OK, first things first.
Going after Fox News about their video game stories is an easy out. A cheap shot. Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman did it for years before Fox News ever became the giant it is now, only you didn't hear as much about them as much as you hear about Fox News now. Why is that, I wonder?
Let me state for those who are ready to flame me into the 10th level of hell that I am an avid gamer. Have been for over 30 years. I owned the Atari 2600 before it was CALLED the 2600. I used to mail in pics of my Activision game scores to get the patches to sew on my jacket. I am also a conservative that watches Fox News and listens to Rush Limbaugh on a semi-regular basis. That pedigree allows me to say with no reservation that 90% of the BS you hear about FNC (Fox News Channel), and the rest is just that, BS.
The best way to vilify your ideological opponents is to take their quotes out of context. Sure, I chuckle and shake my head when I see a story on FNC about how Mass Effect or GTA part whatever is destroying our youth, but when I see CLEARLY taken out of context quotes used by the hard left to justify their reasons for Rush not being allowed to buy the St. Louis Rams last year really fried my bacon. They knew exactly what they were doing. They shouted it from the rooftops, and the general public just lapped it up, because it neatly fell into line with what they've been spoon-fed for years about who he is supposed to be.
I've never, in all my years of listening to his show, heard Rush Limbaugh say anything seriously racist, sexist, or homophobic. But you could easily take any of his media tweaks (where he pokes fun at the ultra sensitive, ultra-PC left) or out-of-context quotes and post them up for the world to see as gospel. Did he say it? Yes. But without the proper context, you don't know the whole story. You just get a kernel of it that fits the agenda of his philosophical enemies.
The same goes for FNC. I don't agree with everything said on the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, and so forth, but you have to remember that those are opinion-based shows. Not news in the true definition of the word. Keith Olberman on MSNBC, Bill Maher, and others of their ideological bent are often times MUCH worse in their vilification of the right than the other way around. As for the news stories, the media in general for decades has been blowing things out of proportion. That's hardly new, nor is it solely done by FNC. Take the American Tea Party movement, for instance. It's not a monolithic entity, but their opponents would like you to think they are. They aren't a bunch of racist, sexist, gay-bashing rednecks. But the left wants you to believe that. Why? Simple.
Because if they successfully tar and feather any of the above as such, then you won't listen to what they have to say.
It's the oldest trick in the book, folks. Try to remember that.
So the next time you see a story about how Fox is the most evil thing invented since Crystal Pepsi, remember the source, remember the motivation of the writer, and most of all, remember for every Fox News, there is an MSNBC. For every Rush Limbaugh, there is a Michael Moore. For every liberal, there is a conservative. It's called the free debate of ideas.
Now bring on the flames. I'm a big boy.