Poll: Are you happy with your weight?

Fake James

New member
Jan 18, 2014
I would like to weigh about 10, 20 pounds more. With muscle, mind you! I'm 6"1' and 220, at about 20-25% BMI (have not had it officially measured in a while). Id like to lose about 20 pounds of fat, but I need to eat to get my lifts up first. Once I hit some goals on my lifts, I'll start to think about losing some weight.

But oh boy, I love food! Even limiting it to 3000 calories a day will be hard :(

But it's worth it! A few more years, I think, and I'll be pretty happy with what I have.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Yes, but I'm not the so called "perfect" weight, so I put other. I'm fat, I'm lazy, and I'm proud of it.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Eh, not really. I used to be, until my now Ex kept hounding me to lose weight, telling I'll be judged for it by his family. Now I'm trying to diet, I want to get out a bit more and do some more walking. I'm finding it a bit hard though. I live far away from my family and pets, I'm used to dog walking daily. I find it hard to get the motivation to go out on a walk when I'm going to be going by myself and no dog at all. Thankfully, my boyfriend is supportive and keeps me going with the diet.


New member
May 14, 2011
I'm perfectly happy with my weight/shape. I could stand to get a bit fitter and maybe a little less soggy in the middle, but overall I look pretty damn good.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am pretty content. I have yet to post a picture online detailing my current physique but this is what I looked like 6 months ago.

I am now almost 100KG and 12% fat


New member
Jan 20, 2014
omega 616 said:
Makes sense to me.
Well you sound like you were there at one point. Could try it all again and get the proud topless days back? Then turn them into proud sleeveless top days haha!

Sounds fair enough! Do you know what some of the better protein shakes are? Those have always been something that have completely confused me.

Pieturli said:
I'll be sure to avoid that then. Thanks man. :)


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I'm reasonably healthy being 6'1 and weighing 205-ish. I do have a bit of a belly which I wouldn't mind losing, but I feel I make up for it in muscle. I work out every few days and eat more healthy stuff than I used to, but I still drink soda and eat candy which I should really stop.

I don't let things like BMI make me feel fat, because I know I'm more healthy than that. A person can be overweight and healthy too.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
I've gained 16lbs since the beginning of fall. Back then I was in fairly good shape and homing ion on my ideal weight.

The weight gain is somewhat understandable, given the chain of Halloween candy, my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years - basically one long chain of food overkill....COMBINED with the fact that I refuse to use a heater, so I've been existing mostly in 30 degree weather for a couple months. The extra food to burn keeps my body heat up.
I'm not not like a bear. >_>

Luckily, I can lose like 1-3 lbs per day with little effort, so I aim to drop back to where I was within a few weeks. Then that's where it gets interesting.
Where I was 16lbs ago is the lowest weight I can effortlessly maintain. I'm talking 0 exercise and simply relying on the fact that I'm a hulking viking anomaly with vast strength for no reason whose body burns through food like crazy just idling.
That's where I need to start running and exercising and not eating like Galactus.
That part will be a *****.
I love bein' the Devourer of Worlds. :(

33lbs between me and my supposed "ideal weight". Though by my estimation it's less than that, because I'd have to lose bone and muscle mass to weigh that little...and I'm going to be gaining muscle pretty quickly...

I'm 6'1", built like a wall, and currently 222lbs. I was right there with w9496 at 205-206lbs back in summer.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I don't even know my weight any more, but I am content with my physique. Last I weighed myself, like 2 years ago, I was at 72kg. I'm 182cm by the way. I grew up doing sports, so I've always been in good shape. Hell, around my late teens, before I stopped playing hockey, I was pretty much comparable to Olympic athletes. I didn't even know how far I could run, because it took too long to find out and I got bored. Though I did do 2 laps around the 18km track once, and could have done at least one more lap, but it got too cold. Was also too bored, and my feet hurt. But that was almost 10 years ago and I've only done light exercise since. I'm still slim, even some muscle definition, but I do have padding that wasn't there a few years ago.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Weight's just a number, I don't really care about how heavy I am so much as I how I look/feel and I look and feel like shit so I guess that's a no anyway in a sense? I'm 6'4" and weigh about 230lbs last I checked. So not obese or anything, but still chubby, out of shape and undesirable. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry in a corner while eating peanut butter out of a jar.

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
For those trying to lose weight you really need to watch what you drink as well as what you eat. For example you could take a bottle of Fanta to you with the gym and that's a big mistake. Drinks like that are packed with sugar so you could find yourself working out really hard yet lose no weight at all.

And obviously alcohol is a killer; beer sits in your gut and reduces your male hormones whilst also making it harder to lose weight as it packs on more fat, it's like triple edged sword.


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
My BMI suggests I'm slightly underweight. I'm tall and skinny, so a few extra kilos wouldn't hurt.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
I am happy with mine...

I am 5'7 (170cm) and 11.5 Stone (73.5kg).
According to the height/weight tables for my age and frame, I am obese... although I have an averaage waist size (32"). The problem came when I joined the military... the extended levels of phys we were made to do made me gain a lot of weight/ with no gain in size... which seemed great at the time, until I realised how hard it was to maintain it!


New member
Jan 31, 2010
I picked "YES". In truth, I'm actually about a stone over weight, but I'm perfectly happy with how I am. My weight tends to fluctuate anyway, and my job is physical enough that I don't worry about lack of excercise and so on. My biggest health "issue" is smoking. I'm currently 4 days into quitting after 20 years though...


New member
Jul 5, 2009
No idea what my weight is as we got rid our scales as my sister went through a phase where she always thought she was fat; never got any since. but I know I am a bit fat (can't tell through clothing but I do have a belly) and i'm looking to rectify that.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
5'11" [180cm]
180 lbs [82kg]

I would like to have about 20 more lbs on me before rugby starts but trying to gain weight and turn it into muscle is fucking exhausting to do with a metabolism like mine

Senor Koquonfaes

New member
Nov 21, 2013
174 cm and around 68.5 kg (around 5'9" and 151 lbs, BMI about 22.6). I'm one of those infuriating fucks who can eat and drink anything however much they want without gaining weight, but on the flip side exercise doesn't affect me to any great degree, either visually (my muscles seem to increase in density rather than size) or otherwise. 69.5 kgs is as much as I have ever weighed, and I was fitter than ever way back then. I'm not particularly muscular but just ridiculously lean, so people often think that I'm an athlete of some sort even though I don't think of myself as one. There are worse deals to be had, I suppose.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
I could not give the slightest bit of concern about a number. Metrics are irrelevant. What is relevant is being content with ones physical appearance, health and what it takes to maintain it. It is pointless and illogical to fixate on such metrics, when the only thing that should matter is your health and how comfortable one is in their own skin. The only one who has to live in your skin is you, so that is the only standard anyone should be worried about living up to.

So because I have no reason to worry about what the measuring criteria feels is correct. Those metrics do not understand me or the way I am structured, (Tall, Low center of gravity, muscular upper body build, yet by standard metrics like BMI considered "Overweight" because I do not fit with physical "averages")Its not as if body weights do not fluctuate over time naturally based on diet/exercise/general health anyway. All that matters is that I feel comfortable in my own body and in relatively good shape/health. My clothes fit comfortably and it does not require extensive effort to maintain. That is really all that should matter. If I begin to feel physically uncomfortable or my clothes no longer fit the way I would expect then there is no blaming others, peer perceptions, food, social constructs like advertising, etc. If I slip, it was because I did not maintain it. If It makes me unhappy or uncomfortable It is up to me to repair the problem and restore that level of comfort and contentment.

It is such a simple philosophy, Yet look at how many people in this world who let themselves think that the opinions of others are in any way relevant to their personal validity that they allow the opinions of others about ones physical being adversely effect their mental well being. There really is no excuse for anyone to give others that sort of power over them.

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Scroo your spray on abs, Captcha.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
I am 6'2". At my heaviest I was 255 lbs. Trying to get down to 190. Currently at 231, so progress!

And the answer is no, I'm not happy. Not yet.