Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
What does this show have in common with Quentin Tarantino? They've both showed me how much of a jaded bastard I really am.


That said, I'm not exactly in love with it, but I really appreciate how today we can still get a show aimed at kids (not edu-tainment like in Nick Jr) that is higly commited to teaching a positive message about values (aka friendship) without a hint of irony. It's a little preachy sometimes, but still, I can't remember the last time I saw a show where it's main characters lack the jadedness and cynicism you see in most kids shows today.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
Male, and of course I do. It's a good show.

Link to Escapist FiM user group:
(I recommend that anyone who joins turn chat notifications off as group chat is very active.)


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Male, and of course I am.

And I really don't understand why people are "fed up" with the "bronies constantly shoving the show down their throat". Not seen that happen here, not irl, not anywhere.

And why should pony threads be considered utter sin? If 1100 people like it that are on the Escapist forums, then I see no reason why an occasional thread is taboo. If any thread has concrete interest for 1100 people, it should be allowed. Period. Hell, the Skyrim threads have considerably less actual content to them, and you see a half-dozen of them daily.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Kyogissun said:
TehCookie said:
Seen it, don't know what the huge deal is about. It's a great show but people seem to love it too much and it's really starting to annoy me. Seriously, shut up about it for a minute.
No thanks, I enjoy the show and will be vocal about my enjoyment of it in the same way I enjoy Regular Show, Adventure Time and Gumball.

Oh, but it's not like you and many others assume the more zealot-like fans speak for all of us, so this 'annoyance' is 'totally' understandable. =/

Seriously people, just because there are groups and whatnot, doesn't mean they raise up the idiots who wish to be insistent on others enjoying the show or liking it, so please don't lump casual-core fans like myself (and a good number of the escapist fans) with those idiots who scream from the mountain tops that they love the show.

We dislike those people 'just' as much as you all do.
Then it wasn't aimed towards you. It kind is now since you had to bring it up again and wouldn't let it go. I lost all pony patience after waiting in a line for an autograph with a brony behind me, it was even worse because the VA was late so I had to wait even longer and he wouldn't shut up. Also since it was an anime con they were EVERYWHERE.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
eeyup. I'm male, love the show. First season was pretty damn good, all told, and second is shaping up... alright. Looking forward to Saturday, that's for sure.

:starts humming winter-wrap-up:


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
Master_of_Oldskool said:
No, and I'm frankly disgusted by it. Any show where a pack of quirky, bubbly extroverts finds a quiet, introverted person and tries to "bring her out of her shell" as though enjoying one's solitude is some sort of horrible crime against nature gives me the desire to punch things.
But that's not how it is. Twilight wasn't just introverted; she had completely isolated herself from social interaction, and that is not healthy. She stays a quiet bookish type, but now she has friends.

FutureJarhead16 said:
I don't get it. They seem pretty normal to me; I wouldn't look twice passing one of them on the street.

Ok, I'd look twice at anyone wearing FiM merch, but I could say the same about Psychonauts.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
TehCookie said:
Then it wasn't aimed towards you. It kind is now since you had to bring it up again and wouldn't let it go. I lost all pony patients after waiting in a line for an autograph with a brony behind me, it was even worse because the VA was late so I had to wait even longer and he wouldn't shut up. Also since it was an anime con they were EVERYWHERE.
How is this different from seeing an avid fan of anything else? How does one person's actions dictate those of thousands of others? (you don't need to respond to this comment of you don't want to, by the way; clearly you don't enjoy conversations about bronies in the first place)

Also, you misspelled "patience". Couldn't stop myself from pointing that out (I mean this in a sincere way, not HAHA YOU MISSPELLED THAT)


New member
Oct 30, 2010
I think the problem I have is all the adolescent and adult single male nerds who worship the show because it contains a few clever pop-culture references or sly, winking, adult-themed jokes that only the grown-ups watching will catch. You know who those are for? Parents and babysitters that are stuck watching the show with kids so they aren't bored out of their skull at the broad positive platitudes and saccharine pablum that makes up the balance of the show.

Another show with such a following that springs to mind is Freakazoid. Sure, it was pretty clever and that one F Troop reference slays me, but it is still a show produced for children. Stop deluding yourself that a kids' show that has some adult jokes and funny references is the Next Big Thing, pushing the boundaries and forever changing the TV landscape.

You can watch whatever you want (hell, I think I saw Jem on DVD on Amazon's front page last week, go have fun), but if you are watching a children's show religiously and don't have any children, you should probably grow the fuck up. Just sayin'.

Also, I don't know if I'm alone, but anytime I see a poster on any forum with a My Little Pony avatar, I find it very difficult to take anything they have to say seriously.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
JediMB said:
Baneat said:
Caramel Frappe said:
Only thing that bugs me about watching MLP is that the fans (most, or a large number of them) don't stick with the morals that MLP teaches.
I watch Dexter, but that doesn't mean I automatically subscribe to his Chaotic Neutral morals.
Difference being that Dexter isn't a show designed to teach its audience useful life lessons.

...At least not last time I checked it out. >_>
And MLP is a show designed to teach its target audience valuable life lessons.

Target audience being 4 year old girls.

Adults don't need this stuff, way way way past this.

Although Dexter isn't for teaching aesops, it does explore morality in a deep and thoughtful way. Deeper and thoughtfuller than MLP ever could.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Watch it, love it, 22 year old guy. It's a great show; developed characters, great writing, awesome animation, and generally hilarious.

Last I checked, I don't think many people consider target audience to be a factor in quality. Unless it's for young girls, apparently.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
McGuinty1 said:
I think the problem I have is all the adolescent and adult single male nerds who worship the show because it contains a few clever pop-culture references or sly, winking, adult-themed jokes that only the grown-ups watching will catch. You know who those are for? Parents and babysitters that are stuck watching the show with kids so they aren't bored out of their skull at the broad positive platitudes and saccharine pablum that makes up the balance of the show.

Another show with such a following that springs to mind is Freakazoid. Sure, it was pretty clever and that one F Troop reference slays me, but it is still a show produced for children. Stop deluding yourself that a kids' show that has some adult jokes and funny references is the Next Big Thing, pushing the boundaries and forever changing the TV landscape.

You can watch whatever you want (hell, I think I saw Jem on DVD on Amazon's front page last week, go have fun), but if you are watching a children's show religiously and don't have any children, you should probably grow the fuck up. Just sayin'.

Also, I don't know if I'm alone, but anytime I see a poster on any forum with a My Little Pony avatar, I find myself unable to take anything they have to say seriously.
If popularity of shows was one-to-one with how many pop-culture references it made, MAD would be a lot more popular than it is.

The aggregate of reasons for people liking MLP is that it's well produced, well above-average among kids' shows in its writing, and lacks cynicism (in a day and age where almost every show is cynical) without being saccharine. Does that explain the following? Hell no. But to immediately denounce an entire group of people, assuming they like it for one specific reason, is illogical.

Why do you play video games? Why do you go on these forums? Why do you like anything ever? People could make similar generalizations about those activities and immediately decide you now had no credibility having enjoyed them. And those people would be extremely ignorant individuals.

But apparently all of my points are moot, and everything I've to say is immediately worthless because I decided to reference something I like in my avatar.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Kyogissun said:
TehCookie said:
Seen it, don't know what the huge deal is about. It's a great show but people seem to love it too much and it's really starting to annoy me. Seriously, shut up about it for a minute.
No thanks, I enjoy the show and will be vocal about my enjoyment of it in the same way I enjoy Regular Show, Adventure Time and Gumball.

Oh, but it's not like you and many others assume the more zealot-like fans speak for all of us, so this 'annoyance' is 'totally' understandable. =/

Seriously people, just because there are groups and whatnot, doesn't mean they raise up the idiots who wish to be insistent on others enjoying the show or liking it, so please don't lump casual-core fans like myself (and a good number of the escapist fans) with those idiots who scream from the mountain tops that they love the show.

We dislike those people 'just' as much as you all do.
Yeah, I'm with this guy. I'm not drawing deviantart, I'm not writing fanfic, I just use the avatar and watch the show.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Condor219 said:
TehCookie said:
Then it wasn't aimed towards you. It kind is now since you had to bring it up again and wouldn't let it go. I lost all pony patience after waiting in a line for an autograph with a brony behind me, it was even worse because the VA was late so I had to wait even longer and he wouldn't shut up. Also since it was an anime con they were EVERYWHERE.
How is this different from seeing an avid fan of anything else? How does one person's actions dictate those of thousands of others? (you don't need to respond to this comment of you don't want to, by the way; clearly you don't enjoy conversations about bronies in the first place)

Also, you misspelled "patience". Couldn't stop myself from pointing that out.
Annoyance level since bronies do not leave you alone. You tell them to leave you the fuck alone and they still come back. You never have just one pony thread, once one is started people make more. Go to your group and talk there. One person doesn't dictate a thousand, but the thousand is what started it, that one guy was the straw that broke the camels back.

Also I fixed the spelling, thanks for pointing that out.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
TehCookie said:
Annoyance level since bronies do not leave you alone.
You do realise that it was pretty clearly marked what would be in the thread? Actually, you won't leave US alone.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Baneat said:
TehCookie said:
Annoyance level since bronies do not leave you alone.
You do realise that it was pretty clearly marked what would be in the thread? Actually, you won't leave US alone.
Alright [insert generic seachbar comment here] Why did you feel a need to make a another pony thread?


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I saw most of the first season and I don't know/care if there was a second. It was watchable and I knew I would have probaly watched it more as a kid. Give me a "kinda" option please.