twenty pounds is going to change that all that much. ... but when I remember how much my twenty-pound dumbbells really feel like they weigh, I suppose it's possible.

Either way, I'm happy so long as I continue a downward trend. This is the lightest I've been in a decade or even longer, and it

Now I should stop procrastinating and get back to writing... which was this year's New Year's Resolution. >.>


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Tnekrtena said:
Saulkar said:
I have to ask, how often do you want to do that handshake from Predator with people?
Impressive arms man!
I cannot. I have bicep tendonitis in both of my arms. I can work my biceps just fine but anything that puts lateral pressure on my elbow while curling my arm such as arms wrestling causes excruciating pain. I had to relearn how to do shoulder presses, wide grip pullups, and pull downs behind my head. It also means I can no longer do the clean-and-press.