Poll: Have you, personally, ever been discriminated against?


Dec 3, 2010
Based on my lifestyle, I suppose. I got a lot of crap for being a metalhead when I was younger(though to be honest, I'd mock myself if I saw that version of me today). It wasn't too bad. Some people spat after me and a few shouted stuff/laughed, but wouldn't you know it; when I grew up to be almost two meters tall and got a pretty dangerous wibe over me I haven't been bothered even once since.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Well i'm what they call a "ginger" so yes i have been descriminated, not seriously but in a joking manner.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
thejackyl said:
Some asshole was throwing broken pencil pieces at me while the teacher was out of the classroom. When does the teacher come back in? After I flip the desk over and am shouting "STOP OR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"
It would have helped your case if you weren't so dramatic and violent about it. Plus, flipping a desk over makes a lot of noise where as throwing pencils does not. It's just common sense. The teacher would have to be pretty terrible to not react to an outburst like that.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Been turned down for a job and shot once, by which I mean a .22 rifle, for being white, another job for being a white male and got thrown out of a public highschool for refusing to pray. I also find terms like Reverse-racism to in fact be racist. Is there not some irony to the idea that the term racism only applies to certain races?
Anyway I personally believe we are all racist, the only real difference is our mentality about those who are different from us.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I have had in 1-2 cases lightly, one apperance and one an attack on my opinions.

Ok so I'm white,25, male average high and and like most people here am hopefully from a generation that is more open minded than most.!

I was once picked on for my long hair outside a pub once some guys thought it would be funny to shout the names of all the long hair singers they cold think of while boxing me in and 1-2 times grabing chunks of hair..!!! nothing prior never meet them and never seen them before/since in my life.

The second for me was the strangest incident of homophobia I have yet to encounter in my life.

Now I'm not gay but am more than happy to make jokes and play the fool ect with friends, this weekend actually we spent it gaming and all slept in the same room ect.. my opinion is to each their own I simply dont want it thrust in my face..!

I used to leave Skype open to anyone to call me, it was a laugh and I actually ended up making a few friends, however I ended up talking to a 20 something guy in Mexico who was SO 100% DEAD AGAINST Gays he want them to not be seen in public, and said the idea of two men holding hands/kissing in public makes him physically sick, after about 30 min of trying to explain that I didn't mind it but was not gay I had to accept defeet that he labled me gay as well and logged off. :p

Oh well.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
When I was younger on occasion I got ridiculed for my appearance. Not looking normal and all (born with a cleft lip and palate). Doesn't happen much now but I still get a lot of questions about "what happened to your lip/nose" and what not.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Yeah, actually, it DID happen once. An employee of Lotus Foods asked me to leave when I was perusing the store. Asian food store and I was curious. Pardon me for seeing if I wanted to do business there. I guess you hate money.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Hm not really.

I had one totally weird occurance though:

I was applying for a job/training in IT. Sent my documents in (Grades, Diplomas, and of course "curriculum vitae". So the guy KNEW what i had and had not done)

So i got invited to an interview. So then he asked if i had served in the military (I had not, and he should have known about it). I said: "No, i haven't". And the guy totally flipped out accusing me of "not having control over my life" and not being strong enough. (For an IT job???)

This went one for like a minute or two. I totally didn't know what to say. He then saw one of his employees coming back from a job. "That man. (Name i forgot, no matter) HE has control. GOOD MAN, Reliable, He was in the Military". He looked like he would have continued to insult me for hours.

I was just totally perplex (And i was young and not as badass as i am now). So i just said something like "Yeah, sure. Well, bye" and left.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Null-Entity said:
I was once picked on for my long hair outside a pub once some guys thought it would be funny to shout the names of all the long hair singers they cold think of while boxing me in and 1-2 times grabing chunks of hair..!!! nothing prior never meet them and never seen them before/since in my life.
I hope you at least took the hint and shaved off your hippy hair after that :p


New member
Apr 16, 2008
GigaHz said:
thejackyl said:
Some asshole was throwing broken pencil pieces at me while the teacher was out of the classroom. When does the teacher come back in? After I flip the desk over and am shouting "STOP OR I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"
It would have helped your case if you weren't so dramatic and violent about it. Plus, flipping a desk over makes a lot of noise where as throwing pencils does not. It's just common sense. The teacher would have to be pretty terrible to not react to an outburst like that.
Never said it was smart for me to flip the desk. But that's not the worst thing he's done (The classmate, not the teacher) Here's something from a different thread:

I was getting shards of GLASS thrown at me, so I got up and demanded to be let off. The driver refused, and I attempted to get off anyways (since we were still in the High School parking lot), the driver just held the door closed. While I was up front the bastard threw another shard of glass. I ended up kicking the door open (which snapped the locking mechanism)

The driver wrote me up, and even brought the security tape into the principal, show how I "kicked the door, completely unprovoked", when I was asked, "what do you have to say for yourself?" I told him to rewind about 20 seconds. He did, and one shard of glass was thrown at my head. I stood up and walked to the front asking to be let off, and AS I WAS ASKING the bastard threw another.

Long story short: My punishment = permanantly kicked off the bus, Driver's punishment, fired,. Asshat who threw the glass, nothing. They "couldn't see his face" despite the camera looking towards him.
Again, I could've gone about it without breaking something, but this needed some extremity to it, since the asshole wasn't going to let me off the bus, and was going to let the kid continue to throw glass at me.


Oct 6, 2010
When I was about 3-4 years old we moved to a small town in Iowa. On the way to school every mourning, there were teenagers across the street who keep yelling "N****R!!" and other racial remarks. It was funny, because at the time, I didn't know what the word was. So I keep calling people that, because I thought it was a sign of friendship. That didn't last long.

By the way, how come we can only choose one option?


New member
Sep 16, 2010
as surprising as it is i was discriminated against by one of my english professors for being a male.. She was a massive feminist and since i was one of the only guys in the class she always lowered my grade because of it.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Well I am pale with a shaved head, so yeah. You know whats funny, only white people have a problem with it. I have never had any other race care. Coming home from work one day when a van pulled up next to me. My first reaction was to not care and I kept on walking home. Had 4 white guys step out and they starting screaming at me from a far. For some reason I wanted to get in a fight and I knew I could take these guys no problem. Preaching to me about how all skin heads must die and that I was a racist piece of crap. could care less what people think about me and just because I have a shaved head, doesn't make me racist. Remember sticking my keys between my knuckles and started advancing on them. They all looked like white upper class to me and I just wanted to hurt something. Soon as I started coming towards them, they jumped back in the van and sped off. Of course what made this even funnier is that a black guy wanted to help me, go figure.


Dec 7, 2010
Yes, being an atheist in a class where everyone is a fundamentalist muslim meant never having any friends, told every day that i would go too hell and of cource to top off with, having to bypass the theory of evoloution in biology as they all cried out that it was a lie.
In Denmark off all places!


New member
Feb 26, 2009
spartan231490 said:
Arehexes said:
Cops asked me for a license when he pulled me over with the sirens, which would have been fine but I wasn't riding on a car. I was riding my bike, and going home to my house which he pulled me over next to it. When I went in my house he sat in front of my house in his car waiting for something to happen. I know it was raciest because how many white people would he pull over in the same neighbor hood when their on a bike and asking for a license and asking why don't you have one.
Do you need a licence to ride a bike where you live? I would have told him to fuck off because here they need probable cause to do anything, so I would have just told him that he didn't have probable cause and went into my house. If he tried to stop me, I would have threatened a lawsuit.
Telling a cop to fuck off can get you arrested.

Especially if he is already racist.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Well, I've been getting yelled at for being a dirty gypsie (and on more than one occasion), so I'm discriminated for stuff I'm not, I guess.

Also I was attacked with pepper-spray for taking part in a gay-pride event.

But in a day-to-day life, no. I like to believe that stuff I've been put through was because I was personally unlikable.
And I've been told some nasty things (by some Christians, for example, mainly threats for eternal torture) but that's not really discrimination, not in a way that bothers me anyway. It's not like they have tried to burn my house down, they just think I don't deserve the same human rights they do for being gay and not believing in god.

And since they aren't the kind of people who would employ me or type I'd like to hang out with, it's mostly just sad.
And I'm lucky enough to at least live in a country where the goverment doesn't discriminate against me for being gay, unlike, say, most of the US.

AdeptaSororitas said:
Person: Uhg, I'm having so much trouble with my (Psychology/Geology/Physics) homework.
Me: Oh, do you need some help?
Person: No, I don't want to offend your beliefs, you don't believe in this kind of stuff.

That didn't make me mad, that just hurt. This was a person I'd been friends with for months, he knew I had high grades in those class A's and B's.
Isn't that like an opposite of trying to offend, trying to be too non-offending?
Or was s/he being massively sarcastic:
"Oh, you are religious, so you must believe evolution is a fairy-tale and the Earth is 5000 years old and that illnesses are causes by demons, so I just wouldn't want to put you in a position where you were unconfortable"

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
jbchillin said:
as surprising as it is i was discriminated against by one of my english professors for being a male.. She was a massive feminist and since i was one of the only guys in the class she always lowered my grade because of it.
Or maybe you just didn't deserve a better grade?