Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


New member
Sep 14, 2010
TehCookie said:
Annoyance level since bronies do not leave you alone. You tell them to leave you the fuck alone and they still come back. You never have just one pony thread, once one is started people make more. Go to your group and talk there. One person doesn't dictate a thousand, but the thousand is what started it, that one guy was the straw that broke the camels back.

Also I fixed the spelling, thanks for pointing that out.
Understandable (if someone blared on about Naruto for 40 minutes I would probably get pissed at all Naruto fans) but as Baneat pointed out, the door is clearly marked to the house you're walking into when you a leave a comment. There are also 1100 people who enjoy the show enough to join the User Group that have made accounts on the Escapist. I think the occasional thread is warranted (and if you'll notice, we do a hell of a lot of talking within the user group, and even though fans of the show are going up exponentially, how much you see of it has died down significantly).


New member
Sep 14, 2010
00slash00 said:
i used to. season 1 was amazing in every way but season 2 is such shit
Really? Honestly I'd like to hear why. Personally I thought the 2-parter was stellar (though I agree some of the other episodes haven't been up to the standards of Party of One or Sonic Rainboom).


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Condor219 said:
If popularity of shows was one-to-one with how many pop-culture references it made, MAD would be a lot more popular than it is.

The aggregate of reasons for people liking MLP is that it's well produced, well above-average among kids' shows in its writing, and lacks cynicism (in a day and age where almost every show is cynical) without being saccharine. Does that explain the following? Hell no. But to immediately denounce an entire group of people, assuming they like it for one specific reason, is illogical.

Why do you play video games? Why do you go on these forums? Why do you like anything ever? People could make similar generalizations about those activities and immediately decide you now had no credibility having enjoyed them. And those people would be extremely ignorant individuals.

But apparently all of my points are moot, and everything I've to say is immediately worthless because I decided to reference something I like in my avatar.
I guess to each his own, and having seen clips of the show I agree to every reason you listed except for the saccharine part, on which I believe our respective tolerances differ greatly. I didn't say outright that the only reason any adult watches it is for the references, though I did not make that explicit. My contention is that just because it has all those qualities you listed, just because it is a well-above-the-bar kids' show, does that mean that one HAS to watch it? Sure, you can watch it and enjoy it, but there is plenty of other programming that is just as good or better that is not aimed squarely at kids.

My post was really aimed at the uber-nerds who are making a cult out of a kids show, I guess I should have been more specific. Also I suppose the avatars are a fad that will pass next year, and I did edit my post after you quoted me to read "very difficult" instead of "unable", as I realized that the first version was too broad. However, most people who have a Pony avatar that I have run into on various forums are exactly the kind of white-noise blockheads who deserve exactly zero attention or scorn. You sir, are not that kind of poster, and I've enjoyed this discussion.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
TehCookie said:
Baneat said:
TehCookie said:
Annoyance level since bronies do not leave you alone.
You do realise that it was pretty clearly marked what would be in the thread? Actually, you won't leave US alone.
Alright [insert generic seachbar comment here] Why did you feel a need to make a another pony thread?
I don't like the subject of this thread any more than you do, but I'm not claiming that people are all up in my face about pony threads, they're easily possible to ignore, just don't click on them if you care so much. It's such a FIRST WORLD PROBLEM that there's a thread running that you think is dull, so much that you need to hop in and tell them how things should be done. Then claim that they're invading.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Condor219 said:
00slash00 said:
i used to. season 1 was amazing in every way but season 2 is such shit
Really? Honestly I'd like to hear why. Personally I thought the 2-parter was stellar (though I agree some of the other episodes haven't been up to the standards of Party of One or Sonic Rainboom).
the two parter was good but i have been really let down by every other episode (though i missed the halloween episode). twilights breakdown just felt like it was pandering to bronies and was boring to me. the most recent episode made me hate rarity and sweetie belle. rarity i was never crazy about but sweetie belle was always my favorite cmc. i just found them both to be so annoying and i felt like they changed rarity's character too dramatically too fast. rarity, would refuses to even get a little wet, is perfectly fine with running a race while covered in mud? i dont like how the episodes, except the first 2, all seem to focus on just one pony and completely ignore all the others. but really what bothers me most is that there is no singing


New member
Jul 22, 2011
themutantlizard said:
why would a guy watch such a girlish frilly show like mlp? i dont get it.
ravensheart18 said:
I only watch it if my little 2 year old girl is looking to watch something silly and mindless.
this guy has something to say to you two.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Conza said:

Please, shut, up.
hehehe. Cartoon absolutism. That's funny.


Study it, you may learn something.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
Paul Palumbo said:
I have different sites to talk about ponies, this one's supposed to be about gaming.
There really aren't many pony threads these days, and the Off-Topic board is, well, off-topic. Heck, the majority of my discussions on this site are non-gaming related.
themutantlizard said:
why would a guy watch such a girlish frilly show like mlp? i dont get it.
First thing I need to make sure you understand is that this isn't the same show from the 80s. There's an entirely new team making Friendship is Magic, many of whom had prior experience on such shows as Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Secondly, the show is genuinely good. The jokes are funny, the characters are relatable, the animation is of significantly higher quality than most cartoons these days, and they throw in a bunch of nerdy references on top of it.

Relevant link.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Innegativeion said:
Conza said:

Please, shut, up.
hehehe. Cartoon absolutism. That's funny.


Study it, you may learn something.
Har-har-har, patronizing ignorance, ok here you go, "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_norms"

That's the right answer isn't it? You want me to rebut your ridiculous statement with something to back up why I was correct, when it's obvious that I was? Well there you go.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
00slash00 said:
the two parter was good but i have been really let down by every other episode (though i missed the halloween episode). twilights breakdown just felt like it was pandering to bronies and was boring to me. the most recent episode made me hate rarity and sweetie belle. rarity i was never crazy about but sweetie belle was always my favorite cmc. i just found them both to be so annoying and i felt like they changed rarity's character too dramatically too fast. rarity, would refuses to even get a little wet, is perfectly fine with running a race while covered in mud? i dont like how the episodes, except the first 2, all seem to focus on just one pony and completely ignore all the others. but really what bothers me most is that there is no singing
Go watch the halloween ep. Personally, I didn't like either of the two normal episodes released so far (the recent one actually focused on my two least-favorite characters without a single appearance from any other, in addition to focusing on the CMC, which I dislike) but the future ep's look better and Nightmare Night was pretty good.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
wackymon said:
You'll probably want to add some text to that post to avoid a warning. And no, text in a linked image doesn't count.

New page of a pony thread, new user group link
(I recommend anyone joining turn chat notifications off when it prompts you, as group chat is very active.)


New member
Sep 19, 2007
MLP: FiM is the largest internet phenomenon in history. A large chunk of it is because of the irony of it but it says something about the quality of the show don't you think?


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Conza said:
Har-har-har, patronizing ignorance, ok here you go, "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_norms"

That's the right answer isn't it? You want me to rebut your ridiculous statement with something to back up why I was correct, when it's obvious that I was? Well there you go.
I read through that short article, and am still a little confused.

Could you possibly cite the section that outlines watching an animated family-oriented TV show as deviation?

back up why I was correct, when it's obvious that I was?
More unwarranted absolutism. In most professional circles, declaring opinion as fact with no citation is generally frowned upon. Same goes for erroneous citations... like that wikipedia article that had nothing to do with what you said initially.