Poll: If You Fought In The American Civil War, Who Would You Fight For?

Dec 14, 2009
Littlee300 said:
Riobux said:
The English. We'd just wait for both sides to battle out and then kill the survivors.I just now need to go a moustache to curl around my finger while laughing diabolically.
The score is still 1: Americans 0:English :)
Yeah, maybe next time, when we aren't busy single handedly saving Europe and you don't have the help of the French, it will be a fair fight.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
I would have fought for the side I lived on. I know that seems like a cop-out answer but it is nonetheless true.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Noelveiga said:
EnzoHonda said:
So, if I fight for the South, I get slaves, but I have to screw my sister.

If I fight for the North, no free gardener, but I don't screw my sister.

The federal government forcing the states to abolish slavery was a good thing. Go North.

My post may be offensive, but then, so is this thread. What next,"Would you have been a Nazi?"
All I got from that is that your sister is not particularly good looking.
That actually made me laugh. Thanks.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Littlee300 said:
Riobux said:
The English. We'd just wait for both sides to battle out and then kill the survivors.I just now need to go a moustache to curl around my finger while laughing diabolically.
The score is still 1: Americans 0:English :)
Yeah, maybe next time, when we aren't busy single handedly saving Europe and you don't have the help of the French, it will be a fair fight.
Fair fight? We have a crazily high amount of bombs that have been tested already. *looks at japan*
The south were kinda doomed from start of the civil war economy based.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
i think this is pretty much a no brainer.
the north was economically and industrially developed.
if the south won, there would've been a regression.

also, slavery=bad.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Wisconsin born and raised. And I never did like the idea of slavery none.
I'd fight for the blue
Dec 14, 2009
Littlee300 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Littlee300 said:
Riobux said:
The English. We'd just wait for both sides to battle out and then kill the survivors.I just now need to go a moustache to curl around my finger while laughing diabolically.
The score is still 1: Americans 0:English :)
Yeah, maybe next time, when we aren't busy single handedly saving Europe and you don't have the help of the French, it will be a fair fight.
Fair fight? We have a crazily high amount of bombs that have been tested already. *looks at japan*
The south were kinda doomed from start of the civil war economy based.
You do know that nukes are a deterrent right? No country can fire a nuke at another country without being hit themselves.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Oh, how different history might have been if the south had won their independence...

If that had happened, it would only have been a matter of time before the west declared themselves their own seperate country. The Union might choose to press a fight over it, if only to get gold. Nobody really bothers to make Hawaii or Alaska a state. Eventually Texas eats the rest of the south. We never really get around to building the Panama canal, and trade between the pacific and atlantic oceans remains low. On the plus side the stock exchange doesn't crash, but that doesn't really matter because the dustbowl still occurs, causing the central states to practically be abandoned. The Manhattan project is never started because the 'americans' lack the resources to pull off such an intensive project. Before the government in California even knows what is happening San Fransisco has been bombed by the japanese. The West States are conquered in 1942. The Union does send some aid to england, but lacking the resources most of that aid is sunk by german U-boats. Alone in the fight with no real allies to turn to, England surrenders in 1943. The Germans complete their atomic bomb in 1946 and use it on Boston. The Federal government puts up a valient fight, but by 1952 most of the northern states are a wasteland. A few of the southern states choose to ally with the north to help them fight off the germans, but many are over in texas trying to hold back the japanese advance. By 1960 japan develops their own atomic weapon and declares war on germany. The ensuing nuclear exchange drives the world into nuclear winter, and everyone loses.

Now, aren't you glad the north won?

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Blatherscythe said:
Internet Kraken said:
Neither. I don't find the idea of getting my leg amputated to be thrilling. Besides, neither side can really claim to be the good guys.
The North wanted the South to stop using slaves and the South basicly said fuck you. In short, North=Good, South=Lazy, evil, slave driving, racists, and it was war and in war anything goes.

If I fought in that war I would be on the North's side for humanitarian reasons. Plus, they had Lincon.
As mentioned earlier, Southern economy was dependent on slavery. They were mostly rural, while the North had industry. Freeing the salves was a lot more costly to the South than the North. It's not like they wanted to keep slavery just because of racism (after all, the North had plenty of racists to).

Plus I just remembered that the majority of Northern generals sucked at their job. I'd rather not be led to certain death.

gim73 said:
That's just supposition. You can't accurately predict how things would have changed if the South had won.

EnzoHonda said:
My post may be offensive, but then, so is this thread. What next,"Would you have been a Nazi?"
What? How is asking which side you would be on in the civil war like that at all?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Northern Virginia where I live was where Lee's personal army (The Army of Northern Virginia) came from so I'd probaly end up having to fight for the south, not to mention the state of VA was the Confederate Capital and "Might of the South". However nowadays NoVa is so separate from the rest of the South and identifies much more with the North so I'd probaly want to fight with the "good guys" or the North.

US Crash Fire

New member
Apr 20, 2009
WanderFreak said:
The South had a better theme song.
Wait, which one?
Dixie or the Bonnie blue flag?
both were good.

everyone knows that the war was NOT ABOUT SLAVERY right?
It only became a key factor after The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, which was made almost 2 years after the war had started.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
None. I would create my own army of mechanized Abraham Lincoln clones, and take over the continent from my airship, crushing all who oppose me with furnace-powered machine guns and gargantuan tanks.

Sorry, just been reading Boneshaker recently, so I'm kinda in a steampunk-ish mood.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Internet Kraken said:
Blatherscythe said:
Internet Kraken said:
Neither. I don't find the idea of getting my leg amputated to be thrilling. Besides, neither side can really claim to be the good guys.
The North wanted the South to stop using slaves and the South basicly said fuck you. In short, North=Good, South=Lazy, evil, slave driving, racists, and it was war and in war anything goes.

If I fought in that war I would be on the North's side for humanitarian reasons. Plus, they had Lincon.
As mentioned earlier, Southern economy was dependent on slavery. They were mostly rural, while the North had industry. Freeing the salves was a lot more costly to the South than the North. It's not like they wanted to keep slavery just because of racism (after all, the North had plenty of racists to).

Plus I just remembered that the majority of Northern generals sucked at their job. I'd rather not be led to certain death.

gim73 said:
That's just supposition. You can't accurately predict how things would have changed if the South had won.
Yes the South's economy depended on the buying and selling of human beings and the North was more industrialized. I said I'd be on the North's side just to end slavery, but yeah your right, shooting a round of cannons and wasting that ammo isn't sound battle stratagy.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Agayek said:
Aby_Z said:
Oh no, I know about that. Damned History class actually taught me something. Yea, the war was all over them succeeding, and that was caused by slavery becoming an issue (Wasn't a state added that upset the balance of pro-slavery to anti-slavery states?) and the war ensued after that. Lincoln just eventually decided to free the slaves along the way (My memory may be tricking me, but I don't think slaves were forced into the war effort against the south, but joined anyway.)

I know the basics of US history now but I hate the damned subject >.<
Actually, funny story. Lincoln's famous Emancipation Proclamation didn't free anyone from anything. It declared the slaves in the South (where the US Government had no power) free, while ignoring those (relatively) few slaves in the North. It was a PR move more than anything else.

The war was kicked off because either California or Kansas (probably Kansas, but for some reason I get the feeling it's California) joined the Union as a no-slave state. This pissed off a the South because now there was no longer an even split and they'd more than likely be forced into disadvantageous positions by the federal government. So they attacked Fort Sumter and it all went to hell.
Well, it wasn't technically the North, they were southern states but they decided to join the North's side. In fear of harming the relationship with these "Boundary" States they couldn't free all slaves while protecting the war effort.

EDIT: The Boundary states were slave states who fought with the north and against the south.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
North. Why? Even though I do agree that the expansion of the federal government under Lincoln ended up being twisted into the travesty that is the current modern Fed, if you've ever read any of the literature of the south explaining why they were seceding, the expansion of the central government was almost beside the fact.


New member
Jan 28, 2008
It is true that the Emancipation Proclamation was largely a political move and motive for going to war was largely economic.

However, the fact remains that the South DID practice slavery. They had lots and lots of slaves. And since most people today agree that slavery was and still is a bad thing, arguing over whether or not the war was fought over slavery is irrelevant. The Union's victory put an end to slavery in the South. If you don't think that needed to happen, then I am sorry that whoever was responsible for your education has failed you so utterly.

Just to recap, Slavery=Bad. Knowing that their victory would help to end slavery, I'd have fought for the Union.