Poll: If You Fought In The American Civil War, Who Would You Fight For?

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
Well, if I was already in the Army I'd go with the Union however if I was a Civilian I would fight to defend my home in the South. Both sides have their good commanders and bad, while they also have their share of atrocities and morally Gray areas.

BTW if anyone wants to know a good Civil War read, check out Burce Catton's work, especially his Army of the Potomac books (Mr Lincoln's Army, Glory Road, and, the Pulitzer winning, A Stillness At Appomattox)


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
north, eff the south. Im from TX, south sucks.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
I would much prefer to not fight in it at all, but I would probably fight for the north because they did free the slaves, even though in reality they didn't give two shits about their rights.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Wadders said:
The South!

Yeah, but I doubt the majority of Union troops gave two shits about the emancipation of the Afro-American peoples either.

All I'm saying is that I feel more association with the Southerners than the Northerners of the United States of America, at the time of the Civil War OK? Maybe it's just the British tradition of rooting for the underdog.

And yeah maybe "slick city fucks" is sounds a bit provocative and unnecessary, I just prefer people from the country, they seem to have more time for people, and seem more caring. Based on personal experience of course. I'm pretty drunk, and this post took a while to compose, so I hope it now makes sense to you, and seems less idiotic than its precursor.

Believe what you will, and have a nice day :p
Uhh..? Thank you :)

I guess I see where you're coming from...


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
The South!

Yeah, but I doubt the majority of Union troops gave two shits about the emancipation of the Afro-American peoples either.

All I'm saying is that I feel more association with the Southerners than the Northerners of the United States of America, at the time of the Civil War OK? Maybe it's just the British tradition of rooting for the underdog.

And yeah maybe "slick city fucks" is sounds a bit provocative and unnecessary, I just prefer people from the country, they seem to have more time for people, and seem more caring. Based on personal experience of course. I'm pretty drunk, and this post took a while to compose, so I hope it now makes sense to you, and seems less idiotic than its precursor.

Believe what you will, and have a nice day :p
Uhh..? Thank you :)

I guess I see where you're coming from...
Well that's OK then.

I'm not a racist, I don't support slavery, I'm just disgustingly faithful to my birthplace, and regard city dwellers with irrational suspicion, hence my bias for the South. Plus I've been influenced by Country music to a horrible degree.

And I like gray and red. :p


New member
May 20, 2008
The North. People from the South may maintain that the whole war was about their freedoms being restricted and their civil liberties trampled on (excetra excetra), but seriously they just didn't want their slaves to be emancipated. The South's economy, lifestyle, and mindset, were all based on black people being enslaved; it was a terrible and truly stupid situation.
Oh, and I realise that Northerners at the time had no love for black people either, but at least they weren't fighting to keep slavery.

Simon Hadow

New member
Mar 12, 2009
The winners (North, for anyone that's been in a hole for a while). You know, to avoid the whole being put on trial for war crimes, and sentenced to hanging thing.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Wadders said:
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
The South!

Yeah, but I doubt the majority of Union troops gave two shits about the emancipation of the Afro-American peoples either.

All I'm saying is that I feel more association with the Southerners than the Northerners of the United States of America, at the time of the Civil War OK? Maybe it's just the British tradition of rooting for the underdog.

And yeah maybe "slick city fucks" is sounds a bit provocative and unnecessary, I just prefer people from the country, they seem to have more time for people, and seem more caring. Based on personal experience of course. I'm pretty drunk, and this post took a while to compose, so I hope it now makes sense to you, and seems less idiotic than its precursor.

Believe what you will, and have a nice day :p
Uhh..? Thank you :)

I guess I see where you're coming from...
Well that's OK then.

I'm not a racist, I don't support slavery, I'm just disgustingly faithful to my birthplace, and regard city dwellers with irrational suspicion, hence my bias for the South. Plus I've been influenced by Country music to a horrible degree.

And I like gray and red. :p
Haha, it's good to know at least some people can admit their biases.

I guess I judged you incorrectly :)


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I would probably have to fight for the south. I live in the south, and back then they conscripted people from where you live. Plus, the mindset was different back then. Don't get me wrong: I dislike slavery and all that stuff, but I'm just speaking geographically and historically.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
The South!

Yeah, but I doubt the majority of Union troops gave two shits about the emancipation of the Afro-American peoples either.

All I'm saying is that I feel more association with the Southerners than the Northerners of the United States of America, at the time of the Civil War OK? Maybe it's just the British tradition of rooting for the underdog.

And yeah maybe "slick city fucks" is sounds a bit provocative and unnecessary, I just prefer people from the country, they seem to have more time for people, and seem more caring. Based on personal experience of course. I'm pretty drunk, and this post took a while to compose, so I hope it now makes sense to you, and seems less idiotic than its precursor.

Believe what you will, and have a nice day :p
Uhh..? Thank you :)

I guess I see where you're coming from...
Well that's OK then.

I'm not a racist, I don't support slavery, I'm just disgustingly faithful to my birthplace, and regard city dwellers with irrational suspicion, hence my bias for the South. Plus I've been influenced by Country music to a horrible degree.

And I like gray and red. :p
Haha, it's good to know at least some people can admit their biases.

I guess I judged you incorrectly :)
And it's good to know at least some people can accept other people's biases. Not enough people have that "live and let live" attitude these days. Thanks for being a nice person :p


New member
Nov 4, 2009
well, some of my family is still fighting that war down south, so I would fight for the south by heritage(I actually used this as an insult once, ask me if you want to know how), but I would gladly die by my brothers hands before I let slavery be legal.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Wadders said:
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
The South!

Yeah, but I doubt the majority of Union troops gave two shits about the emancipation of the Afro-American peoples either.

All I'm saying is that I feel more association with the Southerners than the Northerners of the United States of America, at the time of the Civil War OK? Maybe it's just the British tradition of rooting for the underdog.

And yeah maybe "slick city fucks" is sounds a bit provocative and unnecessary, I just prefer people from the country, they seem to have more time for people, and seem more caring. Based on personal experience of course. I'm pretty drunk, and this post took a while to compose, so I hope it now makes sense to you, and seems less idiotic than its precursor.

Believe what you will, and have a nice day :p
Uhh..? Thank you :)

I guess I see where you're coming from...
Well that's OK then.

I'm not a racist, I don't support slavery, I'm just disgustingly faithful to my birthplace, and regard city dwellers with irrational suspicion, hence my bias for the South. Plus I've been influenced by Country music to a horrible degree.

And I like gray and red. :p
Haha, it's good to know at least some people can admit their biases.

I guess I judged you incorrectly :)
And it's good to know at least some people can accept other people's biases. Not enough people have that "live and let live" attitude these days. Thanks for being a nice person :p
Haha thanks :)

Mind if I send a friend request?


New member
Jun 16, 2009
SniperWolf427 said:
I live in the south, and I'd rather my house not be looted, so fuck it.

The South will rise again!
[sub]Probably not...[/sub]
yes, they will rise. then go to the welfare office to collect thier checks and foodstamps. >.<

seriousley though, neither side really had a moral high ground. Lincoln admitted he did not want to free the salves, and the civil war was not exclusively fought over that. cotton prices and a dozen other things were factors. so I would prolly fight for the highest bidder and eventually double cross and kill the leaders of both sides.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
I'd fight for the North. I think many agree that slavery is wrong. If you don't... well, I have no clue what to think.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Well, the end result was a unified rather than divided country. But that is even not that true. Sure, it was the 'end of slavery' and all, but blacks still had another 100 years of being second class citizens. It was almost easier for them in the south when they were slaves, because then they were things. Once they became 'people' then they could be the targets of hatred and racism.

It always makes me chuckle when I hear bible thumping racist-ass southerners explaining their racism against blacks because 'they are the decendents of Cain' and their hatred of jews because 'they betrayed jesus!'. If you are gonna believe a book of fiction as history, it might as well have aliens and let you live in another galaxy like scientology does. It's like they breed retard into them over the years. If you look hard enough, you can find reasons to hate everyone. Americans should hate Germans for their part in supplying mercenaries to England to put down our revolution. Do we? We should hate Germany for trying to take over the world in WWI AND WW2. Is that happening? We should actually LIKE france for helping us in the revolution and selling us a huge chunk of land dirt cheap. Sure we liberated them and all, but the US has serious problems with france. And then there is racism against asians. You find that isn't quite as bad as what blacks and jews get, but it's still an illogical thing to do to the people who made navigation possible as well as guns and a variety of other useful stuff.

Also, **** is a very strong word. NO american president, alive or dead deserves that title. George W. is a douche, but he's not a ****, and Lincon DEFINATELY does not deserve that crap. So what if he wanted to ship the former slaves back to africa. Most of the founding fathers who were against slavery wanted the same thing. I'm sure most first generation slaves would have appreciated being sent back home. If you check your history you find that many civil rights leaders of the 60's chose to go back to their roots in africa to rediscover who they were (or at least what was left of the area their ancestors came from).


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
Zildjin81 said:
Wadders said:
The South!

Yeah, but I doubt the majority of Union troops gave two shits about the emancipation of the Afro-American peoples either.

All I'm saying is that I feel more association with the Southerners than the Northerners of the United States of America, at the time of the Civil War OK? Maybe it's just the British tradition of rooting for the underdog.

And yeah maybe "slick city fucks" is sounds a bit provocative and unnecessary, I just prefer people from the country, they seem to have more time for people, and seem more caring. Based on personal experience of course. I'm pretty drunk, and this post took a while to compose, so I hope it now makes sense to you, and seems less idiotic than its precursor.

Believe what you will, and have a nice day :p
Uhh..? Thank you :)

I guess I see where you're coming from...
Well that's OK then.

I'm not a racist, I don't support slavery, I'm just disgustingly faithful to my birthplace, and regard city dwellers with irrational suspicion, hence my bias for the South. Plus I've been influenced by Country music to a horrible degree.

And I like gray and red. :p
Haha, it's good to know at least some people can admit their biases.

I guess I judged you incorrectly :)
And it's good to know at least some people can accept other people's biases. Not enough people have that "live and let live" attitude these days. Thanks for being a nice person :p
Haha thanks :)

Mind if I send a friend request?
Send away! I'd be happy to accept :p

That's not too ass-kissy is it? Sorry, but I'm slightly less sober than I ought to be.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
The Union obviously. Unless you LIKE losing.

I don't see how anyone could truly back the Confederates in this day and age - especially Americans who consider themselves to be patriotic. It's called the UNITED states of America, not the CONFEDERATE states of America. The Confederate stood against the Union, against basic human rights and deserved to lose on a moral level.

Okay, okay, maybe 149 odd years ago, when times were simpler and people were even more ignorant and bigoted than they are today, backing the Confederates wasn't so bad. But surely by 2010 we should know better. The Confederates fought on the wrong side for the wrong reasons. Anyone who says that slavery wasn't a significant part of the Civil War is lying to themselves. A win for the confederates would have been a win for slavery, and slavery is perhaps the absolute worst thing human beings can do. When you think about it, there's pretty much nothing worse than slavery, aside from perhaps Genocide, and I honestly don't think those two crimes are very much apart on the spectrum of complete evil.

I do feel sorry for a lot of people who died on the Confederate side, of course. Just as not every German Soldier was a Nazi, not every Southerner was a slaver (although quite a few were), and it's not a good thing when anyone dies. I have no problem with people in the South commemorating their dead and remembering those they lost, but to try to glorify the confederacy is just wrong. They are trying to glorify slavery, glorify the "good-ole days" when white people crushed the blacks and treated them like cattle. I think racism really is in the hearts of many of those who fly the confederate flag. They say it's about Southern Pride - I think that's just an excuse.

But in the end they know the real reason, and they can't fool me. And if they think they can fool anyone else, they are deluded.


Could use a beer about now...
May 14, 2008
Since I live in the South and I'm not convinced that they were wrong, I would have fought for them. Not to say that anything is wrong with the North, but I see the pros and cons to each side, and I don't want to move.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
hippykiller said:
I personally would fight for the south. why? -snip- i don't like the idea of a government that forces beliefs and laws on states that don't agree with them.
Prior to the war, the Fugitive Slave Law was passed which made it mandatory for all Law Enforcement across the United States to capture runaway slaves. No Northern state actually wanted to do this but they were forced to do so despite the violation of their own state rights.

You sir, need to rethink your position in life.