Poll: Do You Use the Word "Gay" as an Insult?


New member
May 9, 2010
TeeBs said:
smearyllama said:
TeeBs said:
smearyllama said:
No. It's offensive on an intellectual level.
Alexander The Great was gay, dammit! You don't see people insulting him!
I believe that there needs to be more love in this world, no matter how it's directed, so why would the spreading of love be an insult?
I'm all for gay rights and I love gay people, but have you ever seen a white supremest *SP* use in there defense, "Its not a message of hate its a message of love"
Huh? Did I accidentally sound like a white supremest? If I did, then I'll edit my post.
I really didn't get your post.
Oh no sorry, the point I was getting at was everyones definition of love is different.
Okay, that makes more sense.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
All the time. I should stop, since now everyone knows I'm gay myself, me using it in an insulting way just draws confused looks from people.

But it's a hard habit to break. As is using "******" and "queer" as insults too.
Dec 14, 2009
This_ends_now said:
Daystar Clarion said:
This_ends_now said:
Daystar Clarion said:
This_ends_now said:
Daystar Clarion said:
No. I'm not inbred.
I fail to see the correlation, good sir.
Then you're the only one.
Not entirely sure I am.
Inbred = white trash, white trash = dumb/ignorant as hell.
Then explain all the nonwhite folks that use that word. Also there are some rather intelligent people that use that word. Intelligence or ethnicity has nothing to do with it. Try again. I'm still not convinced.
Well it's apparently a cover all generalisation that someone on the interwbz thought important enough to read too much into.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Signa said:
DAVEoftheDEAD said:
I use the word gay for things i think are bad. "thats gay" "you're gay" "how gay is that?!"
I find this acceptable because while you are associating the word "gay" in a negative context, it in no way means you feel that gays are something to be viewed in a negative context. Take a look at the Harley driver episode of Southpark. No one calls each other "fags" because they hate gay people. The original meaning of those words has been subverted to general use for everything, and only the bleeding heart liberals think that you are disparaging a particular section of the population when you use those words.

Just remember folks, it's not the words but how you mean them. Y'all have a fucking nice day!
I get your point and agree with it for the most point but where I grew up the people who tended to use 'gay' in a negative context were all for the constant harrassment of homosexuals, or at least male homosexuals. I try not to use 'gay' in that context in order to distance myself from such people.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Signa said:
DAVEoftheDEAD said:
I use the word gay for things i think are bad. "thats gay" "you're gay" "how gay is that?!"
I find this acceptable because while you are associating the word "gay" in a negative context, it in no way means you feel that gays are something to be viewed in a negative context. Take a look at the Harley driver episode of Southpark. No one calls each other "fags" because they hate gay people. The original meaning of those words has been subverted to general use for everything, and only the bleeding heart liberals think that you are disparaging a particular section of the population when you use those words.

Just remember folks, it's not the words but how you mean them. Y'all have a fucking nice day!
Oh cool :D I learnt something. Thanks. Write more posts.

OT: Well, yeah, same story here. It's just so satisfying to have the sound roll off your tongue. "Dayum, that's gay." I don't really direct it at other people, but I use it quite often. I try not too, though, as it makes you sound like a moron most of the time.

Daeggreth said:
I try not to use 'gay' in that context in order to distance myself from such people.
Hah, yeah, like you wouldn't love to be me.

[sub]Just kidding ;P[/sub]

This_ends_now said:
Stasisesque said:
Canid117 said:
No because it is the least clever insult ever conceived.
Actually, I think you'll find that's your mum.
I think you'll find it's YOUR FACE!!!


What?!? What now!?
Not that you should really care, but that was the most amusing and satisfying retort I've heard in ever.
You should totally have your hands up all 'innocent-like' and shaking them outwards, to the side, ducking your head in a little and widening your eyes.

That would be hilarious.

Serenegoose said:
It's what I mean when I say them.
Herp, read his second-to-last sentence.
"Remember folks! It's not the words, but how you mean them!" or something similar.

You so silly.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Yes because the precedent has been set. The word has been used repeatedly in a specific context untill it morphed into having a completely different secong meeting. This is how language works (especially the backword retard that is the english language.)

pwnzerstick said:
I think the debate over gay is retarded, and the debate over retarded is gay.
In my gaming group we have a expression: "Right on the boarder of gay and retarded."


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I use it as a counterinsult. For example:

Them: "That game is so gay."
Me: "You mean it likes to sleep with other games?"

It highlights how dumb the word is as an insult.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I don't use "gay" as an insult, but I still use it as a descriptor. Like, "that jacket is kinda gay." Or "the drinks at this place are a little too gay for my liking."

I do use "retarded" quite liberally.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I like to think my vocabulary has advanced beyond "YOU'RE SO GAY"

It doesn't make any sense when people use it as an insult, It either means I'm happy or they are choosing my sexual preferance for me.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Kanazuchi said:
I use it as a counterinsult. For example:

Them: "That game is so gay."
Me: "You mean it likes to sleep with other games?"

It highlights how dumb the word is as an insult.
I love that! May I use it? ;-)=
No really, that made me chuckle.

I only ever use it as an insult in irony or as a joke, and only to those that understand my humor. However, beeing and speaking german, that adds a new level of irony, mixing the languages.

Beeing homosexual is not a character fault, and using the word "gay" to denote something as negative just makes you look stupid. Stupid for not knowing the meaning of the word, or for thinking it is something bad.

However I do think that we may make fun of everybody, so it may be used jokingly, as far as I´m concerned.

The Grim Ace

New member
May 20, 2010
I've noticed that there is no easier way to look like an immature idiot than to say something is gay. I've never used the word gay and I probably never well since it just sounds stupid. English is filled with so many different, colorful, and specific insults and I'd love to get a group of people who use the word gay in that fashion and teach them a long list of insults, swears, and descriptions that would make any bitter lover of this language smile with pride. Until I get a credential to teach such a class, I hope people would just avoid using it in that way since I can't stress enough that the person that says that word sounds stupider than a drunk and high George W. Bush.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I do, but i try not to >.> its one of those things that everyone was doing during my childhood so it was pretty much the norm and i used to do it a lot, but ive learned it can actually hurt some people so i try my best to avoid it but cant help the occasional slip up.