Poll: Have you, personally, ever been discriminated against?


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Yes... In practically every category(except the three options that are in effect one) because of the generation we live in is quite intolerant and filled with hate. Especially if you call into question their level of tolerance.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
For my religion (mormon) and by atheists, not other religious people. There tend to be a lot of hateful atheists out there =\
Also, occasionally for being a girl playing games, which is damn annoying, gender should have no affect on how people are treated in games :<


New member
Apr 5, 2011
I'm fat, socially inept, play video games, watch anime, want to learn Japanese, love dragons almost religiously, and have a bad habit of speaking my mind whilst not thinking.

I have been ridiculed so much in my lifetime, I expect it as part of conversation with most people.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Well, lessee, aside from a couple of my hobbies... there's being a foreigner in Japan. That's less of an issue than it used to be, but a number of my friends aren't actually allowed to see me because their distrust foreigners and think I'm a bad influence/dangerous or something to that effect. Admittedly, these parents are all crazy in a couple other ways too.

Oh, and being Jewish. Mostly less bad than it used to be, but there's the issue of being called a blind brainwashed fanatic by the militant atheist - technically antitheist, I think? - crowd (nothing against atheists in the slightest, and I snark at this stuff fairly often myself, but some do get a bit too angry about it) and a whole lot of people thinking I'm part of some shadowy world-running conspiracy, run around blowing things up, or both.

Mind you, none of this is a huge problem.


New member
May 10, 2011
I've had "****** *****!" yelled at me by strangers quite often, or variants involving the word ******. I've been called a slave, an ape and many others. But that isn't discrimination, it's more just disgusting insults.

Have I ever been discriminated against within a system? No. My discrimination experiences have been all social.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
As a white Christian male, yes quite a bit, I've lost a lot of friends solely based on those things. If I was gay I would have been discriminated for that, but never having had sex with guys, I don't think being made fun of for being gay counts. Just teenaged bullshit I guess, because it never happens on the level it used to any more.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
AdeptaSororitas said:
Hello my dear Escapees, your friendly Sister of Battle here.

So I've noticed that a lot of people in the world, and particularly on this site have a whole host of unique opinions and lifestyles, so through a long winding train of thought I began wondering if anyone of them had ever been discriminated against due to their beliefs, gender, lifestyle or even race. And I don't mean some guy saying "I hate all XXXXXXX" on the news, I mean someone personally judged and was biased against you, simply because of one factor of your life.

I personally have been shunned from a group of friends, not because of my gender(female), or my lifestyle(bisexual) or even my political party(not telling), but because of my god damn religion, and the fact that I have one. They hurled insults at me and generally began to avoid me or treat me like an idiot and THIS even happened a few times:
Person: Uhg, I'm having so much trouble with my (Psychology/Geology/Physics) homework.
Me: Oh, do you need some help?
Person: No, I don't want to offend your beliefs, you don't believe in this kind of stuff.

That didn't make me mad, that just hurt. This was a person I'd been friends with for months, he knew I had high grades in those class A's and B's.

Captcha: Good day. Why thank you Mr. Captcha ^^
just out of curiosity, what religion are u if u don't mind me asking?


New member
Feb 16, 2010
AdeptaSororitas said:
Hello my dear Escapees, your friendly Sister of Battle here.

So I've noticed that a lot of people in the world, and particularly on this site have a whole host of unique opinions and lifestyles, so through a long winding train of thought I began wondering if anyone of them had ever been discriminated against due to their beliefs, gender, lifestyle or even race. And I don't mean some guy saying "I hate all XXXXXXX" on the news, I mean someone personally judged and was biased against you, simply because of one factor of your life.

I personally have been shunned from a group of friends, not because of my gender(female), or my lifestyle(bisexual) or even my political party(not telling), but because of my god damn religion, and the fact that I have one. They hurled insults at me and generally began to avoid me or treat me like an idiot and THIS even happened a few times:
Person: Uhg, I'm having so much trouble with my (Psychology/Geology/Physics) homework.
Me: Oh, do you need some help?
Person: No, I don't want to offend your beliefs, you don't believe in this kind of stuff.

That didn't make me mad, that just hurt. This was a person I'd been friends with for months, he knew I had high grades in those class A's and B's.

Captcha: Good day. Why thank you Mr. Captcha ^^
Sorry to hear that, I don't agree with religion but it takes a real jerk to shun a friend because of it.
Where acceptance can't be had? Tolerate.
Where toleration can't be had? Silence.
It really doesn't make it harder to get along with people, being psychotic makes it hard to get along with people, unfortunately large groups have very vocal minorities that people take far to seriously.
I've been judged for having long hair, being socially awkward, personally identifying with both genders, being a gamer, being an anime fan (Loving Pokemon as much as it deserved is part of that!), maybe worst of all for being depressed (Depressed people really need more hate guys /sarcasm).


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Had a man threaten to rip off my dick because he thought I was staring at his daughter's ass, because I was a teenage boy, obviously I must have been planning to rape her or something.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
At school I was constantly bullied and beaten up for having red hair and being Scottish in an English school. The teachers just ignored it. I put down racial discrimination seeing as it fit the best out of the ones in the poll.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
My stupid Jesuit University essentially put me on parole in lieu of suspension/expulsion just because they caught me with some weed ONCE! I live in Southern California where weed is practically legal btw, and the college I go to is located there and has far stricter punishments for weed "offenses" than the actual police/law ever would inflict. I know that weed is a very controversial issue, although i'm not sure why considering how alcohol is totally legal already and WAY worse for you, but i still think it's legitimately unfair to discriminate against someone for any lifestyle choice they make as long as the choices aren't directly effecting others without their consent, which my weed habit was and still isn't. I like to smoke weed every once in a while either on my own or with my fellow weed smoking friends and i see no reason why i shouldn't be allowed to do so in privacy without some dumbshit authority figure busting in and ruining my good time when i haven't done anything to harm anyone, and then cause me to get a ridiculous plethora of punishments that completely don't fit the crime.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)
at what country do you live in?
The US. Chicago specifically. The cops aren't as bad here as in Florida though.
and I thought that america is one of the best countries, Can I ask some questions about the laws that is in the US?

1)will pirating games will get you in real trouble?
2)Do you have to show your ID for games that are over 16+?
3)If a someone proveks you is it okay to beat him up?
4)at what age you can work,drink booze,have sex?
5)what counts as 'disrespecting' the cops. (First world country my ass)
6)if someone is try to steal from your house at night and you are in the house you can kill him?
1) only if they catch you, which doesn't happen often.
2) Yes, if they think you are underage
3) No
4) 16, 21, and 16.
5) Depends on the cop.
6) That's a good question. In some states (like California) you can. In some you cannot. However, if the guy tries to hurt or kill you, you can kill him in self defense.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
yeah, i caught a ton of crap for being a gamer at my old catholic school. i also got the receiving end of every single damn black joke/stereotype i ever heard of, just because my father is black. not me, my father.
also a number of kids were reluctant to interact with me because of a minor mental condition (well, minor now thanks to therapy and meds), which didn't help it at all. the cause was like depression (lack of serotonin), but instead of lack of interest in shit, i way overreacted to every frigging thing. combined with ocd, small things pissed me off to violence, insults hurt ALOT (especially the obesity ones. solved that. god bless puberty.), and every minor mess up made me feel like an absolute failure, leading to hysterical tears and yelling. their reluctance is understandable of course, but some 3/4 of the kids began getting me to that point on purpose for shits and giggles starting in the first or second grade. 'twas not fun.
they also picked on me for my lack of athletic talent, and preference to geekier activities (mostly videogames and various related things)
i also got picked on for my music tastes (honestly, only one kid didn't insult me for liking dragonforce, and most insulted me for liking nightwish, which most of them hadn't heard of even)

so yeah, lifestyle got me picked on alot. but to be fair, if i kept on my loner, stereotype gamer path, i would be much worse off today. so some insults i did take to heart and worked to change those enough so they weren't problems anymore.

so no discrimination within a system. much discrimination in social groups


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Kadoodle said:
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
Hafrael said:
yuval152 said:
ROFL,In israel hmm,Let me explain by this sentence:Here cops public uranite themselves
Here you can get beaten up, the inside of you car torn up, or shot, because you 'disrespected' the cops. (First world country my ass)
at what country do you live in?
The US. Chicago specifically. The cops aren't as bad here as in Florida though.
and I thought that america is one of the best countries, Can I ask some questions about the laws that is in the US?

1)will pirating games will get you in real trouble?
2)Do you have to show your ID for games that are over 16+?
3)If a someone proveks you is it okay to beat him up?
4)at what age you can work,drink booze,have sex?
5)what counts as 'disrespecting' the cops. (First world country my ass)
6)if someone is try to steal from your house at night and you are in the house you can kill him?
1) only if they catch you, which doesn't happen often.
2) Yes, if they think you are underage
3) No
4) 16, 21, and 16.
5) Depends on the cop.
6) That's a good question. In some states (like California) you can. In some you cannot. However, if the guy tries to hurt or kill you, you can kill him in self defense.
wait, thought you were considered underage in the us untill 18 for sex


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
To the best of my knowledge, I haven't been discriminated against. I'm a half-chinese, half-english atheist, but almost no one can actually tell I'm half Chinese, so no one has been racist to me (plenty of people have been racist to my brother on the other hand). Also, Australia is quite tolerant of atheists. Heck, our Prime Minister is an atheist.

So I'm lucky that I haven't been discriminated against. Well, at least not in any way that I can tell, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I've never been discriminated against. I don't smoke, I'm not some sort of radical far right or far left loony and I have a good education.

I have been insanely lucky during the course of my life.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Hitokiri_Gensai said:
mm yes i have. I have been discriminated for being adopted, for being asian, for being a lesbian.... yeah thats about it i think.
You have been discriminated for THAT? Lesbian Asian woman is one of the hottest things ever! Tis crazy world we live in.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I went into the psych ward in 2008 and my job at the time tip-toed around me cutting my hours until they essentially ushered me out the door.

Nicholas Woodruff

Cynical Cynic
Jan 2, 2011
I'm a Latter-day Saint, or more commonly referred to as a Mormon. I've been persecuted and discriminated against since the 1800s.

Lord Merik

New member
May 17, 2011
does a random guy I meet at Barnes and Nobel who called me and my religion (Christian) evil count?