Poll: [If] England and America just went to war...

HavoK 09

New member
Apr 1, 2010
im from portugal so im guessing that the european union would support the UK if they had a reason


New member
Apr 16, 2008
martin said:
What? No, Canada is under its own authority. The Governor General is only kept for traditional reasons.
I don't know who told you Canada is still a dominion of the UK...
We're still connected to the UK. We're not ruled by them, but we're still tied with them. Their queen is still our queen, and our laws (believe it or not) still have to be passed by the crown. We use a "Prime minister" and the United States use a "President"-- the title isn't just different to sound different, the difference is actually in the amount of power they hold over the country.

It's not much more, but it is more than just "tradition".


New member
Apr 29, 2008
England or Britain as if it's just england then go for it as long as scotland don't get invloved. Chance of them going to war pretty tiny as they have been cooperating pretty well for a good long while now and we would hardly start the fight...


New member
Nov 18, 2009
By 'England' I'll assume you mean the UK to which I'd answer I'd go for England (either way I'd go for England being English I was just being pedantic) however don't America use us as a big carrier for their nukes anyway so we've got plenty of munitions... This is all hypothetical of course because of binding agreements, NATO, UN etc.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
yami0333 said:
Didn't this happen twice already, and didn't America win both times?
Not exactly. The revolution sure, but the reason for the colonies victory was more due to...

1. Britain still trying to recover from other wars and were dealing with other things
2. France's involvement
3. A lot of brit's going awwww **** this, it isn't worth it.

as for the war in 1812... well if Britain pretty much dominated that war if memory serves me but they weren't getting away without causalities and once again both countries decided killing each other probably wasn't the best of idea. Although the most well known American victory didn't take place till after the war ended... and we only won because we had the help of pirates. True story. Most Americans i know either consider it an American victory... cause you know. It's all how you spin it and we didn't get reconcoured soooo yeah. Although i believe it's more commonly accepted to be sort of a draw although i don't know how the British feel.

As for the question at hand... no one wins and being an American obviously i side with myself and either move somewhere else or become a protester. Either way I'm not staying in NY and wait for the nukes to drop on me. I don't think a lot is going on in the Dakotas, i'd probably move there. But really, how can anyone think that this wouldn't end in both countries destruction? GB will end up underwater with the resulting fallout giving everyone in Europe super cancer while most of America will remain relatively unscathed but the government will be in shambles and industry, economy and anything worth it would essentially be destroyed. This is provided the fighting is between America and the UK only. If it escalates then all i can see is a bleak nuclear winter and hope that my cancer ridden body doesn't kill me in a painful way and essentially most if not the entire rest of the world would be in the same boat. At the very least the climate shift would kill most people anyway except those who have an odd mutation that would help them survive. In which case, me a normal human would have to give up my place in history for the new uber humans that come later >_>


New member
Oct 11, 2009
I'd say America, for the simple fact that we invented awesome.

I mean, we invented the atomic bomb, with some scientists thinking it could ignite the earth's atmosphere, and we said, "Meh, lets go ahead and do it."

On a more related note, we fought this war once already....
We even crossed a frozen river to come mess England up...on Christmas.

So yea, we got this war thing pretty figured out. As for EU rising as one and winning, the logistical nightmare that would raise would seriously undermine its effectiveness. I mean, what language do you give the orders in? Whose orders do you follow, your own officers, or a foreign officer of higher rank?


New member
Apr 24, 2010
dex-dex said:
well Canada is part of the commonwalth country so I am assuming that we would side with england.
Alot of nations are like Pakistan or former member-Mozambique doesn't mean they're going to do anything.


New member
Nov 30, 2007
As an American I'd be seriously concerned with how things escalated to the point where we're fighting a pretty strong ally from recent history. In this case, no matter who "wins", we both lose.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
TestECull said:
I'll side with the nation that has the largest air force in the world, the infrastructure to put those planes over any patch of dirt on this planet within 24 hours, men and women capable of getting them there, and the ordinace to level whatever the fuck is underneath those planes.
So... China then?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Lol despite the fact I would have to support my own country we would be so screwed. America would just overwhelm us with numbers and resources. Why would we go to war anyway we are more similar to Americans than most european countries?

warcraft4life said:
In the end, we go hand in hand. Like two somewhat disfunctional brothers.
That's kind of sweet, in a way :3


New member
Jan 14, 2011
This is an unfair thread. England wouldn't stand a chance against the U.S. Besides, England isn't exactly a military powerhouse anymore. As far as allies go? The world's leaders aren't stupid, they would stay far away from the Brits. Not because they dislike them but engaging the U.S. in a full out war is suicide. Europe vs U.S.? The European leaders would abandon England in a heartbeat. China makes billions off the U.S. and Japan too so you can forget about eastern allies (even though japan doesn't have a military to speak of). So overall England may have a couple of middle eastern countries who have the balls for a real war. And Libya, fuck, we can't forget that superpower (sarcasm).

Sorry if I offended you (the reader) but this is how most countries would react.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Texas here. this is ridiculous. absurd. pants-on-head retarded even. the UK is our strongest ally. Attacking them would be like shooting ourselves in the collective foot with a bazooka.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Yosato said:
As a British person I don't want to see England nuked to hell, so I'll be on the side of my country :)
Being "British" is a hard one to justify. I'm Scottish and... well... I'm somewhat shocked to say it but im going to agree with u on this one. I don't want nuke damage near me.

On the other hand I can imagine many Welsh, Irish and other Scots would happily help America give England their "Just Deserts" as long as nukes were off the menu.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I live in england but if we were both equally at fault in the war i would "remain neutral" ie get the fuck out of there. I just don't give enough of a shit about my country to die for it when it's in the wrong.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Well according to the NATO charter, an attack on one member is seen as an attack on every member of the Alliance...

Each side would be fighting themselves!!! [/troll logic]


New member
Feb 19, 2011
I would be very interested in what Australia would do,since we were originally a British colony, but Australia has a very strong alliance with the US. if they were to go to war I would hope that we would remain neutral but if that wasn't an option we would probably side with Americans just because they have a stronger and larger force.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Stammer said:
martin said:
What? No, Canada is under its own authority. The Governor General is only kept for traditional reasons.
I don't know who told you Canada is still a dominion of the UK...
We're still connected to the UK. We're not ruled by them, but we're still tied with them. Their queen is still our queen, and our laws (believe it or not) still have to be passed by the crown. We use a "Prime minister" and the United States use a "President"-- the title isn't just different to sound different, the difference is actually in the amount of power they hold over the country.

It's not much more, but it is more than just "tradition".
The crown passing the laws is a formality, done for like I said, traditional reasons. The Governor general doesn't have the authority to decline giving the royal seal, and they have to listen to the Prime Minister.

The UK has no official power over any Canadian processing.
The Governor General is kept around because Canadians like having a Queen.