Poll: Chick-fil-a owner admits to anti-gay views


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Anti-gay movements are fighting a losing battle, there's no Chick Fil A places here but personally I think if making a homophobe cook and wait on me isn't a victory nothing is.


New member
Aug 12, 2011
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
this person's opinion is wrong
by definition, an opinion cannot be wrong, it can only be different.

boycotting someone because they are against gay marriage is no different to boycotting someone who is for gay marriage. whether or not boycotting is wrong is a matter of opinion, but you cannot argue that it depends on whether you disagree with the person being boycotted, because your opinions are not central to morality.
if you have the right to boycott him because of his political views, then he has the right to boycott others because of their political views, and only hire people who are against gay marriage.
since he, as the owner of a large company, does not have the right to discriminate on employees based on their political views, what right do you have to discriminate against him because of his opinions.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I don't think we have Chick-Fil-A here in Australia (I've never seen one or know anyone who has), but I'd be pretty uncomfortable knowing my money was going to a bigot.

I also have trouble digesting the idea that a Christian Values group can be against homosexuals. After all, wasn't Jesus' whole message "Love each other as I have loved you"? The idea being not to discriminate against anybody for any reason?


New member
Jan 12, 2012
DragonLord Seth said:
Well I agree with him, because there's a reason you need a man and a woman to make a baby. Then also the "straight couples are better because they can actually procreate" argument I've tried using before, but people were too stupid to understand it.
I don't think the gay people are going to start procreating just because you deny them marriage. That's a silly justification.

Jeremy Meadows

New member
Mar 10, 2011
His business. He can run it the way he wants to. Including being closed on sundays. Only reason I don't eat there is cuz they are slighty too expensive for me. I don't mind either way.
Mar 9, 2010
mathsisfun said:
The Unworthy Gentleman said:
this person's opinion is wrong
by definition, an opinion cannot be wrong, it can only be different.

boycotting someone because they are against gay marriage is no different to boycotting someone who is for gay marriage. whether or not boycotting is wrong is a matter of opinion, but you cannot argue that it depends on whether you disagree with the person being boycotted, because your opinions are not central to morality.
if you have the right to boycott him because of his political views, then he has the right to boycott others because of their political views, and only hire people who are against gay marriage.
since he, as the owner of a large company, does not have the right to discriminate on employees based on their political views, what right do you have to discriminate against him because of his opinions.
You clearly have no idea how discrimination laws work or you wouldn't have made that crappy argument. He legally cannot discriminate against homosexuals or political stances in the workplace. He can say that he doesn't agree with gay marriage but he can't do jack shit about it after he's made his opinion.

And yes, opinions can be wrong. Ever had someone tell you their opinion and you go "oh my God you fucking moron"? Then you think their opinion is wrong. Also, this guys making a homophobic statement based on age old religious views, eventually his opinion will be proved conclusively wrong.

Here are some common opinions that have been wrong:
1. The world is flat
2. Right wing > left wing
3. Any opinion on religion that isn't "it's fucking ridiculous"
4. I am not the objective idol this world needs to guide it to progress and glory
5. I have been wrong before
6. Opinions cannot be wrong
7. The big particle collidor-majig was going to create a black hole
8. The world will end in 2012


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Evil Smurf said:
Blablahb said:
Evil Smurf said:
we should respect other people's right to have their own ideals
Not applicable in this case however, since the guy hates other people for whom they are. And hating homosexuals is not an ideal.
But why should that stop you buying his products?
Because the money we spend on those products goes directly to organizations trying to impede gay marriage.


Elite Member
Sep 18, 2010
I've known he donates to right-wing hate groups for a while, so I haven't eaten there in years. I will not have my money used for hate. The same goes for the owners of Target.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
I'm a vegetarian, which means they wouldn't be getting my money, anyway. Plus, I've heard their food is terrible. But yes, I wouldn't frequent their establishment even if they did serve food I like now.

Joseph Harrison

New member
Apr 5, 2010
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this yet but this is relevant.


Boston has prevented a Chick-fil-a from opening up in Boston due to the CEO's beliefs. I think that more cities should do this, just to show the CEO that he can't just make comments like that without any repercussions.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
I have not eaten at Chick-Fil-A for years, and I will not do so again. The news that Dan Cathy is against gay marriage is not news to me at all. He and his family have been giving millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations, some of them which have been declared hate groups, for many years.

Here is the thing. I am bisexual, and I am politically active in LGBT equality movements. To be honest, I don't care that he runs the company by what he thinks are Christian values. I ate there knowing that and I was perfectly happy about it. I stopped eating when I found out that they have been donating so much money to organizations which directly oppose my values. I don't care that he thinks I am a sub human being who does not deserve the equal rights that are promised to me by our Constitution.

I do however care that he takes some of the money he earns from his company and funnels it into hate groups that are trying to keep me a second class citizens, or strip away what rights that I and other people have fought so hard for, which we should not HAVE to be fighting for because we were promised that all people are to be treated equal in the eyes of the law. Not all people who follow certain religious codes or sexual orientation.

I refuse to give any money to any organization who is campaigning against my rights. It comes down to simply that. I don't care if you hate me or think I am wrong. But if you insist on repeatedly punching me in the face, I am not going to give you money to buy a bigger set of brass knuckles...


New member
Mar 10, 2010
I'm more worried about what the government does with MY money than what he does with HIS money.

If you don't want to support him or his business that is fine because many pro-conventional marriage people boycott things on the other side of the issue so fair is fair.

Also hearing things like "hatred" and "bigotry" people need to remember that just because someone dissents from a view popular to you doesn't make it right to hate them for it, that just makes you a bigot as well.

If people would spend more time trying to understand peoples concerns about an issue rather than trying to shout them down as a bigot they might actually gain some understanding and be able to work towards a solution.

Its to bad gay marriage has been so mishandled by both sides that now people are just to busy hating each other for it rather than finding a solution for the small fraction of people left that originally had the issue. Thus the problem with championing the cause of another.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Mortai Gravesend said:
Spearmaster said:
Also hearing things like "hatred" and "bigotry" people need to remember that just because someone dissents from a view popular to you doesn't make it right to hate them for it, that just makes you a bigot as well.
What kind of bullshit is this? No, people aren't just calling him a bigot because it's dissent from a popular view. Why the hell do supporters of bigotry always lie like that? You don't even know what the word means. He's a bigot because he supports discrimination. This is not a hard concept, even for you I would hope.

If people would spend more time trying to understand peoples concerns about an issue rather than trying to shout them down as a bigot they might actually gain some understanding and be able to work towards a solution.
Provide valid concerns instead of whining that we don't listen to their concerns. Validity of concerns matters. If you can't provide any good ones then you're just crying that people won't give you a nice pat on the back for nothing.

Its to bad gay marriage has been so mishandled by both sides that now people are just to busy hating each other for it rather than finding a solution for the small fraction of people left that originally had the issue. Thus the problem with championing the cause of another.
Mishandled? Yeah right. Bigots can't really be reasoned with too well.
And so you assume I'm on which side of the argument then?

All I have said applies to both sides, that tolerance of people has to work both ways or it does not work at all.

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Now who is the bigot?

Ashley Blalock

New member
Sep 25, 2011
Can't say I'm really boycotting because we don't have a Chick-fil-A where I live. But when I'm out of town I don't eat there because I don't want my money used to fuel the anti-gay movement.

It's possible to be both Christian and not anti-gay so while I certainly don't mind the good things the company does as a very pro-Christian company I just can't support them on the bad things they do. Of course if I just ate at places based on religion I'd be kind of out luck on choices since I'm a Buddhist. (A pretty bad Buddhist, but still a Buddhist)