Poll: First Kiss.


Feb 22, 2009
I'd rather not remember mine, the girl was hideous and kind of didn't really give me any choice. Just pulled me in.


New member
Jun 3, 2008
my first kiss was a few weeks ago actually, we we're outside my house, and she didn't believe I liked her, so I kissed her to prove it...it was pretty much proven then :p Sadly, it wasn't one of my favorite kisses, and I am just friends with the girl now, which is actually better

My first make out type kiss, was yesterday actually, I was sitting on the gate, waiting for some friends to come out of a house, and we both knew we liked each other, so she smiled and then we just kissed. I really like this girl, so that moment is gonna stick with me for a while. Sadly, it was interrupted by the friends coming out of the house.

Damn the friends, damn them all.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Murrah said:
Oooh. Kisses. Makes me tingly!
My first kiss was when I was 10 and I had like like boyfriend, he was 15..It was at the time the best kiss ever, but now, I have TheGhostOfSin so naked party for everyone?
Wait, what

Murrah said:
My first kiss was when I was 10 and I had like like boyfriend, he was 15
Murrah said:
when I was 10
Murrah said:
he was 15
Murrah said:
the best kiss ever


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I was 13, and I liked her and we got to her house and we did a serious french kiss and *shmuggled* in her bed. IT was niceeee. But now we're enemies, she thinks I've been talking shit behind her friend's back who liked me which I haven't done. Hehe I should probably get a girlfriend and some company because atm I'm mostly alone and my friends hangs around with the girl and does really silly think and I just sits there and think: geez how inmature. I could need someone to be with before I go all-out alone-strange-dude. =D Btw my second kiss (makeout) was with the girl who I kissed first with so I was with those 2 girls and had some fun. Yay for me...=D


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
RyQ_TMC said:
Flying-Emu said:
Har har har, piss off.
Sorry man, didn't mean to insult you.
It's alright. It's a bit of a touchy subject for me, as you found out the hard way! :D
Malicious said:
Two thumbs up for power metal plus TF 2,nothing better to relieve anger is awesome powerful music plus killing stuff,it actually makes you a better and more calm person to rage out into a machine (or against it -reference to band hee hee,nvm) ,and for the date part just go to a club,confidence on lvl 10 and score some :p

Also its a nice story to tell mates,and it will bring a bit of laughs here and there,but i agree its more sad than funny,but dont be too much of a girl its just a first kiss you dont need to always remember it :p
I wouldn't say I'm being girly about it. I like to consider myself a bit of a classical in the romantic sense; flowers, chocolates, all that good stuff. This sort of thing matters to me, if only because I tend to care about this sort of thing.

Hell, I've had three separate girls offer themselves to me, and I've shrugged off all three. I don't plan on blowing that first time on a girl I hardly now.

As for the clubs, I'm just a tad young for that. Couple more years though, and I'll be in there; hopefully onstage with the band.
Maybe you should stop building up to it so much? I mean, you seem to think it's worth so much but trust me, once it's over you'll only be thinking about other (read: better) things.

That's what I'm like (and all of my mates for that matter xD). I'm 15 btw, don't know how old you are.

That's my input anyway.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
hazuka3377 said:
I was taught to kiss by two lesbians, it was suprisingly mediocre.
Maybe if they had any interest in me that would have been different.
Wait? You kissed two lesbians for your first one?

Fuck that would be a cool story to tell, even if it was shite, I'd bloody tell everyone.
What I'd give for 2 lesbians.

On a side note, why's everyone so depressed on here?

And (like others have said) I really can't believe that THAT many people haven't kissed anyone.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
WEll let's see, I've kissed my mother many a time, my grandmother, Aunty etc. My dog often licks my face (Mostly as a sign of love, partly to get all the delicious crumbs off. But apart from that no, but I don't really care. After all I'm only a recent 14.


In an unsuspicious cabin
Jul 22, 2009
Hoxton said:
So, after all, is the first kiss memorable?
Mine was when i was 8, and i remember it like it was yesterday. Didn't really like it at that time.
I was too young to enjoy it to the fullest i guess.

When was yours? What made it special?

EDIT: !10k++ Thnx for the badge everyone!
This. The first time I was about that age and we were playing boyfriend and girlfriend. And I also didn't like it much at the time.

And when I was 13 I made out with the same girl, that occasion I remember more fondly. Of course, after that everything went to hell between us and I haven't seen her in years.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I put my failures to the barrier of sarcasm I put up. I'm the quiet, snarky nerdish type, you know, the kind that no girl goes for. Meh, I'm 15, so I've got a while before I go mad with my own loneliness.

EDIT: Also, I'm 15, what the feck am I supposed to do on a date, movies are boring, too young to go out for dinner, no proper method of transportation aside from the bus or a bicycle. What do those idiots do on their dates? I say idiots because those "popular" arseholes are like a box of hamsters, saying hi, going out and leaving about a week later. They all get drunk as well, I remember hearing stories of their drunken escapades when we were all 13, I thought they were idiots then, they're still idiots now.

EDIT 2: God damn, that was a long-ass edit.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Mine was just over 7 months ago, with a girl I met on the internet, asked out, and was physically seeing for the first time. 17 then. We were watching a pirated copy of Time Bandits in her room, and right towards the end she surprised me with one. Heh, I was so surprised and dazed afterwards that during the drive home I had to switch and let my mom drive.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Agent Larkin said:
easy evil said:
all this is slowly but surely eating away at my soul .makes me think what a sad and pathetic human being I am.

I’m going in to depression now…. or not
The one thing about depression my friend is once you enter you can never return (insert evil laugh here)
...I did. Odd, that.