Poll: [If] England and America just went to war...


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Siding with my own country I've got to say I'm a little hurt by the lack of support from our commonwealth friends. Come on lads, I know we've had our disagreements but we all have the same Queen, we have our own sports contests and you've got your own knights and dames. We can at least all go down fighting together, former empire vs. new empire (that likes to pretend it isn't). We can show them how to colonise a country properly! As Tom Lehrer sang "We'll all go together when we go"!

And for all the Scottish and Welsh who think they're going to get out of it and remain neutral by saying "We're not English", remember who you're going to explain this to. I've seen the look of hopelessness and confusion on several Americans' face when answering the question "So what is the UK then?" by replying "A sovereign state made up of four different countries". I don't think they're going to be in the mood for a geography lesson, they are just going to kill you along with us.

Maybe the Northern Irish can get away with it by being on a different island but you boys are in it with us, whether you like it or not. (Also, I think the author meant the UK since "England" starting a war in this day and age isn't possible).

iLikeHippos said:
Well, since England tried to take over us Swedes during WWII (Which, funny enough, the nazis saved us from) and America tries to take over everyone constantly, I'd remain neutral and gloat at both of you. For shame, US and UK.
Er...what? When the hell did that happen?


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Alot of Patriotism here. Listen, we would both all die. If America attacked first, The Un and NATO would slap you, Along with all the other countries that hate you chiming in, they'd see it as a starting pistol. You spend trillions on defense, but you wouldnt be able to stop all our nukes, along with allied forces. Why post this? It wil always end in bloodshed.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
thelastgentleman said:
DSK- said:
I'd side with England. We may have a small military, but it's training is one of the best in the world, and we do have (some) of the best equipment in the world. We'd give the US a run for their money and eventually, depending on whether or not the US uses it's numerical superiority we'll probably end up beaten.

It's best not to rile us up. Especially when our tea and biscuits are stake!


Having said that, I completely forgot about the defence cuts the Government (see: assholes) made. Yeah, we're definitely fucked. Still...

"I say...those rotters mean to kill us? tally ho!"
I'm guessing your not familiar the U.S Marine Corps, I would fear for the devil himself if he picked a fight with one of them.
Im guessing your not familliar with the gurkhas or the SAS then, albeit smaller forces, they are shockingly good at assassinations, just a small example http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1296136/As-Gurkha-disciplined-beheading-Taliban-Thank-God-side.html
They had to kill and confirm a kill on an enemy commander or something, so in the middle of a firefight, a gurkha sprints in, beheads the man (who has a gun) while under fire and legs it with his head. And yes they all have huge machetes.

But it wouldnt really matter as what with all the nuclear subs about it would be over in a couple of minutes


New member
Dec 10, 2010
Look another reason to use our military strength. We might even get to use one of our hundreds of nuclear missles.


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2008
I think Wales would end up siding with England, given we have a land border, but we haven't a hope iin hell against the US. Every neat piece of military tech, they have something pretty much as good, and more of it. We won't even have an aircraft carrier that carries warplanes for the next decade.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I would side with my country America. Though I wouldn't join in the war effort, prolly be protesting to find a compromise or join red cross to help out civilians on both sides.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
MrJKapowey said:
s0p0g said:
neither; germany cannot afford to wage war against a western country. also, our politicians don't have the balls to do so... wait, our chancellor is female... that eyplains the lack of balls... oh well, however, we have sort of a history regarding wars, and today everyone is just all about being politically correct, so war is a big no-no (it took us almost 9 years to call that thing in afghansitan a war... can you belieeve it)
I didn't think it was a war. I thought that in order for it to be a war you had to be in conflict with a countries government, and with a state of war declared.

Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
MrJKapowey said:
Leon Last Lord Shyle said:
Being a Brit ofc I am gonna side with britain.

But with it being 2 of the nuclear capable countries that stock icbms im also gonna run as far away from civilization as possible and wait for nuclear winter/to die.
I most heartily agree my fellow British person...

I'd probably bugger off to Italy in any case (my dad is moving there) as we'd get screwed either way: nukes or no nukes. I think that no nukes we could give them a run for their money. Until they actually tried that is...
Its cool already on the phone to the rest of Europe and they cannot stand the idea of America having that big a foothold here... doesn't make it look like they plan to invade Europe does it. with the EU on our side we would have more monies and more troops.
And then with them on our side we could go for a UN trade embargo...

Or just flop and fail but on a bigger scale. We would need someone like China or Russia as well in order for us to actually win.
The eu is the largest economic body on the planet and lets face it russia would so join if america attacked and then you have china sitting there while america is in a war they are so not going to attack are they.
ok in the unlikely chance that the US would go to war with the EU this is how it would go.
US wins for the sole fact that we have a lager trained millitary then any other country in the world. thats a fact not boasting china has numbers with untrain conscripts and lets face it russia hasnt been a real millitary power in years. it would all come down to who can attack who more effectively and im sorry but our navy and marrines could handle the eu for the sole fact that there are more of us then you sorry thats the truth of the matter and if you dont beleave me i urge you to look up the stats on the US millitary as a whole and the EU you will be surprised.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
America vs England, America most definitely. Neither can nuke the other without hitting their own allies or neutral nations in the fallout and America has a much larger military.

Now if it were America vs England and its allies then America may have a problem.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
NeuroticDogDad said:
iLikeHippos said:
Well, since England tried to take over us Swedes during WWII (Which, funny enough, the nazis saved us from) and America tries to take over everyone constantly, I'd remain neutral and gloat at both of you. For shame, US and UK.
Er...what? When the hell did that happen?

The more you know :)


New member
May 18, 2009
I said "England's side against America" even though i live in the us. I cant stand how conservative we are and honestly i just kind of hate most of our values.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Gudrests said:
Riobux said:
Gudrests said:
Riobux said:
I'm English. All I would say is, if England threw the first stone then we'd quickly get crushed by America and all the military help they can get. At best, we could try to persuade some third world countries to help us, but more likely than not they'd rather see us fall than survive. If America started the war though for some obscene reason, well, that'd be interesting.
If the U.S did...and went all out ya know...and not dicking around like we do in the sandbox....It could be over in less than a month
You're right. If England starts it, it'd be over fast since America would just trash England. However, if America started it, thanks to the rest of Europe and other countries like Canada and Australia, it'd probably be over pretty fast. However, war is never simple and those pesky current inhabitants would interfere with the invading army's plans.

Again, depends who starts the war.
well depends who is leading the American Military....If he is your stereotypical American Cowboy...other countries might just cut there losses with England...butt if the leader is more...liberal and "humanitarian" <--(does not deserve to be near a war) then maybe....it may have been a long time ago...but everyone still remembers those 2 explosions that told a country that had NEVER surrendered and WAS prepared to let every civilian die, to step back.
The reason why I said it depends heavily on who throws the first punch is the amount of defence alliances there are, one of the most well known ones being NATO. If America decides to, for no apparent reason, to attack England then just about every other country in NATO would back England up. If England attacked America for no good reason, then America would be supported by the rest. To boil it down to simple "one country vs one country" is overly simplistic. Even if you argued that America would use it's weight in NATO to get other countries to back off, there are other defence agreements. To suggest other countries would "cut there[sic] losses with England" is absolutely wrong on countless levels.

Mr. Eff_v1legacy

New member
Aug 20, 2009
Canada here. I can not see Canada going to war against either country, for ideological, political and military reasons.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
TestECull said:
I'll side with the nation that has the largest air force in the world, the infrastructure to put those planes over any patch of dirt on this planet within 24 hours, men and women capable of getting them there, and the ordinace to level whatever the fuck is underneath those planes.

In short, sorry England, you're the 51st state. We'll leave Top Gear alone, though.
England has Doctor Who and Harrier Jets :)

Thats right. Stay back, bitches.