Condor219 said:
If popularity of shows was one-to-one with how many pop-culture references it made, MAD would be a lot more popular than it is.
The aggregate of reasons for people liking MLP is that it's well produced, well above-average among kids' shows in its writing, and lacks cynicism (in a day and age where almost every show is cynical) without being saccharine. Does that explain the following? Hell no. But to immediately denounce an entire group of people, assuming they like it for one specific reason, is illogical.
Why do you play video games? Why do you go on these forums? Why do you like anything ever? People could make similar generalizations about those activities and immediately decide you now had no credibility having enjoyed them. And those people would be extremely ignorant individuals.
But apparently all of my points are moot, and everything I've to say is immediately worthless because I decided to reference something I like in my avatar.
I guess to each his own, and having seen clips of the show I agree to every reason you listed except for the saccharine part, on which I believe our respective tolerances differ greatly. I didn't say outright that the only reason any adult watches it is for the references, though I did not make that explicit. My contention is that just because it has all those qualities you listed, just because it is a well-above-the-bar kids' show, does that mean that one HAS to watch it? Sure, you can watch it and enjoy it, but there is plenty of other programming that is just as good or better that is not aimed squarely at kids.
My post was really aimed at the uber-nerds who are making a cult out of a kids show, I guess I should have been more specific. Also I suppose the avatars are a fad that will pass next year, and I did edit my post after you quoted me to read "very difficult" instead of "unable", as I realized that the first version was too broad. However, most people who have a Pony avatar that I have run into on various forums are exactly the kind of white-noise blockheads who deserve exactly zero attention or scorn. You sir, are not that kind of poster, and I've enjoyed this discussion.