Poll: Disney? In my music? It's more likely than I think...

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
How dare they use the words "Jonas Brothers" and "rock" in any sense of the word in the same sentence without separating them with something like "Do not" or "Are an insult to" or using them in the context that I just did?!


New member
Oct 19, 2008
When you say "Disney music", what do you mean?

Jonas Brothers? Miley Cyrus? or Songs from their 2D movies, like Aladdin, Hercules, The Jungle Book, and so on

If were talking about the songs from the movies, then yes, I think Disney has some quality music

now about Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus, you're gearing towards the 7-14 year old audience, which I am not a part of, so no, I do not like that music


New member
Sep 19, 2008
ImmortalItalian post=18.74738.845892 said:
AuntyEthel post=18.74738.845825 said:
You used an incredibly crap example. No matter what Disney has done, at least they didn't release Load, Reload, Garage INC, St Anger etc, and they didn't ruin the music industry through being utter prats like Lars 'Talentlessmidgetwhoridesonthesuccessofotherpeopleeventhoughhecantbebotheredtolearnthedrums' Ulrich.

Think of all the great Disney music like in Dumbo or Robin Hood...
Shit Anger, -Grins-. Hey the Metallica thing is your opinion, and also we like the classic stuff, I mean they were very good, well put together, rather than this horrible crap...Jonas. -GAG-
Hey, I still like classic Metallica. Everything before the Black album (not including it). At least one expects Disney to turn turgid. But not even god could predict how lame Metallica would become.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Hey You guys are lucky you don't have to suffer through this in school, as a 14 year old (that's right I said 14) I am being targeted as their audience. But there is no way on earth I'll give into that garbage, even when it seems like everyone else around me is. I'm not really a rock listener though (you've clearly made your point that disney doesn't equal rock) but I fear that sooner or later they're gonna attack the type of music I listen to. I can see it in my night mares "Disney presents Camp Rap" or something like that. I don't see anyway to stop them.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Freakmonkey9 post=18.74738.845959 said:
Hey You guys are lucky you don't have to suffer through this in school, as a 14 year old (that's right I said 14) I am being targeted as their audience. But there is no way on earth I'll give into that garbage, even when it seems like everyone else around me is. I'm not really a rock listener though (you've clearly made your point that disney doesn't equal rock) but I fear that sooner or later they're gonna attack the type of music I listen to. I can see it in my night mares "Disney presents Camp Rap" or something like that. I don't see anyway to stop them.
*grabbs some C4*

"I've got a few Ideas..."


New member
Jun 17, 2008
I really don't like a) or b). I pick secret option c), which contains all of the music I like and none of the music you like, because clearly my tastes in music are far superior.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Shivari post=18.74738.845993 said:
I really don't like a) or b). I pick secret option c), which contains all of the music I like and none of the music you like, because clearly my tastes in music are far superior.
Who is to say your tastes are superior? For all you know I could enjoy listening to the music you like.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
SargentToughie post=18.74738.845972 said:
Freakmonkey9 post=18.74738.845959 said:
Hey You guys are lucky you don't have to suffer through this in school, as a 14 year old (that's right I said 14) I am being targeted as their audience. But there is no way on earth I'll give into that garbage, even when it seems like everyone else around me is. I'm not really a rock listener though (you've clearly made your point that disney doesn't equal rock) but I fear that sooner or later they're gonna attack the type of music I listen to. I can see it in my night mares "Disney presents Camp Rap" or something like that. I don't see anyway to stop them.
*grabbs some C4*

"I've got a few Ideas..."
Good he doesn't listen to that, soon he would have been coaxed into buying those unbreakable plastic portable DvD players with Hannah Montana Stickers everywhere and the headset you can use to sing along.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
ImmortalItalian post=18.74738.846012 said:
SargentToughie post=18.74738.845972 said:
Freakmonkey9 post=18.74738.845959 said:
Hey You guys are lucky you don't have to suffer through this in school, as a 14 year old (that's right I said 14) I am being targeted as their audience. But there is no way on earth I'll give into that garbage, even when it seems like everyone else around me is. I'm not really a rock listener though (you've clearly made your point that disney doesn't equal rock) but I fear that sooner or later they're gonna attack the type of music I listen to. I can see it in my night mares "Disney presents Camp Rap" or something like that. I don't see anyway to stop them.
*grabbs some C4*

"I've got a few Ideas..."
Good he doesn't listen to that, soon he would have been coaxed into buying those unbreakable plastic portable DvD players with Hannah Montana Stickers everywhere and the headset you can use to sing along.
OH! story time!

I was shopping in wal- mart with my family (always fun...) when my little sister (about 11) saw this "Plug into the wall" game... basically a cheap and crappy version of Guitar hero, well, they had one version that was generic, for about 25 dollars, and another version, on that's only difference was that it had hannah montana's face on it... for 55 dollers

my little sister than coaxed my parents into buying the fifty dollar one... just for Hannah montana


Anybody got a gun nearby?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
ImmortalItalian post=18.74738.846012 said:
SargentToughie post=18.74738.845972 said:
Freakmonkey9 post=18.74738.845959 said:
Hey You guys are lucky you don't have to suffer through this in school, as a 14 year old (that's right I said 14) I am being targeted as their audience. But there is no way on earth I'll give into that garbage, even when it seems like everyone else around me is. I'm not really a rock listener though (you've clearly made your point that disney doesn't equal rock) but I fear that sooner or later they're gonna attack the type of music I listen to. I can see it in my night mares "Disney presents Camp Rap" or something like that. I don't see anyway to stop them.
*grabbs some C4*

"I've got a few Ideas..."
Good he doesn't listen to that, soon he would have been coaxed into buying those unbreakable plastic portable DvD players with Hannah Montana Stickers everywhere and the headset you can use to sing along.
I would never listen to that garbage... too bad I have a sister that can't get enough of it.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
My girlfriend's sister loves Jonas / Hannah. ... Somebody shoot me I actually have yelled at her sister to turn it off. I'm a metal / rock / etc freak so I mean honestly...


New member
Sep 25, 2008
L1250 post=18.74738.845105 said:
Johnn Johnston post=18.74738.844786 said:
conqueror Kenny post=18.74738.844771 said:
You know funny you should put the Jonas Brothers and Metallica, considering the Jonas bothers claimed to be better than Metallica ever was/is. Of course they didn't back it up, it's also now the hardest to find interview on the internet. But some know, and despise everything disney for reading that.
...they said that? Seriously?

Kenny, bring me my eviscerating knife. It's time to go eviscerating.
Sir, may I have the honor of eviscerating with you? I am filled with disgust for every single one of these god-awful excuses for "music" and the chance to eradicate them would bring great joy to me. If anyone does not believe that these... things are dumbing down the youth, please listen to this conversation I had with my younger sister who is clearly severely mentally ill when I played an AC/DC album:
Her: They're kind of like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: What?!
Her: Yeah, they sound a lot like the Jonas Brothers.
Me: WHAT?!
Her: Except the Jonas Brothers are way better.
Me: WHAT?!
It is truly sickening what the results of exposure to these abominations are.
Why, oh why has humanity plunged down to such a level of stupidity =='


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Being a total shut-in, I should be safe from this "music" as long as they don't put a Jonas Bros. song on Guitar Hero or Rock Band, otherwise my brother will be playing it practically non-stop, with the volume turned WAY up.

*Goes of to pray to God that they wont do that*


New member
Oct 19, 2008
rottenbutter post=18.74738.846101 said:
Being a total shut-in, I should be safe from this "music" as long as they don't put a Jonas Bros. song on Guitar Hero or Rock Band, otherwise my brother will be playing it practically non-stop, with the volume turned WAY up.

*Goes of to pray to God that they wont do that*
Oh sweet Jesus...please NO.

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Freakmonkey9 post=18.74738.845959 said:
Hey You guys are lucky you don't have to suffer through this in school, as a 14 year old (that's right I said 14) I am being targeted as their audience.
They targeted 14-year-olds as their audience? They think this is the kind of thing I enjoy?! (Yes, I'm 14, as well (I seem to be far more mature than most, though, if my classmates are what my age group generally consists of)). I'm disgusted by everything to do with it! This makes me hate Disney Channel much, much more.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
I chose option C Van Halen Aerosmith etc.
It seams to me that if you have a show on disney, and you've reached puberty, you have to release an album-talent or not...yes they have talent, they lip sinc really well.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Am I too late to join in on the eviseration? I have a great knowlage of explosives and a hate of all diney's crap(especialy highshool musical).

Edit: I don't think all of disney is crap, some of the older stuff are true classics, but the new stuff must die.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
how quick you all turn on disney

i loved the lion king, and little mermaid, and beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. i'm willing to let a few things slide

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
jim_doki post=18.74738.846194 said:
how quick you all turn on disney

i loved the lion king, and little mermaid, and beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. i'm willing to let a few things slide
We're only expressioning hatred towards the "Disney Channel" Disney, not the "Classic (good)" Disney.
TMAN10112 post=18.74738.846186 said:
Am I too late to join in on the eviseration? I have a great knowlage of explosives and a hate of all diney's crap(especialy highshool musical).
It's never too late to eviscerate (Hm, that's kind of catchy. It could be our slogan)!