Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
Jun 28, 2009
DtDust said:
Also, if you use the Barrett, you suck at sniping, PERIOD.
You can still be a good player, but not a good sniper
Just because you need one shot doesn't mean you don't need insurance, just in case. I mean, you don't drive without a seatbelt because you don't expect to crash and die horribly.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
If youve got the balls to stay in a place after the chance that someone knows where you are, then by all means go ahead and set up a tent and campfire, but if you move around after each shot/kill, I wouldn't consider it really camping. I love sniping in most games so I guess I do camp a bit, but I dont really play online so the A.I players i play against generally don't understand the concept, so it often gets tedious - exept timesplitters: future perfect, the bots in that know how to snipe.

With regards to the poll, I believe its acceptable with any weopon, exept those that can shoot through solid walls (e.g Rail gun in Red Faction II, or that gun in Timespliiters whose name I can't remember)

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
I think it's a bunch of crap! I hate spawning in, taking 5 steps and then have a sniper bullet sail through my frontal lobe. If it happens once or twice I'll just chalk it up to bad luck or the wrong place at the wrong time; but if it happens like 5 or more times, then I start getting pissed.

Also, I thought they had fixed the spawn problem of being spawned in and then someone walks around the corner and shoots you in the face/in the back. This can be just as annoying as camping if not more annoying.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I don't think it's the weapon that shoudl determine whether it's a cool strat or a pussy move to camp, but the map and circumstances.

If it's free for all and you don't have a team it's fine.

if you do have a team on the other hand it can be both a good and a bad thing

If you hide behind some boxes in the middle of nowhere, where theres a slim chance that 1 maybe 2 enemies will pass through in the next 10 mins, you're more or less removing yourself form the game, reducing your teams number of effective players by 1.

If your team has an objective, your camping should be beneficial to the team, lets take a counter strike example.

Its a bombs map, you're CT and camp one of the bomb sites, you're defending the bomb site, and you might as well camp since the terrorists will have to go there in order to win anyways. good move

It's a bomb map, you're a terrorist and camp your spawn area. You're basicly sitting ion a place where the CT's have nothing to do, so you're wasting your time and is useless to your team and your teams goal. bad move.

Switch bomb map with hostage map, and it's reverse roles for Terrosists and counter terrorists.

I'd whine about campers if they're on my team and beeing useless. If someone on the other team camps i've got no reason to whine, cause either he's beeing useless to his team, which is beneficial for me OR he's doing good and killing me and my mates, in which case he's playing well.

I can't stand peopel who whine about campers killing them, honestly, if you can't stand beeing killed, don't play FPS. The game is the same for everyone, so camping isn't a n00b tactic. It's as annoying to ehar as when people whine about specific weapons/pers.
"AWP is for n00bs (cause i die to it all the time QQ"
"Martyrdom is faggy" "Quit using that n00b tube u retard" "juggernaugt is IMBA whine whine"whine"

If you can't stand the fact that people play betetr than you, and make good use of the tools/tactics the game/map has tp offer, stop playing online and play against retarded-level bots instead.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I don't play fps games on multiplayer because of snipers. I prefer games where everyone on the other side must actually play the game.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Shaoken said:
firedfns13 said:
FROGGEman2 said:
How else do you play with a sniper?

Like, how?
M40 w/ Acog, Wetwork. Destroy.
You don't need to camp ever. Camping is just lazy and an excuse for no skill.
Are you kidding? I camp in MGO and MW2, and it takes a lot of skill. For starters, you have to kill them very quickly. Secondly, once you shoot you alert everyone on the other team to your location.

Thirdly, the entire point of snipers are to stay in one spot and wait for the perfect shot. Let's take the sniping mission from COD4. Following your logic, instead of Price and his CO waiting for several hours on top of a building for their target to show up, they should have always been on the move and engaged the enemy head on.

Fourth, Sniper rifles typically are bolt action, which means there's a significant gap between shots. Sure you can get semi-auto or even full-auto sniper rifles, but by in large by the time you shoot someone twice they could have shot you a dozen times.

Fifth, Connected to the above point, sniping puts a lot of emphasis on accuracy. With most other weapons it's not as important, but trying going around getting body shots with a sniper on MW2 and see how long you last and how high your kill count is. The best way to kill people as a sniper is to have a stable, stationary location to shoot from.

Sixth, your whole arguement has been used time and time again by whinny losers after they've gotten killed by a sniper for the fifth time in a row. Is someone camping? Then stick to cover, get right next to him and fill him with lead!
I've only used the bolt action snipers in COD4 and destroyed other teams WHILE moving.

As to your argument about the point of snipers camping to take the shot, that is false.

Ever read the book SHOOTER by a USMC sniper? (can't find it to find his name) In it, he talks about how that kind of thinking screwed up snipers. Modern War moves way too fast to have snipers camp as support. He was in charge of snipers during a military exercise, PROMET, back in 2001. He was told that the snipers were to be the static things people generally assume they are, and he said fuck that. So he designed the plan to have highly mobile (aka using 4x4's and stuff) snipers to wreck the enemy. In fact, they destroyed everyone so bad that the teams had to swap the locations of their snipers, "kill them" then respawn everyone they had killed in order for the exercise to be run 'correctly'.

As for the COD4 mission, that was an assassination. I can't think of a reason why you would run into his base when you know exactly where and when he's going to be there.

The problem with camping in games is that it's extremely ridiculous when you get screwed over 5 times in a row because the guy has a sight line thats 5 degrees wide, watching the spawn point/corner/hallway/etc where he just nudges slightly to get a head shot, and he's almost completely invisible. The only good thing about video game snipers is they don't move after every shot like they should.

As for saying that bolt action is better or worse than automatic, well in games they generally make up for it by being significantly more powerful. Besides, you act like it's hard to be accurate. If I can burst people across the map using any assault rifle, you can accurately hit in the torso/head with a sniper rifle regardless of range. The only disadvantage that a sniper has very inaccurate hip fire... Which is why you should have a glock or usp/m9. A camping sniper is a lazy sniper.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
As others said; dont spawn camp.

Otherwise, camping is fine; you give up your mobility to be able to shoot better. If you do it wrong, you become predictable and someone will take you out... or simply avoid you. And since you camp in a fixed location, you arent likely to help on the frontlines when your team needs it.
But you might stall the opposition when they run into you.
Its just a tactic like any other. Use it wrong and you arent helping your team.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I'm of two minds with this. On one hand, camping with snipers is probably the most effective way to use them. Look at CoD (4 onwards) for instance, they made the snipers have enormous crosshairs (no-scopes are basically luck), so you have to stop moving and scope in to hit people. However, I cannot stand people who stand in a blind corner for the sole purpose of shotgunning the random player who runs right by them.
So in short:
camping with sniper -> good
camping for the sole purpose of getting cheap kills -> bad


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Camping is fine by me (spawn camping isn't camping, it's a form of cheating). Some of us are not very good at 1st person shooters, and camping is the only way we get kills. Also, it provides a defensive function that is required, in my opinion, in many games modes like "capture the flag."


New member
Aug 27, 2009
I'm not big on camping. As a sniper I take a shot, then go to a new postition(I know I spelled that wrong)


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I say camping is only acceptable with sniper rifles, but only in games like Insurgency and CoD where the role is fairly realistic. Halo... who needs to camp in halo?!?!?!?! :p


New member
Sep 25, 2008
None. But then, I have only thought camping was justified in the old Battlefield 2 days on the giant maps like on Kubra Dam. Where people would sit up on the massive cranes and scaffolding to spot enemies for Squad Leaders or the Commander or to just pick off enemies.

It was great fun in that you felt like you were alone up there- or whenever you found a secluded area in those massive games. Also ramped up the anxiety if you went through an area you knew was going to have a bunch of snipers in...
I really liked that game


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
Camping gets me very angry, and it doesn't matter what weapon you use.

But I will admit it is a legitmate strategy, just a fucking annoying one.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Donnyp said:
Lets stop trying to mix Video Games with real Life.
Retarded argument is retarded.
That is, unless you're looking to erase the baseline for any and all games ever made that are even remotely like Modern Warfare.

Donnyp said:
If you play a game and sit in one spot waiting for a target to come by your a camper. If your watching like 50 spots but not moving your sniping. There is a Diff.
That, however, I can agree with. I mean, I still think the kind of 'camping' you describe is a valid strategy, but it'd take the fun out of sniping for me personally.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
I camp with the sniper because the fear of a potential sniper somewhere is the best defense. Instead of a 'crazy guy with a shotgun who could be around the corner'.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Theres a difference between camping & holding down a spot/covering ur team.
Camping is just hiding in a one spot close 2 ur enemy an killing everyone that comes by just spawned or not an ur team mates are running round, admit it pisses everyone off.

Holding Down/covering: This is for team games an its self explanatory, but unlike camping you don't spawn kill, its just cheap.

Snipers: obviously u you cant run around with a sniper trying 2 use it as a SMG or rifle unless ur a GOD at no scoping then goo you lol, far as im know a snipers pistol should be for when he needs too move posts when alone.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Camping is a legitimate strategy. It's not the campers fault that his opponents are too god damn retarded to flush him out.

Having said that, any smart sniper is going to only take a few shots from one spot before moving so that he/she doesn't get counter-sniped or forcibly removed with a hand grenade.