Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
May 15, 2009
On another note, with those large magazine size, high rate of fire weapons are made for camping. The whole idea behind them is you pick one point to stay at and spray bullets in the direction the enemy is coming from to supress them. For instance, Day of Defeat had two classes that used heavy machine guns. Both would jump up wildly and quickly if you tried firing them without using the supports first, and you could only use the supports if you found some sandbags or went prone. The idea was that, since the whole game was the allies and axis fighting over fixed flag points to win the game, you'd use the machine guns to supress enemies coming in from one direction so they couldn't take your flag, with the downside being that you had a very limited area in which you could shoot in, and that there was always at least one way behind you.

Likewise in most games the heavy machine gunner's job is to camp around in one point and keep the enemy back. And in a lot of those situations he gets plenty of disadvantages to make up for it.


New member
May 17, 2008
Tears of Blood said:
Legit strategy all of the time. Stop whining.
People who can't handle camping are playing the wrong game. Move to UT or Quake please.

The Undoer

New member
Sep 13, 2009
I generally can't be bothered to read the entirety of three pages, so I'm going to answer the route question: I agree with camping aslong as it aids the teams victory: Defending flags/points, TDM, things such as that, but camping on a TF2 Payload Map is low, it won't help your team if your on the offensive or it's PL race. Campings perfectly counter-able so I'm willing to just shut up, put up, and say "good shot mate."


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Tossing my hat into the ring, is camping really an effective strategy? Granted, in older FPS games, levels weren't built to counteract over-the-top snipefests, but as games have developed (especially in MW1&2), sitting on your arse with a rifle is just going to get you killed.

Now, it seems, successful snipers move, shoot, move, shoot. There's not much point in holding out in one place, when the enemy can take one of the other dozen ways to bumhump you with a bayonet. Keeping on the move, switching between vantage points and, above all, biding your time, is the new camping, in my opinion.

Perhaps we should call it Rambo-ling.

Desert Tiger

New member
Apr 25, 2009
If I'm stood in the same spot for twenty minutes and they're still running through the doorway and getting mowed down in the exact same way over and over, then it's safe to assume that they're the idiot and I'm not.

Oh That Dude

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Enigmers said:
My perspective.

If I'm camping, it means I'm in the same fucking spot. Seriously, how predictable is that. If you want me to stop camping, you know where I am, you have bullets, fucking do something. Stop whining.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Sniper =l= Camper.Only a bad sniper camps.Good ones get two or three kills in one position and then they move.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Eh, I don't see why people don't move that much with sniper...

I do it all the time, and admittedly, my KTD suffers a little, but when I'm moving my M9 is out, and I have "FIRE" binded to "Scroll Down", I can fire off just as many bullets, more accurately, and same power ish as an assault rifle, with the exception of piercing walls.

It works for me AND makes the game more interesting, as it adds a major stealth element to it.


Also, note this. If you're camping in one spot, then you are EXTREMELY vulnerable to counter snipers, and our Light Machines gunners.

And I HATE spawn campers, even when I'm doing it I tend to team kill my team so they can advance towards us a little, and get a foot hold.

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
OP: Camping is a good strategy. people get pissed because they can't dislodge a well-entrenched camper. so they keep running into the kill zone.
use a different strategy to get them out.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
i never camp even with the sniper rifle
but the amount of camping in modern warfare 2 is just too much


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I don't mind camping on a map where the objective is to defend, but when it's all on all, it gets annoying when some person is staying in the exact same place all damn match. You get more points when you get out of your base. How is camping fun anyway?


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Well, you can't really run around with a sniper rifle and get kills unless you're one of those blasted no-scopers.

Even then you probably can't get kills.

OT: Machine guns are probably most used when camping, since they do have a large clip size, decent damage, and horrible hip-fire.