Poll: Have you, personally, ever been discriminated against?


New member
Sep 26, 2008
DSQ said:
GigaHz said:
Im a white male, possibly the most discriminated demographic there is.
lol keep dreaming xD

Um a couple times because of my race. Had a woman call me a coconut once in london
My wife has had to put up with that sort of thing along, although here (in the US) the term is generally Oreo.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Blablahb said:
DSQ said:
GigaHz said:
Im a white male, possibly the most discriminated demographic there is.
lol keep dreaming xD
Actually it's true. It's the only group, aside from atheists, that can be legally discriminated against. Affirmative action and all that racist policy and so on...
I'm honest.
Which is of course why white males have such a difficult time finding employment and advancing in this world.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I can certainly think of a few times I've been berated just for being Catholic (and not even a huge, preachy or fanatical one at that), ranging from "people beng kinda jerky" to having people yell that there is no god before shoving me to the ground (why that lovely, shovey bunch were in the scouts I'll never know, but it may've become less religious since I left years ago, who knows).

Not sure if it counts but alot of people seem to think I have an American accent so I can't tell you how many times I've gotten an unfair go because of eople's views of America (my uncle's fiance used to repeat most things I said under her breath in a stereotypically American accent, this being a grown woman).


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Vault101 said:
putowtin said:
I'm disabled, most of the time I have to walk with a stick (the rest of the time I can't walk at all) I've heard people mutter behind my back before (apparently the inability to walk also makes you deaf) but the most shocking discrimination came recently when I went to see HP & the deathly hallows part two. A guy rushed past me as he was "sick of being stuck behind the fucking cripple" (his words) and knocked me to the floor, my friend and one of the cinema attendants helped me to my feet, I thanked the attendant who then told me that I should wait for everyone else to be seated before going in. I complained and said that I didn't want a seat right in front of the screen, to which he replied that "maybe you should stay at home then, and wait for it on DVD"
Sometimes I want to hit people, this was a time I wanted to stamp on peoples heads!

I dont know what to say...DAMN I would be angry, I guess because its a big even people would be anxious to get seats but yeah, having to go for crappy seats because of that...I cant belive the cinema guy said that to you
It was the most ridiculous (and humiliating) experience, and I have to admit it been things like this that have lead to me barely leaving my house for 18 months


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Yes. I was once (and this is only one minor incident but there have been worse) denied service by an old woman working on WHSmith because I was trying to buy a "Queer as Folk" DVD and in her opinion "that was wrong and it would be irresponsible of her to let me buy such filth to further enforce my inappropriate lifestyle choice."

Her words, not mine.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
MazdaXR said:
In todays current economic climate if you are 18-24yr old male looking for a job you are constantly discriminated against.
Fuck, pretty much this. A couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have agreed, but Sweet Candied Jesus I've gotten really used to hearing the phrases "we'll call you back" and "we actually just hired someone a few hours ago". I call shenanigans on this nonsense! I'm able bodied and willing to work, and no one will let me!


New member
May 15, 2010
I'm a transsexual so yeah I have been discriminated against a lot from nearly losing my life one night to slurs and stalking. Growing up teachers would try to force me to act masculine, threatening detentions for crossing my legs. When I was 6 at a daycare, I got locked up in a closet and tied to a chair with jump rope for playing with dolls. Also I have been turned away from jobs in the past due to ID's having birth sex on it. Then there is the societally endorsed discrimination that I have faced. I would go into detail but it would take up pages even to just talk about the big events never mind all the small things like the dmv employee dragging their heels in changing my gender marker and trying to find any little thing to decline me like a comma in wrong spot on form.


New member
May 13, 2010
Ageism is rife in this world, it's never been anything serious (since I have the advantage of being 6ft3 and well built) but when I was younger I used to get a lot of mouth from people older than me.
Particularly when I handle advice it was a problem, since I was an agony uncle a lot of people refused to go to me because I was too young, took my age off the forum and suddenly people didn't care anymore. Yay for prejudices.

But yeah, never anything really bad to be honest. I got it pretty lucky in terms of prejudice. White, middle class (eh, kinda. Family was working class and brought themselves up, guess it counts), well educated, tall, relatively well built, symmetrically featured, straight as a whistle, male...yup I've got it pretty good.

Oh I've had some sexism too, man flu? Yes the one time I'm ill in some four years it's being faked. Feeling depressed? Oh get over it, it's not like you have a period to deal with and so on.
Again nothing major but little niggles which shouldn't be there.

Dawn Patrol

New member
Jul 29, 2011
GigaHz said:
Im a white male, possibly the most discriminated demographic there is.
Blacks, Asians, Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, woman and merpeople would like to speak to you.


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Me being a Straight Atheist(some-what satanist)White/Mexican male I am perfect to the general public.
Loner Jo Jo said:
I've had people stop talking to me because I'm an atheist. I've been asked if I was a Satanist and someone once told me "I'll pray for you" in a very condescending manner.
Wait, what a turd. Whats the problem with Satanists? They're core beliefs are far better than normal religion, it's just their worship that is a bit screwed up. I wouldn't mind another persons ignorance in believing Satan means the Devil, because Satan is the opposition of religion. So Satanism is the worship of the imperfections of being human, and embracing our messed-up reality, though it still is the opposition of beliefs which makes me avoid it, and some of them are straight insane.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
It's fairly low level, but back in primary school I had "LEFT HANDED" stamped on all my books in red ink. I also was forced to use special pens and other inks to the other children. Also because we had a communal pen pot my pen was always stolen because it was different.

The woes of my youth.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Ive been told all my life im closed minded and dont like to try new things, just because i dont beleive in spiritulist stuff... I will quite happily try anything once, food, activity, hobby, anything, but im still closed minded...
In more specific terms i have been rejected for many , MANY jobs ( about 50-60 in 2 months) For being over qualified. these were all temp positions, for summer jobs, so my education would have no bearing on this. I really needed the money for rent, but its damn near impossible to get through to an interveiw stage...


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Hemlet said:
MazdaXR said:
In todays current economic climate if you are 18-24yr old male looking for a job you are constantly discriminated against.
Fuck, pretty much this. A couple of weeks ago I wouldn't have agreed, but Sweet Candied Jesus I've gotten really used to hearing the phrases "we'll call you back" and "we actually just hired someone a few hours ago". I call shenanigans on this nonsense! I'm able bodied and willing to work, and no one will let me!
Sorry for the double post, but i had to agree with this...sheer madness aint it?


New member
Apr 7, 2011
im treated differently for having a mental condition (see patronised) but thats not really discrimination but I was teased for playing wow in 6th grade this guy would come up to me and say (in a fake nerdy voice) "well I was in *insert generic fantasy name* and I slayed a lvl 100 dragon and got rewarded the boots of *generic fantasy name*" yea that guy was later punched in the face ahh good times


New member
Apr 7, 2011
cerealnmuffin said:
I'm a transsexual so yeah I have been discriminated against a lot from nearly losing my life one night to slurs and stalking. Growing up teachers would try to force me to act masculine, threatening detentions for crossing my legs. When I was 6 at a daycare, I got locked up in a closet and tied to a chair with jump rope for playing with dolls. Also I have been turned away from jobs in the past due to ID's having birth sex on it. Then there is the societally endorsed discrimination that I have faced. I would go into detail but it would take up pages even to just talk about the big events never mind all the small things like the dmv employee dragging their heels in changing my gender marker and trying to find any little thing to decline me like a comma in wrong spot on form.
but thats a natural condition couldn't they just treat you like what you wanted to be treated like Excuse I am now going to bash my head aganst the wall cause of the stupidity of those people