Poll: Do You Use the Word "Gay" as an Insult?


May 19, 2009
Signa said:
DAVEoftheDEAD said:
I use the word gay for things i think are bad. "thats gay" "you're gay" "how gay is that?!"
I find this acceptable because while you are associating the word "gay" in a negative context, it in no way means you feel that gays are something to be viewed in a negative context. Take a look at the Harley driver episode of Southpark. No one calls each other "fags" because they hate gay people. The original meaning of those words has been subverted to general use for everything, and only the bleeding heart liberals think that you are disparaging a particular section of the population when you use those words.

Just remember folks, it's not the words but how you mean them. Y'all have a fucking nice day!
This is what I was thinking. You just say it! I don't mean it as hate on homosexuals, it's just that the meaning of a word changes over time.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
I am hetero.
I have exactly 7 gay friends, both men and women.

We don't give a @#$%.

The moment all thinking creatures on thin planet will learn to laugh at themselves and others: there wil be no war.


New member
May 25, 2010
All admit i said it ONCE to see why everyone was saying it. Never said it again, why because I've had gay friends and they were/are good friends and saying gay as an insult i feel would be an insult to them as well.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Unfortunately, I do. The problem is that I'm 21, and I've been doing it since I was 7, try to break that addiction.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Only "ironically."

Being "gay" (well, bi) myself, and hanging around a lot of gays, I don't particularly enjoy the word being used in a derogatory sense.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Yeah, but not necessarily as in saying that being gay is something wrong, it's just it fell into use as a negative term when I was a kid before I knew what it meant, and it just stuck.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Not as a serious insult. In joking, me and my friends will often use a large variety of insults that would unacceptable in most social circles.


New member
Nov 25, 2008

Gay as an insult pre-dates gay as slang for homosexual.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
That just reminds me when I called the book my friend was reading gay, and some random person started yelling how it was rude for me to say that and that gay wasn't bad. I just flipped it open to a page and held it up, and he agreed it was pretty gay. It was yaoi.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I utilize it as an adjective similar to "amusing" or "happy", sometimes in an ironic sense if that were to be counted as an insult.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Damn, I've never been quoted 5 times in a row, let alone in the time it takes to get some lunch
This_ends_now said:
*high five*
*Highfives back*
Daeggreth said:
I get your point and agree with it for the most point but where I grew up the people who tended to use 'gay' in a negative context were all for the constant harrassment of homosexuals, or at least male homosexuals. I try not to use 'gay' in that context in order to distance myself from such people.
You know, that's a damn good reason not to use it at all. If you're around those people at all, chances are the people you are talking to also are, and you probably don't want them thinking you are in with those homophobes
curty129 said:
Oh cool :D I learnt something. Thanks. Write more posts.
Cool! *passes high five*
Serenegoose said:
Really? Franzibald yacht spittoon truncheon magnificent lychee's salubrious.

Sorry? You mean you can't understand what I'm saying? But wasn't it obvious that I meant "You're talking utter bollocks if you think the meaning of words doesn't matter"?

Clearly, you're a complete idiot. Try and discern what I mean by that! If you take offense, do remind yourself that the actual words aren't relevant. It's what I mean when I say them.
Are you serious? You had to go and insult me like that? How can you not see the difference in what I said versus what you just said? You personally attacked me saying I'm stupid. If I called your post "gay" how is that personally attacking or disapproving of my gay friend? (Yes, I have a gay friend)
XinfiniteX said:
This is what I was thinking. You just say it! I don't mean it as hate on homosexuals, it's just that the meaning of a word changes over time.
Yup, exactly. Some people don't get that though *looks above*

Mr Montmorency

New member
Jun 29, 2010
I used to use it ironically. Then the hipsters started doing shit like that with a lot of words including "gay". Words/phrases like "epic", "well [adjective]" and "safe" also come to mind. These linguistic traits have bled from chavs to hipsters. Nonetheless everyone is a moron and I want to kill them for butchering the irony.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Serenegoose said:
Signa said:
DAVEoftheDEAD said:
I use the word gay for things i think are bad. "thats gay" "you're gay" "how gay is that?!"
I find this acceptable because while you are associating the word "gay" in a negative context, it in no way means you feel that gays are something to be viewed in a negative context. Take a look at the Harley driver episode of Southpark. No one calls each other "fags" because they hate gay people. The original meaning of those words has been subverted to general use for everything, and only the bleeding heart liberals think that you are disparaging a particular section of the population when you use those words.

Just remember folks, it's not the words but how you mean them. Y'all have a fucking nice day!
Really? Franzibald yacht spittoon truncheon magnificent lychee's salubrious.

Sorry? You mean you can't understand what I'm saying? But wasn't it obvious that I meant: "You're talking utter bollocks if you think the meaning of words don't matter"?

Clearly, you're a complete idiot. Try and discern what I mean by that! If you take offense, do remind yourself that the actual words aren't relevant. It's what I mean when I say them.
Signa had a good point. The meaning of your words is the most important thing. He never said that the words themselves don't matter. The words themselves obviously matter. It is ludicrous to imply that relying on interpretation is the same as everyone speaking jibberish. The word gay can mean several different things. Its origional definition was nothing at all offensive. The word idiot, on the other hand, currently only has one definition. This makes it a terrible example for the point you were trying to make.

Altering a persons argument to make it easier to counter is called a "strawman argument."


New member
Oct 6, 2010
I avoid using both this word and retarded to describe things. Of course I don't this because of the negative connotation you are applying to these words when you associate them with bad things, but I also avoid using them in this context because there are so many different and more interesting phrases you could use instead, you rump-fed ronyon.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Not so much gay, unless something is really over the top.
I do use "******" or "fag" if im trying to insult someone, though.