Poll: First Kiss.

Mr Godfrey

New member
Jul 31, 2009
My first kiss belongs to the THEATAH! When I was fourteen, I tried out for this play. There was this scene where the coming of age, young male, lead has to make out with a prostitute. I was trying out for the coming of age, young male, lead, and a German foreign exchange student was trying out for the prostitute. It turned out to be a rather graphic first kiss. Made everyone else in the room laugh their asses off, so I suppose it was worth it in that sense.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
It was a kiss to the cheek from my ex in my room during my freshmen year.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
When I was 15. Just a girl I barely knew at the time but had a crush on. Jokes were shared that we should go out. I said "Oh, why not then?" (and landed myself my first girlfriend) then the first kiss happened a day or two later. It lasted what seemed like forever. =3
Good times.
Current girlfriend's first kiss was also bloody spectacular. After having a fairly shit year, a kiss always makes everything that went wrong seem so totally fucking worth it <3


New member
Oct 10, 2008
dalek sec said:
It was a kiss to the cheek from my ex in my room during my freshmen year.
A kiss to the cheek does not count as a "first kiss" though...


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
Hehe, it was in an elevator, just after my first boyfriend and I decided to go out together. It was a little preremptory, and he was embarrassed afterwards because he thought I'd been kissed before, so hadn't made it particularly special. Which makes me treasure the memory even more for its random awkwardness. =)

I have to say though, that in light of more recent kisses...well, let's just say that was my first kiss, and it was on the lips, but it wasn't my first real kiss - that came later, and was seven different kinds of awesome =)

Emilie Diabolica

New member
May 26, 2009
i missed on my first kiss, heh, it was both of our first kiss, so we stuffed it up :p

we're still together after a year and a half ^^


New member
May 16, 2008
My first kiss was awkward, but awesome. I'm still best friends with my ex who I got it from.

I think I was.. 12? 13? I was staying over her place for the night, nothing new there as we were really good friends. I had the biggest damn crush on her and I found out very bluntly (".. So.. I really like you.") that she felt the same way.
After a quick freakout on my part, she very shyly said "I want to kiss you" and I just sort of turned into a blushing mess. XD But it was very nice, even though after a while of that, I sort of forgot to breathe and then we both burst out laughing.

My first kiss with my current partner (4 years ago, but we broke up, then got back together two years ago. Mmm, complicated) was odd.
It was at a small friends get-together-sleepover an' we were all about to watch a movie. So when everyone was getting into comfy spots to lay down and watch the movie, I moved to sit close girl I liked and just sort of cuddled up, which we'd done before since we were pretty close friends. She didn't mind.
Then very randomly during the movie, she turned her head to, I'm assuming, look at me or ask me something. I'd noticed her moving, so I had gone to look at her and ended up kissing her by accident.
We were both blushing like crazy, but both very happy. Very weird. Very awesome.


Avid Reader
Dec 22, 2008
I haven't even held hands yet. At the same time, I could've lost my virginity by now if I wanted to. So, am I pathetic or just apathetic?


New member
Dec 20, 2008
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
If it helps i only had my proper first kiss about 2 weeks ago, and I'm 19, things just happen naturally, and when it does, its awesome :).

I had kissed before, but there was always something not quite right bout them.

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
Happened 3 weeks ago. I am almost 19. Had a female friend spending the night and she decided to be naughty. Interesting note: She told me to grope her and this happened before we started making out.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
It's so very Hollywood cliche, but it was in my then boyfriend's car on my 17th birthday. Felt like such a starlet, I really did. XD


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
Still haven't had mine yet after all these years. I've been ridiculously unlucky with women (and also I was a whiny emo ***** for a while and naturally few women are attracted to that).

I've been kissed on the cheek quite a few times but never on the lips :S

EDIT: Oh wait, I was kissed by my mate on holiday but I don't count that considering he was very drunk. And also he is male and I'm not gay.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
Mine was from my ex-girlfriend on our first date. At the end of the date we were on our way home and we just kind of...pounced on each other. It was awesome.


New member
May 20, 2009
Lunar Shadow said:
Happened 3 weeks ago. I am almost 19. Had a female friend spending the night and she decided to be naughty. Interesting note: She told me to grope her and this happened before we started making out.
Applause for you :)


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I don't really remember my 'first kiss' that much. I remember the guy though. It was in the summer before my 6th grade so I was probably like 10. He was my boyfriend during he summer but once school started, I was over him. Harsh I know.

I do remember my second kiss like it was yesterday though. I was at a birthday party for one of my friends when I was in the 10th grade (i think) and it was night time. We had all gone to the driveway to wave one of the people goodbye because their parents had come to get them. One the way back to the backyard, one of the guys, who I didn't really know but we knew each other, stopped me by the bushes. I just looked at him and then suddenly he kissed me. We danced with each other that night and were sitting with each other at the table but the next day at school he was a complete asshole to me. It hurt but I just said screw him.

I have honestly only kissed about 4 guys in my life. None of them have made my heart flutter the way my ex kissed me. I remember our first kiss very well. Doubt I will ever forget it.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
My 1st kiss was when I was 16 :(
Yeah, it took a while, but this poll makes me feel like I'm not the worst possible off :)


New member
Jun 25, 2009
It wasn't special - I didn't know her.

Edit: Seeing as other people are saying what age they were, I might as well tell you I was 13/14.