Poll: If God had a nationality, what would it be?


New member
Nov 22, 2010
if you are talking western christianity (catholic+protestant) in regards of historical impact -> either former Holy Roman Empire or Italy (North only)

Anglican Christianity and most of the protestant branches (those after Luther,Calvin, Zwingli...) are pretty much the new kid on the block here...

the orthodox group is pretty obvious -> greek and maybe russian, no question


New member
Jul 24, 2009
You complain there aren't 200+ options then throw 2 away defining between black American and white American. That's very silly.
Feb 13, 2008
Take a look at the Bible. Full of dark humour, plagues, raining for 40 days, terrible food, markets in the church, taxmen, not touching fruit...

English, through and through.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
JoJoDeathunter said:
JimbobDa3rd said:
Almost fell for it... clever troll but you overplayed your hand in the second paragraph.
(Dear mods I realise even responding to this probably puts me in line for a 3 day forum ban (or worse its been awhile since Ive fully read the posting rules) and as long as this guy gets the ban aswell I will happily serve my sentence)
BehattedWanderer said:
Also, obvious troll is obvious, and troll begets troll.
It's called a joke, last time I checked humour isn't against the Escapist rules.

"The funnier or more original your reasons your choice, the better"

This sentence slipped your eye? ;-)
Oh, I do apologize, here I was, thinking jokes were funny, not nonsensical nationalistic flagwanking. I'll have to watch that now, thanks for pointing out the difference, since I'd always assumed that there was more than one appearance for something such as 'English' or 'German'. Good thing you fixed that, huh? Could have gone my whole life thinking most anyone could become a citizen of a nation.

But then again, trolling and badly delivered sarcasm tend to get mixed up, don't they? Especially in a way that is completely interpreted by the reader. So, like I said--troll begets troll. That bit slip your eye, did it?


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
He would be Morgan Freeman, because Morgan Freeman.

But in the hypothetical situation that he isn't, he would be middle eastern, seeing how most monotheistic religions come from there.

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Yeah, I'm not going to answer this either. It's not that I'm really offended or anything, being a Christian, but the only thing I can see this poll doing beside a few laughs is fuel unnecessary arguments.
Furthermore, also being a supporter of the Big Bang theory means that I believe God has been there since even before the creation of the universe (the Bible will tell you the same) and thus before the existence of Earth and that these borders drawn on maps would just seem like puny devisions to him, which resulted from human pride long after those countries were even formed by continental shift (the Bible will not tell you that).
As far as the nationalities are concerned, I don't understand why you'd first state that it was a shame that there weren't 200 poll options and then went and split a nationality into 2. In fact, the entire thing smacks of a western perspective, but even such a perspective should be able to see the difference between India and China, rather than grouping them together as "East Asia" (among others).
And then there's the fact that you chose for "English" as a nationality even though it is no longer legally recognised as such and "British" would have been more inclusive. And that leaves pretty much only 2 actual nationalities in this poll.
So like I said, no, I will not be answering, as I think it is unnecessary, provoking and rife with mistakes.
And since I'm busy reprimanding you anyway, I thought I'd mention that I find your second paragraph offencive (no, not because I need my "humour-detectors" checked, but because pinpointing such groups as "heretics" is, even for a laugh, not very respectful of those people's religions).


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Canadian, definitely. Without the shadow of a doubt, as he is polite and caring, like any Canadian.

And he gives free healthcare.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
None, God isn't even human. It's sort of like asking, if the universe was an ethnicity, what would it be?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
stereotypically american:
largely ignorant of the outside world.
not saying all americans are, but there are quite a few more than in other countrys

except north korea

actually (s)he's north korean