Poll: First Kiss.

Aug 13, 2008
T-Bone24 said:
I put my failures to the barrier of sarcasm I put up. I'm the quiet, snarky nerdish type, you know, the kind that no girl goes for. Meh, I'm 15, so I've got a while before I go mad with my own loneliness.

EDIT: Also, I'm 15, what the feck am I supposed to do on a date, movies are boring, too young to go out for dinner, no proper method of transportation aside from the bus or a bicycle. What do those idiots do on their dates? I say idiots because those "popular" arseholes are like a box of hamsters, saying hi, going out and leaving about a week later. They all get drunk as well, I remember hearing stories of their drunken escapades when we were all 13, I thought they were idiots then, they're still idiots now.

EDIT 2: God damn, that was a long-ass edit.
chill out man

why does their drunkeness frustrate you?
just change your sarcasm into a more mainstream funny kind
get a group of like 5, 6 friends (doesnt matter if they're all guys, girls will come later) and go to one of their houses each week and have a mini gathering
whether it be playing videogames or just pissing about

eventually you'll get curious and alcohol will be introduced and suddenly these nights will become more memorable

soon, other kids will want in and your group will grow
before too long, there will be girls too

girls + alcohol + surrounded by good friends = fun times and first kiss

(not how i did it, but if i was going to do it all again, that's how i would)

plus it'll prepare you for university
but it sounds like you've got a lot of misplaced rage, let them live their lives, you live yours


New member
Jul 2, 2008
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
girls + alcohol + surrounded by good friends = fun times and first kiss

(not how i did it, but if i was going to do it all again, that's how i would)
I came into this thread and quoting you to tell you how much of an epic username you have. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy is Cartoon Networks one redeeming feature.

Anyway, the section I left of your quote is how I got my first kiss. The amusing thing is it was my first time consuming alcohol and was also my first party. It proved to be an epic night, but I kind of went against the whole Bro's before Ho's thing. I retreated into an empty room and commandeered a couch for me and my lady friend. I kind regret spending the entire party with her, as I missed out on some memories some of my mates had. It would've been cool to have sat outside at midnight with my two best friends and just chilled all night.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
why does their drunkeness frustrate you?
just change your sarcasm into a more mainstream funny kind
get a group of like 5, 6 friends (doesnt matter if they're all guys, girls will come later) and go to one of their houses each week and have a mini gathering
whether it be playing videogames or just pissing about
Their drunkenness frustrates me because, I dunno, I'm a worrier. I have an addictive personality so personally I wouldn't go near the stuff. I don't worry about them, just the knock-on effects that it might have. It might spread. I already do that weekly get-together thing. Also, your alcohol + girls plan falls down because I would never go near alcohol for fear of:
A) Getting drunk. I've seen what it does to people, and I do nothing in moderation, so that's a big no-no. And I don't want to be the guy who cleans up. Drunkenness and, therefore, alcohol are no-go areas for me
B) Addiction. I know it seems odd for a 15 year old to worry about alcoholism but I am easily addicted to things.

I do agree with your plan of changing the sarcasm, I blame my defense mechanism on intimacy issues I relate to my family, that are best kept to myself for personal reflection. (Nothing dirty, you sick bastards). I really try hard to change, but once I get into a habit, it's very difficult to come out.

Thanks for the input anyway.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Woodsey said:
Flying-Emu said:
RyQ_TMC said:
Flying-Emu said:
Har har har, piss off.
Sorry man, didn't mean to insult you.
It's alright. It's a bit of a touchy subject for me, as you found out the hard way! :D
Malicious said:
Two thumbs up for power metal plus TF 2,nothing better to relieve anger is awesome powerful music plus killing stuff,it actually makes you a better and more calm person to rage out into a machine (or against it -reference to band hee hee,nvm) ,and for the date part just go to a club,confidence on lvl 10 and score some :p

Also its a nice story to tell mates,and it will bring a bit of laughs here and there,but i agree its more sad than funny,but dont be too much of a girl its just a first kiss you dont need to always remember it :p
I wouldn't say I'm being girly about it. I like to consider myself a bit of a classical in the romantic sense; flowers, chocolates, all that good stuff. This sort of thing matters to me, if only because I tend to care about this sort of thing.

Hell, I've had three separate girls offer themselves to me, and I've shrugged off all three. I don't plan on blowing that first time on a girl I hardly now.

As for the clubs, I'm just a tad young for that. Couple more years though, and I'll be in there; hopefully onstage with the band.
Maybe you should stop building up to it so much? I mean, you seem to think it's worth so much but trust me, once it's over you'll only be thinking about other (read: better) things.

That's what I'm like (and all of my mates for that matter xD). I'm 15 btw, don't know how old you are.

That's my input anyway.
Old thread is old and things ahve changed a lot.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
It was alright. Never really had a French Kiss yet.

So a good "Not really Memorable" and an "Alright"


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Had my first really hot girlfriend (had others that werent as hot) made out with her 2 weeks in. awesome was 13


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Ha ha, mine was last year. I gave a girl a ride home, and next this I knew it happened.... Nothing romantic, but she was a little too excited and bit me. I now have a small scar, so I will remember that night since every time I look at my lip I get shivers. (It's shocking how much a lip will bleed.)


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I was about 6/7 when I had mine... In school we used to play "Boys-catch-Girls" and when you caught them you kissed them. Insincerity and in-genuine, that's the way to go, I only really remember it, because even at 6/7 years old she was good looking enough to make you forget that all girls carry deadly diseases and even going near one was a fatal error...


New member
Oct 20, 2008
xmetatr0nx said:
...best kiss ever.
I totally agree. My first kiss was when I was 14 from my girlfriend at the time and it came out of nowhere. She broke up with me 2 hours later. You win :p


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
I had my first kiss while LARPing..

Yeah, I'm a nerd <.<


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Mine was back when I was 14 ^^

Was with a girl who was same age, met over the internet. Stunningly attractive goth and we were madly in love with each other. I was round hers when her family went out for a while and she had me lay down on her bed, crawled up to me and kissed me for the first time. Was like "Whoa..."

Later that night we shared a bed on the floor ^^


New member
May 29, 2008
I did when I was 14 with my "then" boyfriend in front of everyone at an anime convention. Years later, here I am, a lesbian, not due in part that his kisses were like taking it in the mouth from a tentacle monster. :p But hey, then I kissed one of my friends, and her tongue moves like a dying fish flopping and gasping for air. I'll never win.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
IAmWright777 said:
ansem1532 said:
I had my first kiss while LARPing..

Yeah, I'm a nerd <.<
You may be, but you are my hero. (I am dead serious when I say this)
To be honest, I thought it would be a bad idea to take my girlfriend LARPing, but she loved it.

Thanks, and welcome to the Escapist and such =p


New member
Sep 25, 2009
ansem1532 said:
IAmWright777 said:
ansem1532 said:
I had my first kiss while LARPing..

Yeah, I'm a nerd <.<
You may be, but you are my hero. (I am dead serious when I say this)
To be honest, I thought it would be a bad idea to take my girlfriend LARPing, but she loved it.

Thanks, and welcome to the Escapist and such =p
Well, I may have to use that idea one day ha ha. (Oh dang, I think I am going off topic!) That does beat my first kiss though, big time.