Poll: Lying to get laid is OK?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I'm assuming it to be a relatively standard sized lie ("my girlfriend left me last week" would be about the upper limit). IN which case, yeah, but only really if it's a one-night stand with someone you don't particularly know/don't know at all. Lying to get in bed with a friend is for some reason worse to me than lying to get in bed with a stranger.

Though, if your lie is something like "I come from a war-torn village in Africa whose unique customs include interesting and innovative sexual positions. Our entire village was wiped out by war, and I am the only survivor. Won't you help me keep our traditions alive?", no, it's never okay because that's basically the Nigerian Price scam.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
As there are so many variables and my opinion on it in principle is fairly sketchy in the first place I can't really give a yay or nay conclusively.

All I can say is this. I (personally) have done so before, and I (personally) would not do so again.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
I generally tend to go after any girl (even in a bar/club/pub) as if I am going to go into a relationship with them and tend to be somewhat disappointed if it ends up as a one night stand. So in my opinion, no it is not okay ever.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Lying to get laid is just lame. I can understand what's called "validation" in which you talk yourself up and say impressive things about yourself whilst exaggerating a bit, not that i particularly like even that. Lying completely about yourself in order to get into someone's pants is wrong and sleazy. Tbh, its okay for a one night stand but still, if someone was to keep lying to everyone they wanted to get with then what happens when they want to get into an actual relationship with someone, how else would they know how to get with that person?


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Lying for sex? Sounds pretty douchey to me. If that's the sorta person you wanna be then that's up to you but its kinda sad really if you have to lie.


Nov 1, 2009
Does "I can hip thrust faster than the roadrunner on crack" count as a "lie"?

Also, no. I wouldn't lie to someone just to have a one-night stand or sex in a relationship. I'll be blunt about my reasons, sometimes they may not like those reasons or sometimes they will, but that's another bridge to burn entirely.

Daystar Clarion said:
The type of person who lies to get laid is also the type of person I'd call a douchebag.

If you want sex so badly, then hire a prostitute, at least then you're being honest about what you really want.

(Not that I'm advocating the hiring of illegal services).
Prostitution is not illegal everywhere you go, mind you. Nor is it as bad as it can be everywhere you go, mind you.

Infact, the illegalization of prostitution primarily roots itself in Western/Judeo-Christian mindsets, from Roman Catholic controlled Europe, to Victorian England, to the Western world today. Eastern Europe tends to have a more liberal mindset when it comes to sex and it's implications, for both pornography and prostitution.

Fleeker said:
If you need to lie to get laid you have no integrity and not game and you deserve to get an STD and beaten up by her boyfriend.

If you need to lie in general you have no character, no accountability and clearly are doing the wrong things.

I life my life by the following don't do anything I won't admit to.
Everyone lies in some fashion or another, don't kid yourself. While your first statement is fine on it's own (save maybe the STD thing), your second statement is one of pure hypocrisy by merit of you being a fallible human being.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
The fourth rule of Project Mayhem is you cannot lie.

Seriously, I won't even lie to protect my best friend, much less to get laid. Sex isn't important enough to violate my personal morals for.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
No. Even if it's a one-night stand, the other person deserves to have some truths from the person they're sleeping with. Are they clean and if it's only as a one-night thing, for example. I'm not saying you need to tell them EVERYTHING, but don't go telling them what they want to hear for a quickie, then dump them the next day.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Social interaction is, for lack of a better word, a game. And in that game we all have our cards to play. Lying is one such card and it is both commonly used and surprisingly effective, at least when we tell a lie the other party wants to believe. Is it wrong to lie in order to get what you want? Probably. But we all lie in order to get what we want. It is bad enough that people are finely tuned to detect lying.

Would I lie to get laid? No. But then I wouldn't really wag a finger if I saw it happen simply because said finger would quickly tire since lying for sex more or less defines male-female interaction for a decade or so.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
For shit and giggles i actually voted "What does "laid" mean?" xD

Seriously though, lying is kinda stupid for that Reason. I mean yeah it might get you some for one night, but what if you run into them again, or it becomes a bit more uh..frequent? Or even something permanent?! Yeah that would kinda get nasty quick if you lied to just get them into bed in the first place.

GreatTeacherCAW said:
evilthecat said:
Oh, right.. You're not a bad person, you're just that ignorant. I see.
But the pre-op shemales are... well, nevermind.
Just for the record there, Men in female clothes are generally refered to as transsexuals, or crossdressers specifically. Transgenders are usually the "in-between" People or those that have gone from Male to Female or vice versa.

The whole terminology is bollocks anyway and its just about political correctness, unnecessarily confusing.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
"Getting laid" should never be the reason for anything. It's a shallow, careless gesture towards the opposite sex that could better be spent having something more meaningful.


New member
Jul 12, 2011
It depends on what you're lying about. If it's an STD or something, then hell no! But if it's about whether or not you like cats, I think it's fine.

Lying to get into a relationship is a different story.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Ugh.. I am being defensive at the moment, and it's clear you don't understand why I didn't like what you said, so..

'Shemale' is a term invented by the porn industry to describe a pre-op MtF transexual, that is to say someone who is undergoing a surgical transition from male to female and usually has had upper body surgery but not lower body. Because it was invented to basically market 'freak porn', it's kind of offensive and has quite a lot of unpleasant and degrading connotations.

A cross dresser is someone who wears 'opposite sex' clothes irrespective of context. It's not a type of person, it's just something people do. A lot of people cross dress without being transgendered. A lot of people cross dress despite being completely vanilla straight in all other aspects of their lives. Heck, a guy who wears a dress as a joke on his stag night is cross dressing. I've cross dressed many times, and I'm not trans.

The other reason is this. Transexual and transgendered people have socially and in most cases legally changed their gender. They see themselves as a member of the gender they are transitioning into and have every right to do so. Referring to them as cross dressers is incredibly dismissive of their wishes and is thus incredibly offensive.

It's just little things, but it makes a huge difference to people in that position.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Baby Tea said:
No. Lying to get laid makes you a total scumbag douche.
Whether in a relationship, for a one-night stand, or whatever.
Lying for sex? Scumbag douche thing to do.
This man speaks the truth.