Poll: [If] England and America just went to war...


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Wicky_42 said:
And even if we did think of using it, just what, three modern nukes would pretty much blanket the entire UK in lethal radiation whilst taking out all major cities.
No, initiating even a one megaton nuclear device in London would not leave much of London intact. On the other hand, the UK would be attacked by several hundred devices, and the attack doesn't need to kill everyone, only to destroy the society, which is much easier.

OCAdam said:
As an American, I would likely just hide in the mountains and just keep away from the war. Why? Chinese invasion. While the US and Britain are fighting, if the US does go full out (excepting nukes), that would leave the entire West Coast unguarded.
China cannot invade the US, or anyone else it does not share a land border with, as it has no deep water navy. But, yes, there should be an option for "support the UK/US after one week when both sides are crippled" :)

OCAdam said:
All I can say is that I bet our nuclear subs are probably hiding near the UK (as well as who knows how many other places). So... if anything happened, a few missiles could get launched before any sort of other attack even took place.
Wouldn't matter if they were, silos based missiles are quite capable of immediately destroying the UK as a nation. On the other hand, the UK also has this ability (IIRC, they also have to have a quicker response time, as missiles from the USSR would arrive earlier, their procedures were created with that in mind).

ryai458 said:
We have enough missiles and counter measures to knock them out of the sky, still wouldn't be pretty, still.
As I understand it, the US has sufficient counter measures to ensure the majority of potential targets survive, but it wouldn't take many successful attacks to destroy the US society.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
Lets See. I'm American, so I'm pretty sure I know where my country's loyalties lie. XD

But thinking about it from an outside view. Canada cant really afford to side with either side when they're so close ot the US and one of their biggest allies is Britain, France hates both, Germany... toss up? Ireland would probably side with America, and we all know how good the IRA are at what they do.

I dont really know anyone who would side with anyone, outside of Ireland, just cause if the US is your ally, odds are Britain is too, and vice versa.
France doesn't hate us (Britain), we share a military now :p
Not to mention House is British. I'm pretty sure he could restore our entire military everyday.

In all honesty though, we'd be fucked.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
TestECull said:
I'll side with the nation that has the largest air force in the world, the infrastructure to put those planes over any patch of dirt on this planet within 24 hours, men and women capable of getting them there, and the ordinace to level whatever the fuck is underneath those planes.

In short, sorry England, you're the 51st state. We'll leave Top Gear alone, though.
True that. I mean really, looking at it that way, it's like pitting middle schoolers against the Hell's Angels. There's not really any question as to who's going to win.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Big Brother giving Little Brother a spanking? We shall remain neutral and laugh at both of you when we watch the news.

With love from Sweden, the biggest pussies of this century.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Britain would win. We held off Germany on our own.

Not to mention if America attacked, Russia would finally get their chance along with China, North Korea, Canada, Europe etc etc.

Sure, the UK would be an island under the ocean, but then again, with over half the planet attacking America, so would they.

Theoretically ofcourse.

Nukes probably wouldn't be used due to civilians and then we have the better special forces and Navy and RAF, albeit smaller.

Honestly though, lets just stay friends and argue over Xbox live/Steam.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
As a Scotsman, England can get whatever it deserves. As someone living in England, fully aware of America's military dominance, please don't blow me up. (edit: assuming no other countries get involved)

I'd probably scoot off to Canada or Finland though, if this ever happened. Canada should probably hold Alaska ransom and tell them both to go away.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I'm British and I don't give a fuck either way. As long as my friends and family aren't affected, you guys can have your wars.

The second we get occupied and one of my friends or family gets hurt? Well damn, imma stab someone.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Well, if for some reason this insanity occurred, I'd probably side with America. Being American, y'know?

Although on the upside, we do like the English, Scots, and Irish enough that we wouldn't turn the British Isles into a crater day one.
Apr 17, 2009
I'd side with Britain, being british (I went with the poll's fourth option btw), but I'd hardly be optimistic about our chances. Our governments have screwed the economy up so bad we can't even afford aircraft carriers anymore


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Kinda stupid question, for one thing us English would be able to do bugger all seeing as we're like...1/100th the size of the USA if not smaller and our government just gladly bends over to please America at all times.

Daffy F

New member
Apr 17, 2009
Russia being bound by certain laws, it would remain neutral. no bear cavalry for you Obama.
I like this.

I'm English, and I think that this is no way fair fight. I'd side with Enlgand, sure, but there's no way we could win against one of the world's largest military superpowers. That said (assuming no nukes were fired) I think we could do some damage. I wonder what the Taliban would think?


New member
Apr 3, 2010
But i don't want to fight the English...can't we settle are differences and fight some third-world countrys like the old days :).


New member
Nov 22, 2010
From Germanys standpoint it's England for sure. I can't imagine a World Cup without the english squad failing at the group stage ;)


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
I'm not overly patriotic... but seeing as I live here (and it is blatantly the better country) I will have to side with England. Even though we'd probably lose.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Although i'm British, I don't think we'd have much of a chance. Y'know, because the US has more nukes and a way bigger armed forces. It doesn't help that France would have to agree with us if we wanted to do much, we've already slashed millitary funding a ton. Which isn't such a bad thing, except in this hypothetical situation.

Without nukes? Unless they blasted us to dust we maybe wouldn't give in. We'd still lose, but we're too stubborn to accept loss.

Wasn't a thread like this posted ages ago?