Poll: Do You Use the Word "Gay" as an Insult?


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008

But hear me out, I'm not ignorant or anything. Peoples' sexuality don't bother me.

When I use it it's always amongst friends, in a lighthearted tone which we don't mean anything about.

I don't know if that's any better though. [sub]Don't judge me..[/sub]


New member
May 10, 2008
All depends on the context. I never use the word "Gay" to refer to someone with a homosexual interest. Same with the word "f**". When something bad happens to me gaming wise. In the terms of a sudden u-turn from being in the lead to losing, I would say "Well, that was gay" When a person person is being a total douche bag or showing disrespectful manners to their friends or family I would think the word "F**" or say it.

Again, it is ALL in the context of the word, never the word itself. The words gay and f** have changed over the years depending on the generation. So the worst thing a person can do is to continue to allow and use such a word for a single meaning only. I believe another certain word should change as well since it is old and dated, but it is unfortunately still kept up for no good reason.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
Signa said:
Are you serious? You had to go and insult me like that? How can you not see the difference in what I said versus what you just said? You personally attacked me saying I'm stupid. If I called your post "gay" how is that personally attacking or disapproving of my gay friend? (Yes, I have a gay friend)
What do you mean? If you use the word gay to mean 'anything negative' how does that mean you are attacking your gay friend? Do you need a fucking diagram? Your post is totally Signa. That's a word that means 'anything totally stupid' but it's nothing to do with your username being Signa. That's a coincidence and you'd be over-reacting and totally PC to be worked up by it.

Last Bullet

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I sort of do, but usually only to describe a situation in an exasperated way, or if things go badly. If I'm playing a game and die in some stupid way, that's gay. If a game I'm looking forward to gets delayed, that's gay. I don't think I actually use it to explicitly insult someone, though.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Claptrap said:

I've never understood why it's an insult, And i don't like people who do use it as an insult.
Same here. It really pisses me off.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Yeah I use it a lot. But I rarely mean it when I insult somebody so I don't know if it counts... in fairness, it's in my nickname so I think I'm entitled to use in any way I wish.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
On occasion yeah. I should probably stop that, but it's hard to break an old habit, especially when people are so rarely visibly hurt by it ^^

Haukur Isleifsson

New member
Jun 2, 2010
Yes. And I feel bad about it. I know it really ain't my fault and there are few as liberal in they're views on such things as I am I still feel that I am propagating bigotry every time I use it. It sucks.

Ivan Torres

New member
Sep 27, 2010
I do consider it an insult,although I never really like to use it.
But seriously, the best type of society is not one where we're never insulted, its one where we're never offended.

For example: When I can say a gay joke, around a gay guy, and he laughs it off with me. THAT'S what it should be.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Serenegoose said:
Signa said:
Are you serious? You had to go and insult me like that? How can you not see the difference in what I said versus what you just said? You personally attacked me saying I'm stupid. If I called your post "gay" how is that personally attacking or disapproving of my gay friend? (Yes, I have a gay friend)
What do you mean? If you use the word gay to mean 'anything negative' how does that mean you are attacking your gay friend? Do you need a fucking diagram? Your post is totally Signa. That's a word that means 'anything totally stupid' but it's nothing to do with your username being Signa. That's a coincidence and you'd be over-reacting and totally PC to be worked up by it.
Ok, you win. If you are going to make up works just for the sake of your argument, then you win, I quit.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Signa said:
DAVEoftheDEAD said:
I use the word gay for things i think are bad. "thats gay" "you're gay" "how gay is that?!"
I find this acceptable because while you are associating the word "gay" in a negative context, it in no way means you feel that gays are something to be viewed in a negative context. Take a look at the Harley driver episode of Southpark. No one calls each other "fags" because they hate gay people. The original meaning of those words has been subverted to general use for everything, and only the bleeding heart liberals think that you are disparaging a particular section of the population when you use those words.

Just remember folks, it's not the words but how you mean them. Y'all have a fucking nice day!
I find that most people use that SP episode as an excuse when somebody eventually calls them out for calling someone a fag. Even if you don't mean to call them a homosexual, it's still how it's commonly used. It also shows that you have a very weak vocabulary.
Sep 9, 2010
JakeTheSnakeMan said:
CitySquirrel said:
Rarely, but only because it slips out. The problem with using it so much when I was a stupid kid is that the habit lingers.
This. I've tried to completely break myself of the habit but I have yet to succeed.
Yeah I accidentaly (as in it slipped out) called my friends "faggots" and a senior fliped out on me. So now I try not to use homophobic epithets.