Poll: In RPG's what Moral Path will you take? (On your First Playthrough)


New member
Dec 26, 2008
This isn't a simple Good vs. Evil Thread. I included other motivations in the poll too. So, what moral PATH will you take? Moral Path means that you might do different moral quests like, for example, If you want the most combat, you'll take quests to beat up villain, then take a quest to wail on a police officer.
100% Good: You'll go to hell and back to rescue a little girl, rather than advise her family to pay the ransom i.e. Goodness for Goodness's sake.
100% Evil: As Ben Yahtzee says, "Stupidly evil". You have 2 choices: kill a puppy or get 1,000,000 gold. You chose the puppy. i.e. Evil just to be Evil.
Whatever gets me the most money: You'll rescue a damsel in distress and burn down an orphanage on the same day because they both pay well. You give mercy to anyone if they have some cash. i.e. You're a greedy bastard.
Whatever is the easiest: If a quest involves combat, you'll typically avoid it, and you fight most bosses by either trying to talk them out of it or with a MASSIVE pile of grenades that you never had to use until then.
Whichever has better rewards!(skills&items): You will be evil if you get to unlock the deathray and good if you get to summon a hail of angel's arrows. You generally look down the path to get what you want in the end.
Whichever gets the most combat.: You'll take any mission as long as it involves violence enacted by you on another person. You don't care if they're good or evil. All NPC's are punching bags for your amusement.
Whichever nets me the most Achievements: If I have to kill a guy to get into his house, so be it as long as there's a shiny object inside that will give me a *Bleep-Bloop*.
Neutral- I'm only adding this option because people won't shut the hell up about it.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
I generally play through at least twice, so as to get all possible paths. I do pretty much any side-quest, just because I like to eke out the gaming experience for as long as possible.


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Where is the option for both?

I usually follow what seems fun to to do in the fist playthrough. Should I like the game then I will usually play through it a few more times good path, bad path, etc.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I genereally pick whichever gives the best rewards which is normally the Dark Side.
Why save some damsel in distress to get a good weapon when I can kill you and take it off your corpse?


New member
Apr 26, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
I'm pretty much always nice to my teammates and I never turn down sidequests, but otherwise, I'm pretty much a dick.

Pretty much.
Definitely this. I'll help my allies, but anyone that I don't like or don't affiliate with, I will do whatever I feel like to them.

Tossth Esalad

New member
Jul 11, 2009
I prefer playing the game twice as both good and evil, to get the whole experience.

Edit: Sorry, didn't read the whole title... First time good, always.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I'll tend to favor evil, unless it requires substantially more work. I'm lazier than I am violent. In dialogue options, though, I usually go evil because that tree has funnier dialogue.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
If it's not dead, it needs to be *nods

Most combat :) since i tend to go looking around to kill things either way might as well get something for killing


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Whichever nets me the most money normally, or the path which doesn't piss off the love interest while netting me the most money.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I used to take Good, but now I just do whatever's most fun or seems right at the time. This mean's I'm usually Nutural, even though most games seem to hate you if you don't choose to be an angel or the bastard child of hitler and satan. One of the thing's I loved about Fallout 3, there were plenty of perks to being Nutural.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
For some reason it's really difficult for me to take the evil route in any video game. I always end up as a good guy, putting achievements like Renegade and Scourge of Humanity out of reach. This is especially strange since in real life most people I know think my moral compass is stuck between callous and bastard.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Since I hated, still hate, and always will hate the idea behind achievements...

The method that will allow me to experience the game the most. The most of the game, that is. ie: The (nowadays, called) the achievement whore path, previously the 100% path, or just the explorer's path, etc...

Long story short, yes, it means "even though I have the lockpick skill to just open this door, no, I think I'll do this guy's bullshit quest where I go talk to this ***** and kill this guy to get the key, because, you know, I might like to see those places where those people are, and enjoy their dialogue/characters, etc..."

You konw what I mean?

So that's normally the "good" way for 85%ish of the game, but I do other stuff and I have, what, 700 fallout 3 saves of me doing different things? :/


New member
Mar 20, 2008
TheBXRabbit said:
For some reason it's really difficult for me to take the evil route in any video game. I always end up as a good guy, putting achievements like Renegade and Scourge of Humanity out of reach. This is especially strange since in real life most people I know think my moral compass is stuck between callous and bastard.
The reason is that the evil options in most games are stupid. The rewards for the good option are often better than those for the evil option.

Fallout 3 has the best example, you either blow up megaton or you don't.
If you don't blow up megaton, you get a nice house close to the exit of a town that's almost in the middle of the map.(2 loading screens to sleep)
If you blow up megaton, you get a room in a tower that's in the lower left corner of the map.(3 loading screens to sleep)

On-topic: I take the best rewards.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
I'll usually play as 100% good; unless it involves you having to do somthing completely and utterly stupid.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
100% Evil, it is often the same path as getting the most money. As in Overlord (1) I wouldn't have saved the elves from extinction even if I didn't get that humongous bag of gold.