Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Togs said:
Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
Yeah, that's never going to happen. I'm just surprised they haven't taken over and renamed this place "bronymagazine.com" yet.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
I've never watched the show but I support the Bronies. I hope that they will remember this after the inevitable Brony uprising and that our equine overlords will embrace tolerance toward other, non-pony lifestyles.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
No, and umm... well... every reason I could give could be taken as "trollish" by all the people obsessed with it, so I'll leave it as no.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
No, and no one can say, I didn't give it a fair chance.

I watched the first 15 episodes, and with a couple of exceptions, it was just terrible.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
necromanzer52 said:
No, and no one can say, I didn't give it a fair chance.

I watched the first 15 episodes, and with a couple of exceptions, it was just terrible.
But you didn't give it a fair chance! It only gets good after 30+ episodes!!

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Don Savik said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
Don Savik said:
Stop with these pony threads. Pretty sure some already exist. Kthxbai
Togs said:
Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
so ... you 2 just reacted to 'pony'? didn't stop to consider it was made by a pony hater to troll with?

pro tip: it very much likely is, good job falling for it -.-
Doesn't matter the intent, the same thing happens to all pony threads. There's some that already exist if you NEED to talk about MLP. Fact is they need to stop.
actually they don't.
it kinda why we have a section called 'off-topic discussion' with the 'Music, movies and drink recipes - non-game talk.' explanation right under the link. (yes I'm being more hostile this time)

also, given how few and far between pony threads like this are, your but hurt why? for real, why? we see, MAYBE 1 or 2 new pony threads a month and you and ever other pony hater act like there's a new one daily.

know what we DO get a new thread of that equally as pointless, saying nothing that hasn't already been said?

those are spammed damn near daily and there is no back lash to THAT. and they are all the same thing 'what are you doing first?' 'what race are you gonna be?' 'are you/are you not getting it?' 'what direction are you going first' and that's just from Friday to today

but dose any one get called out on it? nope. but the lone pony thread that dares show is face gets several 'omg another damned pony thread' posts before page 2

you do know what hypocrite means i trust?


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Caramel Frappe said:
Only thing that bugs me about watching MLP is that the fans (most, or a large number of them) don't stick with the morals that MLP teaches.
I watch Dexter, but that doesn't mean I automatically subscribe to his Chaotic Neutral morals.


New member
Oct 3, 2011
I watch it. Alot.
I read Fallout: Equestria. Alot.
I listen too and watch PMVs/parodies. Alot.

But most importantly I paid 360 microsoft point for the rainbow weapon skins on Gears of War 3.
My weapons are 20% cooler now.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
TimeLord said:
Faust technically hasn't had a large amount of input post-pilot.
This is so far from the truth, it's ridiculous.

Faust had so damn much to do with the show for all of season 1 and the season 2 premiere that she had to quit or risk getting burnt out completely. She was involved in pretty much every single step in production.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Jak23 said:
Do you watch My Little Pony: FiM? If you do what gender are you?... Don't lie.
Every time I see the phrase "My Little Pony: FIM" I always think "My Little Pony: FML".

I can't help it, I just do.
Dec 14, 2009
FutureJarhead16 said:
Tired it, didn't like it. I can see the appeal for little girls, but not for grown men.

That about sums it up. Glad I'm not apart of this shit.
I think the lonliness just leapt out of my monitor and strangled me a little bit...

[sub]I'm afraid to sleep now...[/sub]

Disclaimer: All in good fun people, I'm just joking.

Nick Angelici

New member
Feb 14, 2010
its good, and if a a friend says "hey, you should watch this!" I will, but I dont normally watch the show, just never get around to it is all, nd I dont really want to, Im content with it just existing and seeing it when its there. Im not a "fan" but I enjoy it is basically what Im saying.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Eh, I watched a bit, didn't really like it that much.

Seems to me like a bit of a 'meme' fiasco. It will go out of fashion soon enough.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Baneat said:
Caramel Frappe said:
Only thing that bugs me about watching MLP is that the fans (most, or a large number of them) don't stick with the morals that MLP teaches.
I watch Dexter, but that doesn't mean I automatically subscribe to his Chaotic Neutral morals.
Difference being that Dexter isn't a show designed to teach its audience useful life lessons.

...At least not last time I checked it out. >_>

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
At first, I unfairly disliked the show.

After that, I overcame my prejudice and watched a few episodes.

Finally, I came to the conclusion that I dislike the show AND I don't get why it's popular.

So no, to answer that question, I don't watch My Little Pony: FIM. To me it resembles an over-abundance of bright colors and Flash animation. And yes, I know 4-Chan was where MLP:FIM got popular, but I still have no idea why 4-Chan would have cared about it.